Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Sharing to Care


'Just play Ren, you're doing well' lol I'm amazed.  'If you're good you can see Inka later'  ok  I'd like to dream too 'You are Ren, very highly lucid' Ha, yeh no shit... I don't notice it much when I'm alone, I get the hermit thing. 


2121 Been at new hub, I'm with Kaylo laying in a bottom bunk with him as he sits getting stoned and keeping me company.. I was dozing playing the day bk and forth in my mind. 

lol WTF!!  0056 the coolest dream!  lol  😆 Was Mai in it & well everyone. 
Had started on a bus lol Inka-bus ffs – I need to write this shit up 'Avoid Inka still Ren'  lol trying he keeps jumping into people here 😛 

So there was a city and a bus, & I'd noticed a game with the seats and the stop bells.... 

And it kinds went from there escalating...  accumulating until it was competitive too. 

Businesses & countries, Trusts and charity's... but to me it was just trying to get home. 


One round was in a shopping mall- 

But I'd wound up in a pub there.  Everywhere I went people were still playing, trying to solve the unsolvable riddle.  Puzzler game what ever way you want to play. 
Head Case Barber shaving, Barbers babies and hair dressers. 
Food, kitchens and crazy chefs.. Take always n packing in lunches and punches. 
Oceans and weather sis stems.  Most people far enough on found it funny, but we needed to stay in roll unless in a similar league. 


What was that film about leagues under the sea?? 


Anyhoo Mai, I'd met in a hotel – We had to learn fast and let each other past. 

I'd won the bus round but the closer you get the more the danger escalated. 


At this point it was like endless decks on a bus.... rendered threw perception mine like a seedy pub. 

Each level I whet up a deck.  - oooo cards too, doing why and where. 

In some ways it was better for me to move quick. 

PeaPull were concerned I wasn't sure what I was doing, but lol I knew everything but the score lol Inka keeps it for us and I settle that shit later, bust not to count the cards till the games said and done. 

I was getting really close to Inka and the end when I woke myself up nearly giggling. 
Oooo giggling squid in Godded green, shame they don't deliver a roo  you here.  
'Well avoided A voided 4 now Bitch'  Heya 'Try sleep there Ren' (Was in the lounge)  Ok I'll have a go. 


Break Fast club tomorrow.  (Hope JL got away from his buffet in 1 bit/bite) 

Walk Man & Talk Man 


Sea no Evil, Say no Evil, Speak no Evil – Live   



Sharing is Caring and Caring is Sharing 


Share 💍🪐 Ring 


Room 13 left me a penny to flip, made a bred die




515 Near miss, just a bang and a splash 


Deram recall after I ot up is a bit Hazy, so not sure. 
I know Loci, Kaylo and Leon came here. 
Brown bread – ded  

White bread – shite med



Sharing is Caring and Caring is Sharing 


Share 💍🪐 Ring 


Room 13 left me a penny to flip, made a bred die 


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