Friday, 25 March 2022

Lock-Ups and Take-Overs

Squashed under a tall viaduct with many other people.

A very high-tech building on lockdown.  
8 of us had been locked inside as security and maintenance while it was closed up.
The place was like a high security school or prison.  
On arrival we'd had to go threw strange procedures to receive a devise similar to a phone that gave us access to the buildings systems.

We were locked inside for months, only I could send my awareness outside the building on surveillance. 
I'd found an unlocked window and it took me ages to work out how to get access to the room it was in to shut it.

Of the 8 people in with us one was a psycho, not difficult he just lacked any empathy or morality, while we were inside he was also teaching us about himself and his love of manipulation.
Another guy in the group was gay and had fallen in love with him.....  
It was interesting to watch the second guy had the loyalty of a dog.


It was an interesting social dynamic to see unfolding. 


It reminded me of that dream ages ago were I was a male in prison and I manipulated the prison guard to get out.

This was different in that we had all agreed to be there.  The Psycho guy liked the attention and was happy to talk about himself. 

There was also a box of snakes again, all different coloured ones... Stripy like candy canes.  Unusually strong again even though they were small.

Last dream was USA, costumes, money clothes and outfits.  Some people I knew and a party I was being asked if I'd be able to repair a party coat fabric.   It was a deep green silk coat, looked Victorian in style.


Last up I jumped back to Ddad's hub where I'm still there with Inka.  It's very chaotic.

Inka's put me in charge of the hub/ship but I'm still a kid 🙄 
He's telling me what to do and it was pissing me off
'It's why I made you a Kid Ren, you're easier to just shove out of the way' 
Yeh I noticed

'Taking over a fucking hub Ren is not a time or place for me and you to fight?'   Yeh....   I sort of see your point.....  'Not enough to concede it though'  What dose that mean?   'It means you still argue even when you haven't got a fucking clue what's going on'     

from Latin concedere "give way: yield: go away, depart, retire," figuratively "'agree, 
consent: give precedence," from con-z here perhaps an intensive prefix (see con-), + cedere 
"to go: grant: give way" (from PIE root *ked- "to go: yield").

Mmmm  yeh...  Well ok, I'll grant you that 😆

Inka wants me to access the hub/ships AI and we were going to open a portal or doc something there I think.
Or he was, it was confusing and fast
'Which is why sometimes it's helpful for you to just do as I fucking ask?'   Sometimes..... I do 😛

Anyhoooo I duno what we were up to or why  
'See?'  yeh 😏
But you did put me in charge and then start telling me what to do!  'I put you incharge of the Hub Ren, not your self 😈'  Shit head!   'You want to tell me what to do?'  Not right now.  'Well shut up then!'  😆  I was being a fairly impish kid... the boggert in me was coming out and I had pointy teeth and a tail!

Anoyingly I couldn't go back to sleep to find out what was going on cause next-door kid was yet again screaming it's head off from 5.30am.


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