Thursday, 7 April 2022

All In


Aye, that you are—after a fashion. You should know that your pious patron has 
already spun us a delightful yarn about how his pet mongrel slipped the leash 
and set about burning half the city to the ground. Not very noble Of him, I 
grant you—but then these highborn types rarely do show loyalty to their pets.

'Don't come that with me bitch, you know I'd sell you down the river for a smoke' Hahah  yeh,   
'You still play'
  Mmmmm  suppose it's cause I also know you usually also scrape me back up.  'Usually?'  😁  'Still don't fully trust me bitch?'  
Inka?   I'm be fucking mental to trust you!
 'You see where we're at then witch?' 
Sheesh...   IMA still just going to love you and trust you to be unpredictable.
'GG, doesn't serve either of us to be to attached, we need to hold our own end'

End of what??  'Pleased you asked'  

Hu??  Go on then?   What end?

'Catch up?'  You're showing me the 8 ball n infinity again  🤷‍♀️

Where is when??
 'When is where?'   ware?  Aware? where?


ware (v.) 
"to take heed of, beware, " Old English warian "to guard against, beware; protect, defend, " from 
Proto-Germanic (source also of Old Frisian waria, Old Norse vara), from PIE *waro- "to 
guard, watch," suffixed form of root *wer- (3) "perceive, watch out for."


where (adv.) 
Old English hwær, hwar "at what place, " from Proto-Germanic adverb *hwar (source also of Old 
Saxon hwar, Old Norse hvar, Old Frisian hwer, Middle Dutch waer, Old High German hwar, 
German wo, Gothic hvar "where"), equivalent to Latin cur, from PIE root *kwo-, stem of relative 
and interrogative pronouns. Where it's at attested from 1903. 
It has figured in a great many prepositional and adverbial compounds through the years; in 
addition to the ones listed in this dictionary (whereas, wherefore, whereabouts, etc.) 
English has or had whereagainst, wherefrom, wherehence, whereinsoever, whereinto, 
wheremid, whereout, whereover, whereso, wheresoever, wherethrough, whereto, whereunder, 


You're showing me time & place? 

I need to draw


Ok... That's infinity with no space?   Time with no space??  Infinity revolving?


Place?   What is place?  - to spread??  Time in space spreads out? 


place (n.) 
c. 1200, "space, dimensional extent, room, area, " from Old French place "place, spot" (12c.) and 
directly from Medieval Latin placea "place, spot, " from Latin platea "courtyard, open space; 
broad way, avenue," from Greek plateia (hodos) "broad (way)," fem. of platys "broad, " from PIE 
root *plat- "to spread. " 
Replaced Old English stow and stede. From mid-13c. as "particular part of space, extent, definite 
location, spot, site;" from early 14c. as "position or place occupied by custom, etc.; precedence, 
priority in rank or dignity, social status, position on some social scale;" from late 14c. as

So what dose space do in time??   'Go in'  hu??  Me or it?   'Is there a difference Ren?'   Leon?   'I will show you if you would like, but let me show threw lessons and dream?' 

Yeh go on my heads come to a stop
Oh...!!   What Inka was showing and I was drawing was a flat version of a singularity!

What's space with no time?   I can't believe I can perceive this shit awake.. 'You're not bitch'  Hahah perceiving or awake? 
Inka... 'Mmmm'  you're pushing me into dream? 'Another layer of'

We learn in time....   Illeth night?


That was the poem I wrote about duality? 

Space  / Place? 


space (n.) 
c. 1300, "extent or area; room" (to do something), a shortening of Old French espace "period of 
time, distance, interval" (12c.), from Latin spatium "room, area, distance, stretch of time, " a word 
of unknmvn origin (also source of Spanish espacio, Italian spazio). 
From early 14c. as "a place, " also "amount or extent of time. " From mid-14c. as "distance, interval 
of space;" from late 14c. as "ground, land, territory; extension in three dimensions; distance 
between two or more points. " From early 15c. as "size, bulk," also "an assigned position." 
Typographical sense is attested from 1670s (typewriter space-bar is from 1876, earlier space- 
key, 1860). 
Astronomical sense of "stellar depths, immense emptiness benveen the worlds" is by 1723, 
perhaps as early as "Paradise Lost" (1667), common from 1890s. Space age is attested from 
1946. Many compounds first appeared in science fiction and speculative %Titing, such as 
spaceship (1894, "A Journey in Other Worlds," John Jacob Astor); (1928, Popular 
Science); space travel (1931); space station (1936, "Rockets Through Space"); spaceman 
(1942, Thrilling Wonder Stories). Space race attested from 1959. Space shuttle attested by 
Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards. 
[Sir Fred Hoyle, London Observer, 1979]

Wow...     So Space is already a mix of time and place!!   So it should be time/place place/ time? 




