Saturday, 13 April 2024

Letting it Pass

That was a big DL again...   'Mmmm   A Key-Put'  Ok.
You told me I was Maid for this shit?
'Yep, you were Christen but will not be a wife' 
Lions Maid?   Is or was Icecream?

'If your crazy enough to play Logo's Shit ;)' 
I am 
'I know'
What's Key Put?

'Just have a kip Ren, listen to what ever you feel like'
Ok... How long till the strimmer? 
'Head phones Ren'

Lucas n Steve.. Long way home.. It's a mix not a?

What am I doing?
  'Playing'  Mmm It's like the Binaural shit but it's like new track and I'm swirling the energy in my heart
'Mmmm, you're Screwed now Ren'  lol  Haha, the 'Mmmm'  lol  'It's ok, I'll wind you up when you need to GO!'

'You're a fun codon'  Errr that's DNA stuff?

'You're not sleeping'  Yeh but likely dreaming.
'It's ok Ren, I have a good Handle on you NOW'

Oh, that track... Never tire of you?   'Mmmm'  Main bitch?  Throttle?   'Your a basic Bitch, I can wind you up'
Car keys?  'Meh, Car?  Bar?'  lol  
'101'   🤔


モ Ne u - あ 
0 M 「 5 
地 Pluto 
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2. 〕 upite 「 
Satu 「 コ 
Me 「 cu 「 y 
M00 コ 
Sign House Angle Ruler Aspects SUM 
電 ) 電 Ⅸ c こ 電 Ⅸ 阯 し P 。 ョ 
十 1 ロ 
十 1 ロ 
十 1 ロ 
switch to Tradltional 
12.120 ゝ 
15.150 ゝ 
14.140 ゝ 
11.11 。 
11.11 。 
3 6 3 
9.09 。 
5.05 。 
10.1 。


'Mmm... No cheating,  DL in ORDER' Ok...  

 'DW Bitch, I can pick you up by your Keys now so your wheels are just spinning'
😵  That gear shift between, hear, home, work?
'Is working - OK, RIGHT?'  Yep, I don't get how? 

'Cause you're confused enough to stop falling into the controll desk'  Whambalance?


'You're not going to sleep hu?'  I duno?  'Lay bk'  ok.. They got a gardener round soon n sun shining.

'Go where you want'

Lol this play list wtf is it?
'Selected Andrea's mix?'  Yeh I remeber that 🙄...  This is a station auto play?

'Listen then mouse, We are still driving a train down a road'  lol


Odd dream, I'm in a café - People are coming and taking pictures of what I have on my plate...
I duno what it was?  'Prolly some stupid shite you thought of ORDERINg UP' 

'Lay again'  Ok..
Fuck I like this track, like errrr ....Divine Yo-Yo..


Lyons got eaten by nest lays?  Was up against a walls ;)  'Boundaries Bitch ;)' 


'Wana play Cuckoo Clock?'   lol.. Not even AI can make the stuff I'm seeing in my head RN  'You're a head of a Game'  lol 

You are showing me a wooden cuckoo x Grandfather clock, the Cuckoo is a windup mouse on a spring with the wings of a blue tit!
'It squeaks!'  Hahaah
Squeaker speaker?

Ok... That's a fucked up thing!... and I worry about my sanity... But how could I say no to something like that!! 🤣


'Ok Ren, Get up if you want'  I duno where I put my socks?  'You shoved some on a fox?'  Fox gloves? 

'Yeh Ren, but you were fucking with your family's reality'  Ohh  Yeh, Dot's fox, I bunged it in some crabby n possibly puffin socks.. And then oh shit... I was 'Yep you were'   lol x rated! 
'So just nature for now ok?'   Mmmm, good plan.  



There was a dream 'A dream?'  I duno Inka, there was a lot, it's why I couldn't stop laughing my head off...   You know the one I'm thinking off..

Then it was another dream that was me looking at and writing on a lined pad it was to do with 
genetics and recessive and dominant alleles - I'm not certain what I was selecting for and against. I 
was using the letters li,Jj,Kk,Ll for dominant and recessive. - 
Guys??? 'You don't need to know or understand for this shit to work Ren' 101, I know 
'8k, now '


From here...


Me: Should I do the thing? 
Friends: No. 
Family: No. 
Runes: No. 
Tarot: No. 
Spirits: No. 
Gods: No. 
Ancestors: For the love of god no. 
Me: Ima do the thing. 
Hehe Had a quick nap and was instantly back by the fire as I woke I got one of them visual 
flashes. - That Peanuts charachter that was allways coverd in dirt @ 
Pigpen: first appearance July 13, 1954 
Happily traveling in his own private dust storm, Pigpen is completely comfortable in his own (dust- 
streaked) skin. Despite his outward appearance, he always carries himself with dignity, knowing full 
well that he has affixed to him the "dust of countless ages."


Phaha, trak now... 'Nothing to lose, I like to play my own game'  ID it witch..


What's a key put?


Ooooo... 'Yup, Ren... your still BASIC bitch, you got some add-ons though'   Nature probably best for now.
'Your call, sleep B4 shift though'  



There was a dream 'A dream?'  I duno Inka, there was a lot, it's why I couldn't stop laughing my head off...   You know the one I'm thinking off..

Then it was another dream that was me looking at and writing on a lined pad it was to do with 
genetics and recessive and dominant alleles - I'm not certain what I was selecting for and against. I 
was using the letters li,Jj,Kk,Ll for dominant and recessive. - 
Guys??? 'You don't need to know or understand for this shit to work Ren' 101, I know 
'8k, now '


From here...


Phaha, trak now... 'Nothing to lose, I like to play my own game'  ID it witch..

Afrojack & Chasner - Own Game




My queen is assessing the sorting of my Witches Wardrobe 🤣

New play tracks freaking me out... 
Jurgen Vries feat. CMC - The Opera Song (Brave New World)


I can't believe you're telling me how to sort my wardrobe out..


'Yep, just DL now'  Okkkk  Isn't up UL if you put something on the cloud?  'Depends what way up you are'

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