Sunday, 26 May 2024

Keeping it Tree El




8.20pm..  Hell's Bells Inka!  'Not if I can help it'  Thanks...

I'd been woken up at 8.20-8.35 by church bell practice to see staff open my door and chuck in some dirty laundry they'd assumed was mine.

My report reads like a train wreck... All the negative obsv about me and non of the positive. 

Will write my version this weekend and get work to do a work ethic referance.

No mention at all that the reason I don't want meds is due to side effects....
All the stuff about me absconding over and over?  From what?  I'm allways present in my life. 
I told people or people told me I could leave... How the fuck can I abscond from my life without killing myself?

I have a dream about a London hotel.  War between X police and current, it was like a guy falks or something.   Hundreds of people who lived there, had an east enders soap vibe.

A celebration had been organised, but another faction bitter about something were going to use it as a genocide - it was odd though as they were all the same.  Just diffrent generations.
I was trying to get to the top of the building to help.
I seemed to be travelling fast on a chair like rollercoaster elevator with a seat belt.
Wasn't a bad dream as such, but a feeling of limited time to amend something before it whent very wrong. 
Other stuff I can't read.
Just bought a new book


What the catapilla calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly.


Non, consensual abuse care space.


Have well ness, am others dis ease.


Thanks Inka 'You still owe me'  Yeh lol whatever the weather...


Dream 20.10 I was one of younger people who lived and worked at a gypsy type farm. 

An other drives a large converted horse box.

The one who would remain was making an escape plan for the other two to get out..   Bk on the road.
Needed care full planning

The remainder and I the only female of the group were 1 in the same... Leaders of the fey.

We needed out to find n dance them bk.
The other would remain and tend the area and deal with the fallout.

I was deciding what to pack.  The female of the 3.
Our fathers would be upset - but duty and adventure was calling us on.


Crow Bar to Jack open a cage of nut jobs. 

8.55  Testing my anchor

'Ren, I'm not far... As well you know - Just giving you space.  Jump to me now'

Daath too?  'If you wish, we go together'

Yeh plx


Big booommm 

7.32 am 26th

I know how we r  'Quack'  Duck off  Who smells funny??


Didn't mana age to make it to the Cathedral on Stag hill, been juggling a grenade instead.

It's a bit much after the hunters chicken..  My Inner Ellen mapping the way of the Wey.

Can't wait to find the under-croft.

Found out where I was taken after the police brought me in.,_Guildford

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