Sunday, 5 May 2024

Ghost Dance


'Still don't like you Bitch'  Meh, it is what it is I suppose 'You are ment to focus Leon this time of year Ren'

Kaylo?  'Better for you than me'  Will try.... I duno, u just feel most comfy.

'Try and avoid me please Ren'  Will try, but when I'm half asleep its tricky.


Hu?  Thought it was 13.13 but it was 313 when I woke, eyes must have been blurry.


Ouch, neck pain... Inka was trying to take my head off again.


Pug, Pugwash squashed nose.  I'd got a gold star, but I'd run into a glass wall.   'Windshield idiot' suppose!


Craig Connelly & Cari - Breathe Again




This track.. I could breath again,  Inka and me had been playing but on another level I'd been in a long dream.

An old gothic city, 2 females in a square tower a little like Glastonbury tor broadcasting from a table where they sat facing eachother.  Odd sort of switch phones, 5 lines into each females station, flipy yellow buttons to swap lines.

The room had no windows.
I'd been in the city shopping, or looking round stores.  I wanted a running / yoga bra, pants in lilac , but it had other stuff too a kind of matching fabric swing and soft leather gloves...'Kid-gloves'  If you say so... 'I do'  lol ok, what's with you atm?  'U' pfff

gloves made ot fine kid leather. 
• used in reference to careful and delicate treatment ot a person or situation. 
modifier noun: kid-glove; noun: kid-glove 
'the star is getting kid-glove treatment"

Anyhooo...I'd found the stuff.  Don't recall if I'd bought it, I just knew were to find it.
I'd got distracted by the task that the woman broadcasting were trying to orchestrate.

It's in a very odd place, a huge stone/cliff pillar that dominates the city.
I had to fly to get up there. 
On the top it's like an old monastery or castle ruins with an expansive graveyard.

I'd made my way to an old grave, it had been the kings...
An indent of a body below the hardened grass ground.

He'd been buried with a small gold crown.
I was there to wake and dance with the ghosts... They looked like

It was the king I'd gone to wake..    I think it was some how linked to the Richard the 3rd turd or something


I recalled other dreams with my Friend Richard.. I was carrying him around.


I'd been a friend of the king in a time past so it was easy game for me to wake him and get him to dance.
Once he was moving more revenants woke up too, my job their was done... But more were coming to see.  I'd flown off again and woke before I landed.

Reminded me in a way of Tintagil Castlemixed with Glastonbury Tor


Next dream I had a baby boy a few months old, I was lactating and nakid.  The baby didn't look like any of my kids, fair skin and chubby, someone had called me to ask what I was feeding him... He was only a few months though so only breast fed. 
He didn't feed well, coughed and spluttered..  I was producing more milk than it needed.

The setting was odd too, I was on a gravely mountain, dark loose stone.
I was cooking, a large metal shallow pan on an open fire.   In another I was cooking on just hot coals & stones.
I was making caramel popcorn.  I'd cooked the caramel first and chucked in the corn was stirring to keep it from burning while it popped.
One lot I mixed with twiglets to make a strange sweet and savoury mix.


I will buy some toffee popcorn today! Inka reminded me of the dream I was hugging a bag to share with Em.  🤔

Was a Fullmoon Monday / Tues early am...   when I got taken in again?

'Aye' I should have stayed home!  'You did what you needed too Ren, just please balance again now'  Ok. 

22nd/23rd April...   My Danger zone! 

Was when I had no phone, clothes or shoes in God-Den Green psych ward.

Least I managed to just spend a week in A&E this time!







 Commissioned quality chaos  met the CQC - They were not happy about me being in uniform, as it looked like the crazy woman trying to row a waste basket worked there 🤣



Lest was just bruising... And I convinced them I'd ware my hoodie n take my name badge off.
Meby the 3 woman who dried to undress me were the ones that hurt my neck too?  I duno... Flet more like an Inka thing though. 

'Fuck off n Run Ren'   Yep, good plan.


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