Sunday, 6 March 2022

Dragon Chasing

I'm Sorry about my Bro Inka.  'You know us Ren'  Yeh... Still.  'Then you know Sorry means shit.  We play this Ren and are very good friends'  Sheesh.. 'Just sleep Bitch'


Inka?  'Mm?'  Could you get Rick out of my head please.  'This is why you don't watch TV or do religion' 

So it seems...   It's fun but I want my own archetypes again.

'You are not easy you know'  Tired though... It's hard seeing everything threw an archetypal lens.

'Which is why?'  Yeh it's funny, and I'm lazy n sick!  

'Come here stupid'  TY  'Save that Ren, you might not like how I remind you of us' 

I'm not that fussy though 'Sadly not'  Why Sadly?  ' Just come here'  Ok any here?  'Me obviously Ren' lol  Ok.

I'd gone to Inka who was at Ddad's hub.  There were lots of Ddad's crew around looking at Inka and me like we were made of crap
He just brew smoke at me and told me to nap! 

A strange dream a room filled with cupboards.  In some were rodents of different kinds. 
Others were filled with strange old style toys I'd never seen.
They looked expensive.  I was being asked to sort and catalogue them.

Some were broken like a toy plastic plane, other stuff was way older.   Metal Diecast farm animals,  old fashioned metal cars. 
Some of them were collectable and I was making notes of model numbers.
A guy with me was valuing them.


I duno what I'm seeing Inka?  Were cutting stuff? 
'Attachments and ties' 

Why?  'Healed or not needed'    One was something with Sandra and Chris  'Symbolic Ren'
I realise we've also been doing this for the past few days.   Time is odd there.

'Yeh come back'  
A dragon appearing and vanishing.... It's what we do too.   We appear and then scatter to hide, this dragon was doing the same, it was all earth tone colours.  I don't recall now who it was but I was tracking it and following.

Next bit were back in that room with the odd VR thing.  
I'd been a small sleepy gargoyle thing again and Inka just put me on the floor to go back to sleep.

The next dream was long a school in a vast stately home or castle.  The inside was 30's 40's style, looking like it had just been decorated. 
It was very self contained, with different coloured dorm areas it's own hospital, leisure areas, bars,  cafeterias and kitchens. 
Was amazing to look around.

I'd been given a room in a yellow dorm with other students long ago.  I'd not used it for years though.

I'd been living in a bunk in the staff area as a runner for the school section.
I helped in a class with a very playful rabbit. 
The whole complex was vast and the layout confusing, not unfamiliar though and I recalled other long dreams of similar space.
The grounds were amazing with some fantastic old trees and statues.
I'd been sent to collect an item that I'd left in the yellow dorm room.  It had been empty so long it was going to be reallocated. 

I also had family there, I had a chat with them moving threw. 
Once I'd reached the yellow dorm I'd realised why I'd not stayed there.  It looked amazing but the vibe was really toxic.  
Lots of competitive bickering females.  I had to engage with them as I couldn't recall where my room was.
Part of me was sad I'd not got to enjoy the yellow room.   (Was pretty ordinary really just a dark wood bunk with a yellow bedspread single unit and a window)  

The communal areas and canteen were nice or would have been without the attitude of the other people there.  Was happy with my choice of bunking in the grey grotty staff area 😀

Last dream was jumbled, We'd gone to see Kaylo & Leon who were errr defusing us.. Or balancing was like a static thing.

It's set in London.
Ronald Macdonald swimming pool?  It had a hospital vibe.  I'd gone there with Ian's Dad and an x partner.  I'd dropped while polystyrene balls all over the floor.
A large picture to be framed, the frame was ornate heavy and gilded it was to be hung in an important gallery. 

I was also with Inka in the church in my main dream area where he killed me.  We've been back a few times since when he took me to meet me as a new born baby and another time before we went south into the sea.
It was different inside this time the walls were made of flint and cobble stones and there was a really low door between the church and the back area we had to crawl threw.   I had some coloured pencils that were wrapped like corndogs.

Ah yeh, there was a children's entertainer contact there.  I'd gone to speak to him and he was a real shit, Inka had told me it was something we were going to watch and deal with? 


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