Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Tricks and Games

An odd place a young male I knew was being given ECT.  He was strapped to a wall by a bed to be shocked..... Sort of on his side. 
I wasn't sure how or why I was there... Before It started I had to leave to take a call.
It was my Dad calling.   The phone wasn't a phone I've ever had.

Wake at 222.  My blue energy centre feels odd.  I'd been on a long thin low ferry.  All grey and we were heading very far North. 


A strange fairy-tale house made of odd gummy sweets, inside was old romantic fiction books. 
Army cadets marching.   They were young and being led by women.


GWEN (Project or something)

Some freaky snake dream I kept having to take them outside.   Didn't like holding them and I was just manifesting more of them for some reason.

My friend and her 2 daughters they were all sleeping with the same guy.  He had on a royal blue adidas top.  It was causing the females to row.  The guy was telling me he may try stopping his medication.

After that Inka was showing me the counties that make up both sides of the Scottish border ... He was showing me them as a colour.  It was a blue border?!  As all sides were blue? Hummm it was a really abstract thing.  Not sure what I think it was to do with the ideologies of the people on each side.

Dreaming from my hub.  I'd got sick of Ddad's place and jumped to my roundhouse. 
Inka and Loci arrived soon after and then Kaylo came at some point too.

All the dreams were long and fun. 
First I'm in a massive dream school, I'd been there for years.  A small group of us were up to something and had white plastic overalls that we had taped the words NWO on to with black insulating tape. 
The team had some kind of environmental concern.... the suits were protective too. 

A meeting with an old headmaster type who was trying to ascertain what we wanted, but we were all double agents or more. 
Our loyalties and contracts changing constantly.... While we were working together for this we all had other things we were doing too.    The setting was cool, large old domed buildings.
We had a vehicle too it was like an old school mini, but a van/bus, didn't have the keys but a guy I was with knew how to jump start it with some cables under the dash.   I was driving.

Next was a dream we were all in.  Well the 4 of us at my hub. 
It was a puzzle platformer game, incredible oriental style ruins with dragon statues and inverted pyramids.  Something I needed was hidden in the rock of certain statues.
We has an old cassette tape that had been sewn into an old teddy bear to hide it.  We'd made a copy of it but not told Inka and he though it was the only one.   We'd not bothered to tell him and he got really pissed off with me when he found out he'd been freaking out and we all knew about a back up

It seemed like similar dream worlds we're  jumping in and out of.   Teaming but also slightly screwing eachother over.  Inka was going to cause chaos in a world then jump out and leave me with the blame. 
He'd warned me in advance and I had family in that space who would pull me out when enough shit went down.
I was in that world with another female.  I had roller boots, fluffy coat and my old style camera.
The one I used for my A level photography.   My friend looked amazing she was in a gold leotard thing with high heal sandals, very sexy,  I liked to take her photo.

I was also in touch with a giant grass head
🤣 It had all the answers to everything.  As I closed my eyes I could see lines of code and calculations -  I realised that was when I was sharing with Kaylo... he made a cool talking grass head.

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