'You herd me Ren'  herd heard? ...'Don't defect bitch'


You used Joel and I to break a program?


Then he used you and you him to break another one. 


And now?  

'You said that like my mam bitch '   right now I could BE? (my phone made that)

'Yes Ren'  wtf you up too?

You asked about daddy daughter shit.


That I did... oh cell division mitosis and miosis... sis!  

Sexual and self replication


You two were ready to emerge .


But we had already?


You were both lost in space


Hummm that's place and time already ?


It is


A film to?  






The I am...   I am in danger messagemessage got

Everything glitches out when we get to this level?  'That's free will Ren. A prime directive' 

Ok what Joel was saying...  I got the same message.  

That guy with one eye telling me 'I AM in danger'  I sort of got after that was a warning for me.... Cause then I got sectioned

'OFC'  if we spend to long in monad mode we get a reality take down?  Oh this is the arrested?  Stopped?  Time ticking heart bomb? 
Psycho sis too??
WTF kind of shit is this? 
'A fools game Ren'  Hummm 🤔


Fool is 0  .  'It is'  Isness and wasness again?  'You are learning this awake now' 

Yet this is 'A dream?'  You are flipping me up?


Lol I feel like a fried egg?   'Sunny side up?'  Hahahah I like my fried eggs with a burnt bottom 🤣
'It's why idiots like you Ren are hopelessly lost'  kk smart arse 😏 Tell me what is found? 

found (v. 1) 
'lay the basis of, establish, " late 13c., from Old French fonder "found, establish; set, place; fashion, make" 
(12c.), from Latin fundare "to lay the bottom or foundation" of something, fromfimdus 'bottom, 
foundation" (see fund (n.)). Related: Founded; founding. Phrasefoundingfathers ivith reference to the 
creators of the American republic is attested from 1916.

Place!!  Fuck you Inka
'It's on Bitch'

Hahaha this is why I like you!!   'Love Ren....  Don't hold bk' 
Phahah...  Yeh dosn't mean I'll give in

Woosh....   'Head flow Ren?  You're sending again' 

On & Off? 
Right a tick?  Tic  what's the right n left hand shit? 
'Something bitch you are far beyond'  ??  Beyond?


beyond (prep., adv.) 
Old English begeondan "on the other side of, from the farther side," from be- "by," here probably 
indicating position, + geond "yonder" (prep.); see yond. A compound not found elsewhere in Germanic. 
From late 14c. as "further on than, " 1530s as "out of reach of." To be beyond (someone) "to pass 
(someone's) comprehension" is by 1812.


I remember yonder...

You're a good teacher Inka, why had you lost confidence?

'Perhaps I got sick of looking for the right pupil' 

Eye?  Right / Left is this like in and out  ok and not? 

'No internet to help you witch'  Hahah 

Did the internet come about because 'Hold that thought' Hu?

'Here bitch, before you make more trouble?'

What's trouble?  'A creative toddler, come here'  lol ok


Fuck 😮

If we're in place and you are in time you showed me the on / off in my mind!
Inka??  'Yes Ren, it's what YOU did to me'  

How?  It was a dream??  'I'm not angry Ren, I'm your mirror for a reason' 

My mirrors now a dark ball?  'That expanded and popped into all' 

But what happened before?  'Before what Ren?  NOW?'


IMA going to need to lay down... 'I told you it's on bitch'   errrr I'm 'On a hiding to nothing witch' 

No thing? 


'Ren?'  Leon?  'Don't fight time alone' 

I don't want to fight anyone!!  'Who said you did bitch?  May be time wants to take on place'

I already invited you into my space...

'Where is your place Ren?'  Ummmmm?   You know what, just bring it on! 😆

'😏 GG Bitch... I'll find you'



WTF was that......    Like every cell met every moment?
'Want me to turn you off?'

Errr I duno do what you want....  It feels like my cells are ticking on and off? 

'Lay down then'  kk

A long dream.. Ian's family and mine.
Energy nodes like points or gates.

I was gaining points to change the circuit then passing back to let the flow threw.
Only people assumed we were fighting over shit...  And on an obvious level we were.

On a deeper level it was a sort of work.

It's not even midnight?  'It's what we were talking about dipshit, it's easier to show this'


We'd done this node exchange for such a long time  'Time indeed Ren' 

I'm dizzy and my head hurts 'Serves you right'  WTF is up with you?

'Energy'  I have no words....

'I'll meet you'

A crazy dream I was in an underground tunnel filled with dog shit n snakes.  Part way threw Mel gives me a set of keys .. Pretty and elegant on a silver pink chain.

They are for someone else's home.  They have left a toy dog in a basket outside, it's valuable and a charity is coming to collect it.  I'm to put the basket back into the house after.
A stainless steal table and a head teacher, They are talking about schools on the desk is a pink perfume bottle and I'm handed a glass of red wine.  It was nice but I wanted my hands free.

