Wednesday, 3 April 2024

Where too now?




Odd version of my dreamspace where there was a building inland between Northsunderland and Bamburgh.  It was called the Red Lodge,  an amazing old building crazy moving statues of fantastical animals and creatures.

An odd older woman lived there with a younger girl.  The kid had bright white hair and yellow eyes like a cat.
The house was dilapidated but intreasting, a maze of rooms, fireplaces and antique furniture.

It was a part time brothel too, despite the condition of the house the woman was well off with an amazing new white 4x4 car/land rover thing, I was helping her take a cat to the vets, her cat carrier had blinking lights on :D

Other dream was a golf course, I was in a building looking out onto it.
An outdoor market had set up on the grass outside. 
Colourful blankets, cushions, quilts and rugs...   A wind got up and was blowing every thing around. 
I was laughing at the quilts that looked like flying carpets. 
The other thing I recall is drawing stylised eyeballs with a blue biro. 
They were like Eye of Horus type stuff.




Crazy dream at work...   Was really odd my Dad and Uncle Eric there... They were driving wheelchairs round really fast and setting all the call bells off. 
Reminded me of one I'd had a few days before when Mericel was on a rampage smashing up a kitchen!   These 2 were just causing chaos.


Then a second dream....  I'd been chatting shit to Joel in the morning in a sleep deprived state. 

Woke up from sleep and it was like the conversation didn't stop... We just switched platform.

We were trying to name I duno either the platform or our voices...  It was like MeWe which I've never used, but it was V We
Sharing images too stupid but cool stuff, one was a sort of Golum type thing in a screaming angles arms.   More stuff that was more mundane, images too.
And an odd convo where he was saying... If you tried to chain vape like I can you'd vom - lol  I didn't think he was wrong.
Hazy but I think we were discussing Nic Sick at that point.


Meditating at work last night after fox told me of his experiance..   I was so tired it was more like yoga nidra and holding myself in that hypnogoggy state.

Was crazy, at first like I could hear all the voices and echoes of the people in the space I was in, then it whent deeper.
Was like a being born experiance... Squeezing threw something... Only this time I was heading towards a sort or tentacle swirly purple smoky ball. 


Call bell flipped me from that...

On the second time, I was back in the voices, this time singing to me, tunes and languages I didn't know but was trying to understand...  This time what I was seeing was diffrent...   Was like driving in snow...   But passing threw orange glittery gold sparkles.  

Alarm woke me this time to get up n do shit....   (
🤣   lol literally ;)  and not even my own!)


Got a prompt to check this too...



Weeeeee   Been a while since I seen it like this...  Is allways fun.   Just a shame I'm so sleep deprived!   'Unlike Mania Ren?'   lol Oh hey, you here 'Say again and I'm going to jump you' 
lol Jump me were?   '
🙄/😈'   I should...   'Lay down, likely yeh'   I'm to confused to know what's going on....   I'ma going to put the bird feeder up!!
'Jog on bitch, I'll find you when you splat'

o/   'That was a nap not a splat...'  lol   Yeh,   Needed it 😋


'You need a new intention Ren'  Hu?   'Don't fuck me, ykw I mean....  You flew and way to close to the sun ;) '  Hahaha   ok right..

'Will help set your trajectory'   Mmmm  I wanted this space 'Also compleat'  What next?

Lol...  So I can't be content for a bit?   'Yep, but set a direction to sail towards'


Hummm🤔   Ok, connection bk full time but with a controll switch?  '😈'   Phahah
Fuck you Inka...   I've allways offered...  Yeh...
   '2 head's bitch, tell me it's not true' 
'You've agreed by the way, but as you know I offer you warning and chance to change the stupid half of your mind'   Fuck off 😂

I'm in,   'But will you listen this time bitch?'   I'll listen, but I'll also still do what I feel like.
'Sooo, again?   Want to play?'   lol   I trust you, despite the fucking mental health, pie rat, shit rip, mental health trip.   
I'm in if you can guarantee I don't get injected with that shite this ride.

'ok, I'll get bk to you'   I've herd that before...

'I know what a fucking extremist you are Ren, your not an easy element to contain'  

Work helps!   'Extremist'  lol....   Yeh,   'You don't wana go nuts there Ren, your good at what you do'   So?  'You asked me for max'   Oh....   So,  'Yeh I can throttle your flow'  

And you have been?  'Obv Witch, your bod can flip the effects of the meds' 

  'You thought it Ren and yes'   lol...   'I'm a way better driver after all bitch'   😂

No shit...  'You need to tell me where too though' 🤪  'I'd not suggest that'  fuck..
'Remember bitch, your supposed to be the navigator, don't smash threw to many reality boundaries unless you really need too' 

Ok...   Road trip of options plx?  'FFS Ren, you think we don't do that?'   Oh, errr yeh suppose we do....  Your 'Pushing you right NOW to decide what you want'   lol   Errrrrr  

'Same shit bitch, limitless potential and stupid directions'   Fuck you...   🤣
'Yes Bitch, most sane people just want more money and a bigger house n shit like that' 
What the fuck is sane?
  ' A game you'll never play'  

I should think small?  'I'd advise it for now'   I duno, it's like a wish, I'd just wish for endless wishes!'   'You  did that ass hat, deal with it' 

I want my dreams and lucidity back  'Why?   It serves a purpose Ren, with no trajectory is it meaningless'   ........   'I can't belive when I say think small, you wana fuck with weather systems again' 
I like sun and warm!!   Ok...   Yeh, I recall....   I 'We' could shift clouds bk and forth...  And yup, it made me fucking massive 'And unseparated from all'   I like that.... 
'Ok, so hone your trajectory'  I need n easy focus....   Ok...   Hummm

To slide between the winds, of where I've been and what I've seen,
Glide, ride, above, lifted by love.

On the shit that dragged me down,

While at the same time,

I keep my bolt hole underground

In the dark, and the deep.

I can reset in sleep


'Be fucking easier if you just wanted a pay rise Ren'   What would that serve?

'Another question we will get to in TIME' 

Your showing me value, worth and time on an old time scale?   'Ren, that will do for now, you'll need to hold it in mind'   Ok... 
'Repeat it and tell me'


Ok...   'You comprehend what your asking?'   Eye in 2 worlds shit?   'Yep, and your not great at that yet' 

I don't really have anything else I want right now?   '
🙄'   I'll listen! 
'I know you Ren, way better than you know your self.....'

'How safe do you feel right now'   I duno, I don't really care about shit like that...

'You are on the radar of many who do'   Oh..   Yeh,   I forgot.


Ok...   'Yup'  I set my trajectory...  'I'll throttle you, choke you or slit your throat'  Phaha, 

'Don't fight me Ren?'   Ok...  A game?   'I'd advise not if you wan stay sane'  Sheesh..
'It's a fucking wire you wana dance on Ren'   ok...... I'll behave 'Not in your capacity Ren, it's why you need dragged bk in line'


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