Saturday, 4 May 2024

Puzzles and Quests



Don't recall dreaming or jumping.  Meds just make me so sleepy.
Woke at 505 and knew I'd been dreaming, but not what or were.
Then wake again at 916 feeling odd n spaced out.



Don't like not dreaming.  So didn't take meds.


Woke before 3 after a long dream... Tied into many others.

Stop it n tidy up style.

I was Inka's pet dog!  Only i was his college too as I was a working dog, trained to assist him.

It was hard to perceive as it was an unusual job, but was natural and fun for me.

A round up, from the ground up.

Tracking n sorting stuff into the right place, sniffing and herding but in a medical way.


Perceiver believer


Another long odd dream.
Marie & middle me at a school, hospital.  Penny was there too. 
I had an odd text book, only it was like a puzzle book to me.
My Dad was the teatcher it was last lesson of the term.

I'd wanted to skip it as the sun had come out, but Marie and Penny were listning.
I was on the wrong page in my text book... Folding the pages to make a pattern.


We had all been given a medication, then we were given another as a prophylactic as people were reacting baddly to the first one.

Then my book took off like a bird flapping about.... and I followed it threw to a room with a big old zerox type copier.

There is an older guy in a hospital bed, I'm bringing him drinks. A green smoothie, fresh OJ and water depending on what he wants.
He's waking and sleeping, dreaming and lucid.
The room starts interacting with me too. 
2 white board pens float into my hands, one blue the other is white like an ink eraser.
By the guys bed is a wall size white board, it's covered in small neat text all in small blocks.
The old guy is recovering and I leave with the pens.

Next a bed approaches me with a young female who turns into a guy before it gets to me.
His skin is inflamed and dry.  He's been using petroleum based emollients and I advise him they are non optimal.
I advise him to try weleda calendula baby oil, but tell him it's important to test for sensitivity first.
He's to use it after bathing to help hydrate and sooth his skin while his normal skin barrier heals.
We hold hands, his skin is cooler than mine skin rough but soft.
The bed is moving up and down of it's own accord. 
It's stopped outside of a dark green admin door with a toilet like vacant/engaged latch.
I put the breaks on the bed and wake up.

25 January 2013 
I had a string of wired dreams, with interludes W'ere I seemed to be talking to people about them. 
One was writing allover the floor, was seriously angry about it... and the more angry got the more writing there 
was. I'd realized it was a 'dream' and it vanished, but the other person in the dream started getting me to see it 
Next bit I 'm in a wired science lab with glass down one side that lookes over a large aircraft hanger, there are some 
aliens that have parked there spaceship down there 
When go overto look there's a wired energy in that corner I think it's me at first, but it seems to have a 'will' 
differentto mine but I merge with it when I'm close to it 
The other lab person tells me to move back to him, as move away all the taps on the sinks come on full quite 
quickly water overflowing from the bench sinks. 
We run round trying to turn of the taps but they come on faster than we can manage. After that a 'team' of another 
3 people come into the lab, 2 of them are we go sit were the other 'will' is to discuss our next project, but 
we just end up smoking very old style pipes of tobacco. 
Next bit I 'm photocopying, with a huge old school copier, it's a balck & white 2 sided folded publication some how 
the copyerfolds it to, but it keeps getting jammed„__ It's jammed with wired things like shoes and food :P 
After that it get's all wacky, people are bleeding and stuff like white PVA glue is coming from there noses and out of 
spots ! 
Theirs a huge pile of black and white cows all asleep in the back of the photo copyer and there's an assassin writing 
a book in a house on a hill with a green gate. I'm ment to be watching him, but I'm to busy trying to unjam the phto 
copyer and wash the blood out of every ones white clothes.


Last dream I woke from seeing my round shelf on the wall, but all the objects have a gold quest giver style Over the top of them. 
Reminded me of this night.



Eh?  Why can't I recall now?  'Cause you are it'  I need to split and wright/right

'You're better of holding yourself together till you are out of the woods'


I did recall the dream while emptying the dishwasher.

Mel was with me, it's years since she's been in a dream.
She was the new landlady of the Farn pub. 
My Main dream space was similar...  I was at the top roundabout mainly, I knew the layout from other dreams were the Links was a bakery.
Mel was moving into a property that wasn't the pub it's self.
She was throwing and old carpet into a skip at the back of the newsagents
I was with Dot, but talking to others on diffrent layers.
Putting links and contacts together to sort something out. 

I was flying differently too...   Was like something was lifting me from above so I could float.
Felt a little like inspector gadgets helicopter hat blended with Inka.  

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