Tuesday, 21 May 2024




I'm struggling to eat RN 'I know witch chow it DOWN' pffffffff  'in between her' I don't like eating RN  'But your kids n family meed U2' ffs  Yes Ren  lol   kk let me wash it ddoon with some crazy brew.





Polly pre date her bk in the house.  Lol 😆 is this bkb when u sacrificed n ate me n I kept repeating on you? - 😆 enjoying nature n nurture with some banging squeaky nut house.

Any hoo, I'm quite enjoying trying to sort this shite out.  Kef is amazing.

I  ou Inka?
 'Up to you..................'
Hehe ok, toast or taste me

Empire strikes bk
In a galaxy far far away
 fight was muesli, muffled with clouds,

Cause puff the magic ones
Dragon had OM & Poko hot is kicked one.

'I bitch stick this pen in  your Txat' lol will it help me sleep?
'lol Idiot, you wanted Ultrad' Eye Aye, but I love to dream too...

'Ask us all nicely, I will c what I can do'
Ok......mka  wtf?  U herd..  I might forget

'Deepends'  lol yeh I wana go to never ever land who is driving?  'lol'

Aye, I know man 🙄

Lol toilet magic?
'Aye Eye Bitch'





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This product 
contains nicotine 
which is a highly 
addictive substance.












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DISCOS mas. 
vape acceSî 
ccQou ce 
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Jump road race in

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Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...