Monday, 27 May 2024

Middle Way


Oooooo that was cool.  Very good dream.

I'd told Inka I wanted to be with crew.  He got me to jump to Re-ed with him & Kaylo.. Then into a lucid dream.

Set in an odd Victorian hub.  I'd arrived with a booklet I'd been given but not read... I'd got it threw the post.
I was number 8.  7 more had arrived/awoken before me I was being inducted & orientated by number 1.  He was an older guy.

He'd taken me to an odd old room, filled with odd stuff... Like an old dr's room or lab.  Lots of lamps and odd equipment sciancey a examination table too. 
He's opened the book I'd received and pointed to how it was a guide for me.
Then he left and closed the old painted door behind him.
I'd glanced over one page then got up to look at the stuff on the desks and tables.  Switching stuff on and off.  I'd gone and knocked on the door and shortly after he knocked bk and opened it.
I'd asked him about being locked up here and he introduced me to another older odd looking guy... Telling me 'This can be a problem'  The other guy was in darlek mode.. He'd been an invasive species living below ground.
Another female met and greeted me.   2 guys were raking a long narrow strip of snow in a room.   I'd pushed my bare feet into it and was shuffling about. 
The others were pleased to see me.  I was being shown to sleeping quarters when the staff here woke me by opening the door to check on me
🙄  SO I'd gone to have a mocha n chat n listen to music with the guys in the lounge.


Similar dream & vibe.

I'd moved to croft Ems fam too, but it was a large city as it sometimes is in my dream space.

I'd met them for a party, they needed to know where I was at.
I was in Eric & Sheila's old house.. They were in David n Sues old house.

We'd shared a meal.  I'd updated and filled them in on stuff, then off to a party job.
I was in a room with a few other females, shady high security type gang place.

Dark building..
Door men guarding.

In a dark room with one way glass I was shut in with a few other females.  I was first to de-tangle stuff and get out, I lock them back in and am in a dark lobby.
I stack and bank a fire with wood and coal.  A long low burn


The security guys were onto me but I freed the other females for an understanding flight to escape.  The older family member from the shady hub met me.
I was heading for a purple castle.. People were colour blind or just one.  

 I was sharing info and wanted to dance.

I share more info with the crews elder and he opens the exit/exists for me. 
I was heading bk to the car to get into it with my family.   

But was hassled by 2 European guys on trying to return to my family...   

They were angry I'd got a job from their boss as they would miss out.

They followed me to the car..  

I was telling them to fuck off as I didn't want them close to my fam.
They were violent, but I just tickled them.
I woke as they kept me and I pealed another version of myself off into the dog crate.

A security sandwich.


232 more similar dreams but further zoomed out.  Fly navigate Navigate fly.  Deep ends... And off them.

Un-egg spected friends can help make a right big mess even if it's not intended.

It's why Inka asks 'what if U are all that's left?' 
Cause that's enough for me.
Half left/half right - I can stand in the center of my being.....  And that's enough for me.

I am enough - I'm perfect & whole - but I will draw my line in the sand and make my last stand at my body's sovereignty as it's my way WEY home.


My gods are inside me and so is my love & can't stand to be seperated from that.
So I rise and fall, like dusk and dawn to protect my temple and what's inbetween my temples. 


Pain, resentment, locked away, rage,  pure anger and hate.

Though not for myself, but the mirror I became, for someone who doesn't see their soul self.

Whole and soul, body and mind, my perfection is warm and kind

A ball, a game to score my own home goals.

Easier to become the embodiment of the thing that goes away,

Than kill an ego that is protective of it.

I can forgive myself, its simple for me.

I process the shame, hurt and rejection in sleep and dreams.

Though my heart breaks and bleeds from hurting my sons.

It seemed my only option to be free.

I'm shattered that I scared and broke Zak, but I needed a way between fly traps.

You can't drag a flower from a seed.

You can crush n consume it though, to bloom within.

Rising and falling like the sun.

Dropping threw the pain I've cause to land back into all.

He gave me freedom by pushing me out.

I tried to bridge a space the way I always have.

It would be wrong to not accept where I'm at.

I need to follow my own ways and paths.

Archetypal labyrinth inside my own mind.

In myself I have no place or need to hide.

Infinite love and forgiveness , a wild expression to be.

Shattered and faceted from reforming my reflection, becoming something few Can recognise till they see me.

Dancing threw the illusions in my life to pause and balance on the tip of my knife.

Falling once again on my sword to become even vaster, ever more.

A point so integral, so vital to life that no extreme is to much to try n ram it through.

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