Monday, 8 April 2024

Plasma & Polystyrene



Like hu??
Just wtf.. The Elysium mix caught my attention after the other nights loops.

'I did warn you...   ' 


I need to listen to the tune in my mind now before this came on.


03. 1204 - "Dreaming" 
04. 19:49 - "More Than You Ever Know"


'If you want tea, I suggest you sort your fire' 


Can't with no axe here now... This wood needs hot..
But anyhoo Inka, your deflecting.

'..'  This was playing in my head...    while listening to other music...

Richard Durand & Christina Novelli - Save You (Cold Blue Remix)



An then instantly this plays 🤣  


Sultan + Shepard - More Than You Ever Know feat. Angela McCluskey

First tune is better for boops btw..
'FFS Bitch...  '    It's a banging tune!!  
'Keep banging your head if you like Ren, I can make you as many padded cells and shells as you like' 
🤣 No need to get pissy...  
OK I'll listen... 

lol  'For someone with a big heart Ren you can be blunt to feelings'  
That's true..   I cry at stupid shit and am stoic to other stuff. 
You know I love Inka....   'Mmmmm'     Why that?   'That's Malico Ren, he's god's DJ' 

Oh...   'Yup Ren, suck that'  lol  'Seee, fucking heartless Witch?'  Fuck off, Give a mouse a spade n she'll dig herself a grave before take a guilt trip! 

'Aye,   It's why I drag you onboard'   O.o   'No escape mouse'   🙄   'Just don't fucking fight first?'   Eeeshhh....   

'Yep, you might have learned empathy Ren, dosn't mean you should shake others emotions off your back like a dog under a rain stack'  I can feel them!!   'Yeh, but like your own emotions you just fucking let them flow...'   Thats what emotions do dick head!  'Remeber when I said don't fight bitch?.  Like less than 30 seconds ago?' 
Yeh...   But what the fuck else would emotions do?
 'Create energy?'  ... 'Tell me I'm wrong'   Ok..   Your not, but there is better emotions to use for that. 
'What if someone can't'   Who the fuck is someone?   'lol Bitch, for someone as tender as you?'  Ohhh   Phahah 
Yeh ok,  ffs....    I still think the whole fucking things stupid... 
'Till I shove you threw the humility windmill and temperament meat tenderiser again'  Yeh...  Well how the fuck am I suppose to know how other feel stuff!  'You could fuck off and shut up?'   🙄

'Suck it up Ren, it's why the psycho's path is only opend to a psycho's sis' 

'Just let me fucking download humility again in dream time before you blow your stupid self to bits again.' 
'GO make your tea'  Mmmmmm  

'Go, you need sleep and hydration first'   OK...   




First dream I have is in a huge warehouse.   Way up high are thousands of wineglasses packed into large flat polystyrene box's. 

There are loads of them and we are fulfilling an order.   I'm yelling up to 2 guys working above, I had a few other guys with me down with me below..


Polystyrene is a synthetic polymer made 
from monomers of the aromatic 
hydrocarbon styrene. Polystyrene can


2 above are on boardwalk things, I recall wondering why we were keeping so much fragile stuff so high up. 

They'd kinda stacked the flat cases of the order we needed then to my astonishment just chucked them all down at once so I had to jump out the way 😆

I think the polystyrene saved most from smashing.  


Dream jumps, someone wants me to check out a guy he knows.   It's a guy and he's been having ass sex with the guy he was worried about.   He tells me there are now 2 more holes! 
I was like sure I'll take a look.
The guy he's been having sex with is ass up on a bed.

Either side of his lower pelvis 2 cavities have opend up.  It reminded me of when Michel, James and me were repairing that cat's diaphramatic hernia.  James was doing the anaesthetic, I was on the breathing bag listning to it's heart rate and Michael doing the surgery. 
Michael got James to take over the breathing for a moment so I could go see inside the cat's chest cavity and see it's wee heart beating!!  Was fucking epic

This time I'm looking inside I can see the renal structure, it's stylised though.. All glowing white, the adrenals and Kidneys and stuff.  Was cool, I checked both sides for symmetry and told them both it all looked fine. 
I wasn't sure why he now had 2 more orifices in his butt but I didn't think it looked to be an issue. 


'Chew that one as you Run Ren'   Mmm   I can see the connections.... 'You juggle better on the move'  kk

Last dream was long and visually amazing.  It's bright sunlight. 

My main dream space, I'm with a large team of guys, we are mid/late 20's.    It's bright sunlight, the space is modern futuristic, I could tell were we were from the sea and land layout.

Was around the area of the old lime quarries, our base was the whole estate around me dream house... It was modern like this dream here when a guy was calling me wiggly woo.


Non of the team are familier, but we all seemed to know eachother well.
We were investigating a new phenomena.


Strange stuff floating in the sunlight.   At first like tiny lave...   They quickly transformed morphing threw tiny star shapes that reminded me of neurons then into tiny white glowing fly/moth type things.  


They were multiplying rapidly seeming to form from nothing in the air. 
We'd been using my main dream house as a base, but when we entered there it was contaminated...
The place was full of the glowing white air stuff.

I'd realised they were plasma type entities.  So we opend the doors and windows from outside and whent to sit by Ali's house to decide what it means.

On the white squares, we had a seating bit, 2 sofas and 2 chairs that I'd reupholstered myself some time previously.
The pattern was of flowers and weaving vines.   I realised I needed to change 2 of the bits now to a plainer weave, but I couldn't recall how I'd done it in the first place.


We also devised a sort of plasma weapon, it was decided to test it on me 🙄😆
Felt odd and kinda hurt..   It was like a lightsabre handle thing that shot a sort of wavy blue wiggly errr light?  Substance..   I duno.   Plasma I suppose..  

Someone asked me what plasma was?
 'Later Ren, Dream write first?'

Ok... So we go back to the house thinking it's ok now and seems to be so we enter the open plan front room.
Sitting together round the walls.  There was other females now too, as I remember 2 or the team were a couple - a guy who I thought might be an adult version of Fozz and a girl I didn't know.

I'd noticed a glowing white box in the room, realised the plasma entities were coming from there, I picked it up to move to the window but not before 2 of the people in the room became possessed.

One reminded me of Benny ..   He was the first.  We didn't want to hurt him, but would need to pin him down.
We were arranging who would hold onto what when the second guy got possessed too. 
We needed to use the weapon thing we'd created... Would hurt which is why we needed to hang onto him.

Humm, so years ago I was told I should be asking what Plasma was... I'd asked Neil, as all I could seem to find was it was a 4th state of matter.


Black Plasma stuff.


The Birkland current that create planets.




'Good time to Run!'  Haha  yup. 

Polystyrene Head..?


Wow...  All linked to dreams were you dragged me to apologise  to people... 'Told you I'd DL humlity again!   We made future you the crash test dummy to keep your stupid head reasonably in tact'


At least I'm not losing my shit this time!  😆  'YW'   



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