Wednesday, 10 April 2024

What the Duck?



Merlin...   Nimmue.   My 2nd War-lock and 'Avatar' 
Mer lin  - All in.   Mer man?
'Stick to your plan' 

Ok sorry was a big DL while I was cleaning my toes! 

Merlin..  Wizard, Hermit, magus archetype?  'You don't have TIME to sort your archetypes... Flow'

Ok... Emm  Fox, is a Wizard Magus...  
He's also a bolt hole..  Fox dens a good place to go...  'Unless your a badger?'  Oh, Joker/Harliqueen?

'Mmmm'  Ok...
For a fool... 'Or a mouse, yep it's ok'  
So Merlin - all in..  
Gaming chips are cheep cheep to me... 'A birdie Ren?'  That's golf, I didn't play that.  

'Another Dad did?'  Oh the other Trevor, Ems Dad..  
'Remember you are upside down and in a mirror'
I can stand his round at the table!  'lol if you wana plan an Aurthor ian fable'  Phahahha

Ooo   My spelling 🤣   'Yep, ok you did that'   Ooooff


Ok...  So I can shout him another round?   'Aye Ren, you flip Karma like it's pancakes- 
I'll tell you what?  THIS ROUND ON ME'

Hummm round table, 'And square -   Take your time decoding... But get get your ass to work for your training'  lol   ok OMW.


Before work...
I'm going yellow 'RN you can do what ever you want'   Oooo cool!  'Just listen when I say NO?'  ?

'I don't wana have to break hard and lose you threw the windshield again'  We call them windscreens..

'You're better of behind my shield if you get what I mean?'

Mmmm  prolly better than ramming my head threw it  'Yep, often hard to stop you'  😁

Is it still polystyrene 🤔  Oh!  Irene and Bro lean?   Irene lost sight in one eye 'while I was locked up looking for a bro lean?'  Ohhhh   😲  'Remembering more?'  Eye Aye 

Mild short-term 
ise ionote I mg/ml 
Preservative: benzolkonium


Your winking at me.  'Understand apologising yet?'  Mmmm I suppose I do, it's confusing though.  'Yep Ren, big contract'  The DNA stuff?  'Just have a nap' 


Odd dream at work, a house in my main dream space I'd never been to, don't even know anyone who's lived there.
My Bro drove me up to the door. 
I had a key and was going to sneak in at night and feed there cats! 
Was like when I reversed burgled my neighbours and left them cupcakes.

I go into the house, the food I have is the raw chicken and tripe stuff I give Kef.  The cat's loved it and a black lab appeared too, to like the bowl when the cat's were done.
Then Wane arrived, he was younger.  He smiled and told me, I'll let you back out.
I wasn't sure if I should keep the key we'd used to get in, but when I held it up for my bro, he nodded YES


Just played cards with Inka :D  Tarot cards, I used 4 decks at once...  2 old 2 new, just to check consistency.
8 Card draw.. Was good.
He told me I won the round, and to keep playing


'I have you on elastic Ren, your a bouncy pocket watch'


A city park, lots of kids.

Relay, tag, hide & seek.

In lakes and over ground.

Objective to be found.

We stopped to rest in a park cafe.


Dream with a dream... Was in an astral version of this house.  Slightly diffrent but same bed, I'd woken in that dream and was lucid but couldn't move.
I was stuck inbetween dream layers. 

Then someone shoved an emmm  like a blue and white inflatable rubber ring in my face.. It had a wee ducky on the front that inflated to play with and hold onto. 

As I couldn't move all I could do was lick it with my tongue, the rubber was slightly rough to stop the person in it slipping out...  Tasted plasticky too. 

I managed to wiggle from between the dream layers with the help of the taste.


A strange tunnle place from there to a building...   People I knew were in there preparing a break-fast.

Breakfast...   Break - fast?   Aunty Betty my fairy god Mam was amongst them, Penny too. 
We were recalling Michael the vet, it was fond memories of how much we'd liked working with him.. We knew he'd moved along somewhere else now.  It was a building we'd all worked with him in.

Next dream Inka joined me for. 
Was sureal...
Was a martial arts thing, we were taking our final exam - or just had.  Less than 10 of us, I don't recall our number or the others...  Was just this fucking big axe I'd been give. 
We had black silk ninja type outfits with silver edging and completion we were each given a large silver double headed axe.  Was long the blades reached head height as the pole rested on the floor.    Hummm a great axe?  Duno

Oh.... I had a dream about taking an axe to the sun years back?


Last up I was given fabric again... I'd had a royal blue velvet and it was swapped for the same velvet but in a deep purple. 


You shoved me out of the way... 'Many time Ren' 

'Will you listen now?'  Mmmm
What do you want to say...   'I'd like you to go make food'   Oh,  yeh I should peal the spuds.  'Yup'  OK on it.

TY   'YW Ren'


'Bk Now'  Just about...  Oh..  'Yup I checked you a bone' 


Dog catcher!


Wow...   'Yup, was better you whent the long way home'   🤔  Joel? 

'You both can score a good home goal'  

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