Wednesday 23 March 2022

Wasness and Isness

Oooo that was beautiful 😍 The harmonic beats and ripples of many heartbeats at once!  I could see hear and feel them 'Come here again Ren'   ok, thanks...


Long space dream - Emmm we went the long way round to changing a whole command structure and customs to allow for a change or mistake we made?   It's hazy as there was so much to recall I was with Kaylo and Inka though in the dream.

It was almost like we created silence to understand noise...    I'm confused  'Just keep dreaming Ren' 
Wake at 14.14 - Not the boy, Not the girl    Contrast to one size fits all?  


Eh?? There isn't 14.14 at night... Humm how did I see that... 14.14 is Mars in my chart. 

We were making what was not, to understand what was?

Or trying to make an isn't to better see what is 🤔


Then another long dream I do recall a long concrete spiral slope down the edge was lots of dogshit that had been missed from clear up. 

I was floating over it thinking I really should move away from this before I get in another mess 😆


Very long dream a green cord skirt with a black shirt and tie belt I'm not sure who I was again.  We were stopping a mountain of crap and kids toys from falling down a flight of stairs.  I was part way up holding it back.
A younger sibling or child was stuck in the pile and we were trying to get him out where he could pull some of the stuff out of the heap.

If it all went crash it would be him and me on clean up.

Abstract symbolic dream.
A modern town with market stalls I was with 3 female friends and we'd been looking for ages at a stall selling cheep jewellery and scarfs.
I also had with me some art I'd painted in acrylics....  A mountain scene with strange devises in the foreground fields.
The place we were in had dealings with off worlders and the things I'd painted were their devises though that wasn't my subject they had just been something in the painting I'd captured.

The guy at the jewellery store was puzzled by my wrist size.   I'd bough a ring to use as a bangle... But woke before I'd payed him.
This was odd as I went back into the same dream after waking and was trying to find the marketeer to make sure I'd paid him.  
It was a different day though and the street market was in another section of town so I'd had to walk there carrying a brother on my back.

When I found the store holder again he was set up by a subway entrance, not a place I've been the entrance was surrounded by painted white metal railings.  
His stall this time was in a wooden booth set up with others for traders to use. 

He was pleased to see me and told me I'd not paid but some older females who had over herd my and my friends talking had covered what we owed him.
They had felt pity at what we had been threw.  (I recall we had quite a back story and had all been abused by something/one) 

The conversation they had overheard was us talking about why someone had committed a seemingly odd crime... She was symbolically giving back hurt she had been caused in the form of strange balls.

We had all done the same at separate times. 
Mine had been in the form of the painting I'd done when I see it again, a section of it had been cut out I'd rolled that bit into a ball too.

Vicky from this dream was with me... Hum it also had balls?


I'd woken up from the dream really hot from having a brother wrapped around me clinging to my back.  

14.14 that's Mars in planets... 
Mars square Uranus?



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