The toy dog was sweet.. It was worth thousands.  The key unlocked a big white kitchen. 
My dog and his brother were there and then more dogs too, some little ones were aggressive and ankle biters. 
Then I was watching a TV show of the toy dogs new owner.  
A strange loaded family with an amazing house.
The blond woman had an eastern European accent she had wanted the toy tog for her altar. 
She'd placed the toy dog in a golden birdcage threaded with purple fairy lights.
Only the toy dog had now changed into a dead stuffed rat.

I jump to Inka... Who hit me the moment I appeared. 
Everyone else had cleared off, the space wasn't big enough for me to fight well.

Not the room to get the momentum I need to knock him over and he must have knocked me out cause I woke from another dream on the floor there.

I'd gone on a holiday with Ian... He'd wanted to take our pet cats with us.

I wasn't sure it was the best idea.
Anyway we'd got them vaccines and papers and they took the flight to this island in carriers in the cargo hold.

Once there we realised we were in a place with no ground predators.
The colourful birds didn't understand to fly away.
So we'd need to shut the cats into our dwelling for the duration of our stay.

Just hu??
So the fight with Inka, he was pretty untouchable I'd contemplated swapping into a different form.... But as it was him who wanted to fight I'd decided to just annoy him instead.. If he wanted to fight me he was going to have to find me.

I fight mainly formless anyway.  Just becoming solid as I'm about to knock something over, so I'd taken myself to some quite bit of the hub were I must have started dreaming again.
But in the dream I was Inka's skin!   A limit or boundary like them 2 matching metal lumps on Ddad's chair.
Cell  - limit and in it.
I could feel everything in-between us like it was all a bit of me.
I did this hear??  Like earth?? 

I was dreaming on and off and Inka was showing me stuff too in the liminal space before dreaming.

The dream was of a room of short hair black cats, all in the same room.  They'd been playfighting out of boredom.
One had a massive gash in the skin on his back where he'd tried to find a way out.
Ian had tried to stick it back together with gaffa tape? 
I was certain that wasn't the right option and the wound needed debrided and stiched together properly.
He was telling me he's seen it on the internet and I couldn't be arsed to argue unless the cat got infected or distressed.

I was still a distance away from Inka, I was experiancing cell membrane and nucleus.
Can we swap so I am in?  'We do' RNA DNA one is upside down to the other?

I was experiencing so much stuff.   Earth like a cell too??
Dyslexia?  Oh Now I'm in the DNA dyslexics muddle stuff up.
That's what sexual reproduction dose.

Mitosis and Miosis one is a clone.. Daughter cells.
I forget which ones
'Witch?'   Hahah,  You're right you are a good head teacher!

Gamete's  -  Sex sells and game-ers

I was experiencing cell division the that thing I was drawing as Inka was showing me stuff yday. 

Threw the multiplying stages it was singularity too?   We'd made a BIG one
The DNA & RNA   I was it's hard to put into words.

Ah yeh, gates and walls. 
Inka was making boundaries to contain me,  but he would let me pass in and out that's the semi-perm aspect. 
This works on all levels...

Semi-permeable membrane from here.
Where I'd got filtered out or in... Ah yeh as without so within. 
It was a reality intersection?
I was aware as a cell observing the self, but also how the same thing happens when you break from consensus reality. 

After I stopped being a cell Inka apologised for fighting, I could see how he'd just been trying to remind me..  DNA & RNA experience is crazy I'd not realised how 'BIG' I'd been then.
I was accessing the multi D aspect of DNA

The fool card the 0 it's also like the cell wall....   Cells and Shells and battery's and prisons. 
This was oh... This was the gnostic text too.  DNA recall goes back to reality creation and forwards to 'When you end up arrested?'  Stopped?  'Stick with Now'  Haha


Last dream I was sharing a bed with Em... We'd been sleeping hugging each other at some point in the night I must have rolled over her cause when I woke I told her... Oh, I'm at the wall now. 

Turned on my PC to find the image at the top. 

Ah last year...  each ripple a year and about eyeballs and place.


3 pronged attack.. Was Virus, Money and something else war?? Did we turn the war into a food fight to  navigate to the timelines where shit doesn't blow up?

Oh that page.   Hammer & Sickle and sunflower seeds..


and sickle 
The hammer and 
sickle is a symbol 
meant to represent 
proletarian solidarity 
a union between 
agricultural and 
industrial workers. It 
was first adopted during the Russian 
Revolution, the hammer representing 
workers and the sickle representing the 
peasants. Wikipedia

Now the EU shortage of sunflower oil...   I can't help but laugh at this shit cause to me this reality is like a symbolic dream.  
I'm in sane not out sane




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