Inka did you have anything to do with me being a clone? '.......' I'm going to take the crazy sensations I'm feeling as a yes then.
'As you wish' hummm show me plx? 'Sheesh Ren. Your already head popped and ill'
Your trying to avoid the subject? 'Time n place for everything Ren'
Keeps swapping sides.. right Adrenal to left? Now higher up.
Hummmm 🤔 I didn't want to meet the person who cloned me at the time.
Who was the guy grooming people?
Show me more
please? 'In sleep?' Either
'Kk Ren' thanks, you don't sound that pleased?
'I'd prefer my timing' I like time now?
Wow... 'Ren' Mmmmm? 'I told you I'd stay today. Careful what you wish for Bitch?'
Hummm... meet me half way? 'OK, then take it easy n navigate'
OK. thanks.
22.22 - I'd been jumping all over, into spaces
were I was connecting missing stuff from outside time. Enough to make me dizzy. 'Go
with it Ren' Makes less sense
awake it's like I was dipping into time like you might do with a
12.12 Same thing but less chaotic. I'd
found all the other me's I needed and met the others who belonged with her.
Em was there too and
I was in her house with her family.
Some of this stuff was really crazy, air locks and gaming tables. All sorts of people and uniforms.
Here too everything was alive I was using it to connect threw to find the bits
I was after.
Must have been making so much DMT as even awake the whole room looked alive and
moving.... Was like I was tripping hard.
1.11 Now.. A dream world, I was still
with Em and her family/ crew in an odd world.
I'd been tracked down, I was one of the last few to join. Most had gone on to make crew or energy
gestalts of their own but I just wanted people to recall where they were
As we got closer to eachother we were highly psychic - all doing the same
energy work and heading to the same target.
It was energetically juicy - so nice not to have to talk and show eachother and
share again.
Lots of friends too we were planning a headfuck orgy? Ah yeh.. Was Red/Blue energy we'd all make it
purple at the exact same moment. Blowing our minds together.
Took a lot of planning though as we were on so many probable
That animal thing again too from the dream the other night of the families.
I was connected this time to raven or crow.
The guy mainly in
change was measuring.. He'd wanted to know why I'd waited I wasn't sure until
he was near me but the more I connected to his energy we realised I'd been
waiting for him.
2.22 🙄 my writing hard to read
here... Was programmed people?? 'They're just
playing duality Ren' lol 'Come here'
I've missed our hub I'd jumped to the ship hub with Inka and loci at the
start of the night. I just have to think
of loci and it makes my crown centre go nuts 😆
I'd turned into a dragon again there and Inka had used me as fluffy beanbag
again.. The above dreams were fast confusing and fun.
Eh?? It's 323 Didn't I already wake at
333 or was that what I was dreaming?
Anyhow it's the same strange dream.
Was like my main dream space but it was all Em's fam... Many old friends
We had 2 rooms a bathroom dressing room filled with mirrors and then a room
where all the walls had different size windows.
I wasn't sure were
my crew was.. I just seemed to be with Em's guys. I was doing stuff for them.
414 I'd been merging 2 very similar time lines using emotion to overlay them
into eachother.
Last dream was very confusing. Irean's
house with my cousins & Bro. I'd
been in the front room in a bath made from an oak barrel.. I had a bong too. There was so much back story to this, my
dad had left me there and I'd got bored and used Java & Minecraft to make
worlds to amuse myself while I was waiting.
It had all got kind of out of control though. Police too though I think they knew us.
I think I regret
asking you the clone question 'You
think?' 😆 My heads scrambled again Inka... 'I know Ren'
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