Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Why? Would I?


'GG bitch'  lol a queen saves a king?   'On one game yeh'   Oh?

'Track change'  Ok  lol what ever the fuck you say, if it keeps me sane.
'Food'   Good plan...

I don't want go out in a hail storm...   'Hail'  Ok..

lol that's a big one..


'Pick your track... But eat anyway' :P  Good plan

'Scoot then witch before you have another idea' 😆


Food first, I should eat b4 work.
'Sleep too'  Mmmm

You keep telling me so much,  'It's ok Ren, trust me I know how to weave in when I need too... So long as you allow me'   Mmmm  Sure.  

So ok..  Got an on/off now like 010  and can change the rate I'm flicking at.

Work was busy till after midnight... Then was a chill night till 4.30. 
I'd asked Ddad n Inka to dream with me there..   After asking me if I was sure... I told them 'Yeh' 

I'm in a garden I've been in before... Seems like the old Nephilim one.
The building is diffrent..  A little like astral where I was.
Shirly my Neighbour who passed was a sleep outside, curled up in a little ball.
She had an old dressing table and an old wooden oval swivel mirror.
Slightly before I'd found her, I'd been filling up a pond,

With an old green hose pipe coming from the house.
I'd got distracted by something... And realised I needed to pull the hose out.

But I was stumbling up the garden in a guys old school shoes.
They were too big for me and I'd put them on the wrong feet.

When I get to the pond it's allready overflowing.
I pull the hose out and look at the waterfall I've accidently created.
The garden is tiered, and it looks ok...
But I've accidently washed the pond life away.

I go grab some food bowls to scoop them up in.

Mainly things like tadpoles and a few kinds of water snails.
Rams horn was one, the other is greater pond UK type.
I'm finding them in new pools that have formed,
but a lot are just flopping about on the lawn  (lawn/dry & Laundry?)  'Liner for now plx bitch'


Joel appears in the dream scape.  I give him a bowl and ask 'can you help with this plx?'

He takes a bowl and together we start collecting.
Putting the ones out of water back into the main pond.
While we are collecting..  
One of the tadpoles I've picked up is metamorphing....
Only this one's not another frog.
It's grown blue origami paper wings, and soft feathery moth like antenna's..

Affectionate and interactive too, it was happy to stay together...
Fluttered along beside me close to my shoulder.
I showed it to Shirly and she thought it adorable,
Then it met Joel and they both approved. 


It was a beautiful thing!  


Once we'd sorted out my accidental flood.
We started sorting threw old school books.
We were chatting about, old school systems.

Chucking our books out and chatting about ADHD shit and how new stuff didn't fit IN

'Play in the Garden?'   Hummmm?  You asked me that yday!!   Ooooooo 😮  'Yep!'


Then knights and Nights at a round table.  Both king Author stuff and dream/astral gamers.
A table is round when it doesn't have a head?  'Close enough for now Ren'


A lift with shit in... It was going up n down, someone had scribbled on a post it note with an arrow 'Richard's Turd'   Richard the 3rd??


Fall asleep I kept jolting awake.. It was my right leg n foot.. I was trying to kick a ball.
Only it wasn't a ball it was a square earth globe.  Numbers on it too  Dot's like a dice.
Sols Dice? 
Something else too about Honey?  Errr

Another work dream but it's in a hotel, I'm clearing up and I've got shit all over my hands.

Again I had miss matched shoes, but they are both pink n white one a trainer and a boot.

'Train her or Kick-her?'  lol Kickers?  'Stay on Line Ren'  okkk.
I had 3 other things too, one was an amazing type of crystal I'd never seen before, it was a colloum growth, rainbow fractal amazing looking thing.


from Latin columna "pillar," collateral form of columen "top, summit," from PIE 
root *kel- (2) "to be prominent; hill."


Sl unit of electric charge 
The coulomb is the unit of electric charge in the International System of 
Units. It is equal to the electric charge delivered by a 1 ampere current in 1


dimensions. Crystal growth is a major stage ot a crystallization process, 
and consists ot the addition ot new atoms, ions, or polymer strings into 
the characteristic arrangement ot the crystalline The grourtn 
typically follows an initial stage ot either homogeneous or heterogeneous 
(surface catalyzed) nucleation, unless a "'seed" crystal, purposely added 
to start the grourtn, was already present.

The other was some pearlescent nail varnish.
The 3rd I forget.  I'd left them all on a window sill in the sun.

It was the end of the shift and we were playing a bed rolling game. 
Seeing how many times we could jump up and spin.

Oh, the building also had an on duty horse.  It's name was Nell?  It was from the NHS.

Soo much other stuff.

Bends and Us and then Poles and you Inka laying me out flat..
Flag pole?  'Better standard than a Candy cane?'


Standard?  Same as the Banana thing..  

Standard Time? 

'I'll help you dream and weave it when you're not at work Ren - 
Just DL RN'


Humm  Standard time?  'You made mean time?' 
Ohhhhh!!   lol Pink windmill shit!!  Hahha
Grot-Bags and the Crocodile, and the gold pointy finger!  
Captain hook and the lost boys.. And a tick tock in a crok


'It gave you a lift up?'   It made me laugh my head off that for sure.

I made it with fire tongs, and a watch and fuck knows what else...
Green witch shit!

Then made a devils punch, calud Ren out of my pond 🤔

'You were to hot to get a handle on Ren'   😶



Why do I keep thinking about Shepperd's bush?  🤔  'I'd be concerned more for bo-peeps ONE' 

lol  👁 see why this gets X rated 😆

I'm teaching you 'Birds and Bees Ren'  😂

Oh good...

Also...    The night I got
https://mousedream.blogspot.com/2024/04/a-pride-b4-fall-and-key-to-wind-my-neck.html  Was trying to get to Spittle...   My Uncle/Cousin from there named Chris...got rushed to Hospital with Sepsis  🤨
'Remeber your first lock up Ren?'  Aye... I time stamped my card staring at the clock in A&E

I was telling the staff I was trying to get to Horse Spittle! 
🤔  The Horse in the dream working for the NHS? 
'When I told you to work as a team and we helped one out of Shirly's house'  😮

'Mmmmmm?'     He was one of my alternate Dad's  'Mmmmm'  
  'Mmmmmm'   I errrrr   'The dream with you playing for both teams'  Ok...
I also I entered the black cube from their house? 

Fuck man! 
 'Mmmm, It's ok Ren.. He's recovering isn't he?'  well he's already asking for Whisky...

Ooo  'Yep, please Ren... Just behave now and let me drive?'  
Is this the blackmail thing?
 'Ren, you'll have any colour man'  😏

Why would I agree to a family contract like this??  'It's ok Bitch, half your family are silly con's like you... They sent you in'   🤨


Sep-Sis?  My Dad had that too???   🤔  Meby I should not have made Whisky into an Eye Whisk 🤔

'Yep Bitch, you did that too'  Fuck man....   


  I keep creating new posts?  'Be handy if you could fence yourself in?'  Errr meby 🙄

'Don't freak Bitch, I've told you before.. U were made for this shit'  Mmm But I remeber so much, this is why I had to get out of the house...  'U are now, bury the dead mouse n have a nap'  Ok

I did this why?  'Wey Aye'  Eh....



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