Thursday, 9 May 2024

Catapillas of Creation.


A, door & and a lol I forget now...
'It's what keeps you coming bk for more...'


Hu??  'Enough Bitch, heal now'  Umm 
'Back down'  Ummm 'You played your hand well. Balance again' 
Ok...  Oh.. Body?  'Yes' 

Like wtf is up with my left had side..   Stuff I could do, it's so week now.
'You are giving it away Ren'  Ok..
Who can give it back?
'A question you need to ask of others' 

Oh...  A Zak attack <3


Fuck in el!    'Aye bitch..hold at you adored.'

I'm 'elping bitch'   Inka this is to much..   I can't make Zak Darth Dad. 


Inka .. 'bee with n c him'.  Zak wanted to be out of the A, door that's at the back now. 


Needed to make a termination track.  D termination that led me no where and to no thing.  Had to ripple it out to recognise it again.

Wtf? 'Ren, you just monk I fried your self while turning into a pea shooter, I suggest you come to us fast before some fucker else kills you'

Lol good plan, is Inka there too? 'Yep and quite happy to finish you any way you want'

Lol   .....   What have I done!  'Here, Now'  ok omw


Maddly & Baddly - I'd been my own tea set, and match. 

I didn't dream or I did by no recall.  I was alone there too, they took me to the bathroom by a back lounge that I've been in once before when I was a mess.
I'd just layed in the bath alone till the water was cold.
I found Inka in the lounge smoking, he told me the others would find me later.  He was around if I needed him but I needed some time alone. 


Pffff, looking for a dementia clock to help my Dad..  'I'm not going anywhere Ren and I'm helping, I just you need you to transmute emotion for us'  Ok.. It hurts.  'I know, but your strong bitch'  

11:11 AM 
Inker 2024 Digital Calendar Day 
7.2" Large HD Screen, am pm, 8 
Alarm Dementia Clock, E*trä



Pillars of creation


'How u holding UP bitch?'  I've been worse ;)  'Aye Ren, don't I fucking know it'

My Mama died my age tomorrow.  I don't wana die, but I'll not live someone else's lie.
My dream, my life and if some fuckers can't handle it... They can go fuck themselves.

'Oh Ren, you really are the shit queen'  I know Leon.  I'm sorry...  I'm pleased it was my dogo that ate the other dogs shit n vommed it back up felt way better after that...   Bk in the garden now with my familiars.  

'Good, stay in your E Den'  Got ya ;)  <3 


Lol 🤣 enjoying the 🌞 beating down on my bare ass 🤣 hopefully will get a nice tanning...   Could do without prickly heat though makes me squiggly.  

'Ren, you are irredeemable'  Yeh to busy iridescent dreaming



Armed and ready to keep making my own point 😁





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