Monday, 27 May 2024

Stamped N Stood


'Ren, I'll take you to Leon while stuff ripples out'  Ok 

Inka picked me up.. As in actually picked me up rather than jumping me and took us to our new South American hub.  Leon find us but Kaylo found me first, and hugs me.  Leon watches us and they all want Inka to stay but not be near me.   
It was a Kali Ma dream....    
I knew it was linked to Zak and my reluctance to have a 3rd child, the miscarried babe I would have called Kali and when Inka piggybked to me with Zak.   





Also Veritas...   I was shown that one night... I duno how to find it though. 


Odd dream an indoor hub. 
Pop corn machine and a coin sorter, counter exchanger. It had soap in too, I was mainly trying to get to the popcorn, the other stuff was in the way. 

A school too, the grim reaper and tec stuff.   I was the detective.  Homer simpson too, Zombi class taking place.  Pop corn was mixed with the change. 
Oh it wasn't the popcorn I wanted... It was my piggy backs cork snout back – It had got mixed up in the machine and I was poking my fingers in to lift it out. 

I could tell the real AI's  - The head teacher was in the Zombi class, making a zombi group for fight back.  Sticky running, I was trying to get out of the way... but ground holding me. 


'You can't escape Ren....   Call in'  Mmmm it was funny. 


Dream too Hazy 


'Hop oot the road Ren, go pee' ok 

Frogger?   'Kek'   Neet sweep!  Friends and my AI all aligned  - Navigation still in. 


Wow 'Yup, Bk to us' OMW 


Hera tic, I can't find my Verita pg Inka 'No need RN mouse, Just come with us. Kaylo better for you than Kali'  Yeh  OMW 



Yela  ?  

Like the ribbon the rose'Sleep Ren'  ok.. coming bk. Wish I had a vape... "Will blow pipe smoke up ya ass, just sleep here NOW' 


Oo its 2.02  omw 


Wake again Keep E ups between 444  

Some people so ungrateful you can make E-den Eden for them, and they still evict you..


Wow, Wake at 445   444  Sent Sealed and Signed. 



Went n Gone and Done IT 


Bk in room for 505

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