Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Do Not Open?

'You're Relaxed Ren, Head back to Ddad and see what he needs, I'll find you later'  Hummm ok..
Ddad's hub they just ignored me so I'd asked him directly 'What do you want with me?'
'I'd like you to put your crap in a box again' 
He was showing me an image I'd seen...  Eh??  Like Pandora shit?? Anhow it's not my box it's Inka's? 

'Who took the lid off?'   

You've kinda lost me?  'If only Ren.' 

A box is like a cube.... 'Yes'  Cube stuff is Saturn? 

'Just go back to sleep Ren, we will show you' 

Inka dosn't have a box?  'Sure?'   
Hummmm Oh the cube, tesseract, cross thing?  Checks too...  That's not his?  Hum Malico was involved too?   
'Who keeps unwrapping it Ren?'

You're making it sound like pass the parcel

'Likely why Inka became your Mail / Male man'  😆

'Just please sleep Ren'    I'm not tired.

'Then what do you want?'  Errrrrr I'm not sure, why don't you surprise me? 

'I have no words Ren'  Why not? 

'It's taking my resolve not to kick you'  Kick me if you want, I'd rather you amused me.


'See why we team well Bitch?'  lol Inka, I know that.  'It's ok Ren, he's learning too'  So we're teaching Ddad?  'It shouldn't surprise you'  Didn't I just ask him to surprise me?' 

'This is why Ren, you are impossible dear, Please try and sleep now'  Who the fuck said that?? 


'Just have a nap mouse'  I want to play...     'Inka Ren is your mouse'  

I think he knows that, he said he's busy...    Inka?  I think we're making Ddad dizzy? 

Humph... Any of you want to play or did I scare you all away?  


'Ren?'  Loci!  'Jump to me'  kk...  Oooo Lets go to Malico's it's ages since we've been in the lab. 

Hummmm  I know! Teach me more about boxing day?  'You are funny mouse'  Come here then, was that the day Inka was making masks? 


Hummm I have no Recall Where is Inka?? Oh Loci I was with you? 'Yeh Come back here' 


Next time I wake I do have dream recall.
I was flying to Bengal on a plane?  I was with Em and her Gran, in the dream her gran had a bro who lived there and we were going to visit.  Em had asked her Gran who's agreed to buy me a ticket.
I'd not packed anything but a pot of pink hair dye.

It was a private jet only 6 of us?  Felt more like a flying van
😂  At take off we were passing all kinds of wyrd stuff like missiles on runways.  The take off was fun fast and wobbly.

Sleeping in a big heap of people... Like when you play the pile-on game...  balanced on top of us is an old fashioned baseball bat,  wood with a black handle.


Back in India.. Only we had arrived on a very colourful double deck bus.  Inside was hand made hangings and rugs.  The sun was bright and I'm with Zak this time and some other family.
We had found narrow streets with old painted houses.  The architecture was unusual and the paint very faded.
Zak was complaining it was hot, I was telling him it was still early in the morning. 
The floor at this point split into 2 levels and had a dungeon crawler game feel about it.   Holes in this broken road to jump over and an odd ambiance.  
It opens into a leisure centre type of swimming pool?? Zak had gone of to play and I'd had to leave the others to try and find him again.

I was in a space with lots of uk x patriots.
Which reminded me that another part of the night I'd been about to move to Canada, I'd been having a chat with a Canadian moving back.  Something had happened with currency that would make him very well off if he moved back home.  I'd been cleaning out a blue and white fridge.

As I was walking around someone was following me, she was gently massaging a knot on my shoulder, I'd thanked her.

I'd jumped back to Ddad's hub as dreaming with Loci was all-over the place symbolically.   Inka was nowhere I could hear or feel.

At Ddad's hub I got in a fight about the uniform.  I'd refused to put it on. He was offering to have his crew force me into it and I'd told him he'd have to, cause I wasn't putting it on willingly. 
That I didn't need to ware what he wanted to do what he asked.

They forced me into the uniform and then shoved me in the meeting room, using them bracers that locked my form in place there.
He wanted me to dream there and I was stubbornly refusing and increasingly angry. 


Ddad was commenting I'd slept on the floor for Inka and I'd told him that had fuck all to do with him.  Inka appeared as the situation was escalating 😛
At first he just checked in with me mentally and told Ddad he'd take on my Debt and make sure I fulfilled it... But Ddad didn't  want to go along with this.

Inka understand the futility of fighting to force me to do anything. 
We fight with eachother for shits and giggles

So Inka reminded Ddad how much it will trigger Leon and all the others if he fucks me up.  Ddad's still's not convinced so Inka asked me to sleep while he demonstrated something.

First dream of some friends youngest daughter. 
Her pet dog died, then the daughter lay down and died beside it. 
The parents had made a shrine of glass in front of a fire place.
I was watching the shrine and the people visiting. 
The empathy people had was overwhelming. 
I could feel the child and dog together in spirit.

A dream with Inka and a window.
A storm outside and a dark blue roller blind. 
The blind had been placed on the wrong side of the window. 
I was being asked to regulate the light flow.
It was something I couldn't do alone as the mechanism was now on the wrong side of the glass.
Inka's awareness was on the other side, he could help me experience the effect of my emotions in the moment - make me feel what others were experiencing. 
The same as I sometimes do for others. 
I could use my emotions to effect the light flow to them behind me?

In another dream a small bright blue bird.
It was so soft it was almost paper like.  I'd been asked to move it threw a building.   
The building was crowded with people who wouldn't let me pass and I could feel the blue paper bird dying in my hands.  
When I eventually got threw the bird was lifeless so I breathed on it a bit to see if it would come back.   It did and fluttered out of my hands.  
Once outside we were surrounded by flowers.   The paper bird would only feed on a specific one.
I was helping it search for the right bloom, a small purple and orange lupin shaped blossom.

When I came back I was no longer on the ground.
I was standing a little way in front of Ddad & Inka, I could instantly sense a warning so I'd asked if I could come closer.    Inka told me yes.
He was still demonstrating something and asked my permission to show something else.   I'd agreed and sat down.

This was crazy. 
I was in so many things at once again but it was all my recalls. 
How I'd become so many different things to experience....
Trees, bugs, animals and birds, elements and energy.
I'd end up as everything at once, and then fracture again to scatter and play.

Crew/family. We had learnt together, the many life reviews I'd had in sleep where I was able to experience everything. 
World reviews, system reviews and more.  
I'd learnt team work threw play, like animal's learn bite control with siblings. 
Oh but this was after bunking out from many astral school systems. 
lol the lengths Inka had gone to, to hunt me
😏 after the others had tried and mainly failed to teach me 🤣

The effective use of aggression,
but also the importance of my intention and emotions when I'm dreaming.

My frame of mind and emotions create the experience I'm perceiving.  

That I know myself better than to be coerced into anything. 
Inka showed him some of the timeline reviews I'd done with Leon too,
some of the times we have seriously fucked up - plus the emotional fall out and trauma we have had to heal from. 
Inka knows how to play me into agreeing to practically anything. 😂


We all agreed that Inka could be an intermediary.
And from a time now perspective I could see how this was another of them agreements that ripples out 🙄




Now what is Pandora?? 

Ah...  Curiosity?  Hahah I have plenty of that!  Bit like apples then?
I still have questions though
Oh the box.. Is this where Inka told me you can play if you learn to tidy up??   

Oh the Box's  Haha bugs in box's!!


'Buggy Mice'  Hahah


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