Saturday, 26 March 2022


First dream was big.   Astral or space hubs, huge like floating manufactured modern cities.   Familiar too part spaceship part hub.
Their demolition had been programmed into their creation and when they reached the end of their useful existence the structures were detonated. 
Me and a group of friends & family had a game we played like chicken.
We'd keep track of the demolitions and then stay on the structures during the decommission.... Winner was last one to leave ideally without getting blown up 🤣 
We had a role in this too, we had to check crew lists and siblings we were there to oversee the destructions.
But as competitive idiots we made everything into a game.  Me and a sister were the only people remaining as parts of a structure were exploding.   Fires were breaking out and energy failiers we were in what had at one point been a large metal and glass corridor leading to a funfair. 

The places were visually amazing we were together in the corridor watching eachother to see which of us would jump first.

I knew I'd have to jump back to Ddad's hub and did this earlier to avoid being woken up!

Once there It's still chaotic and me and Inka were at eachother too.   I'd done something he asked but it had only served to make me more angry.   He was yelling at me to sleep in Ddad's chair and I was up for just antagonising him.   The whole place was crazy, I knew I should help Inka but I just couldn't help myself
😛  He was clearly struggling to keep a handle on the hub situation with me just being a shit!

It was around then that Loci appeared told Inka he'd handle me...  Inka looked relived
Loci found my Teddy and blanket and gave me a hug to calm me down then he'd stroked my head while I fell asleep in the Ddad's chair there.

Once dreaming there stuff made way more sense!  
The AI's system was similar to the re-ed scanners.  
All the crew there had been chipped to interact with the AI of the hub/ship.
Inka had joined with my awareness once I was in the system.  He'd needed me inside it first. 
It was really intuitive once inside. 
Like the other day when I'd been Inka's sub processor.
This time though it was AI and neural stuff, I was piggy backing on the AI link to share my hummm physiological state??   When I woke slightly the hub was calm, really calm.  
Inka had been asleep on the floor by the chair with his hand on my pulse, he'd woken briefly to laugh at me and give me a hug.
We thanked Loci too.
As once asleep I'd recalled that most probability lines end with Inka kicking child me to death and then exploding the hub or worse. 
🙄  Which is why Ddad had tried to stop us kicking this off.
It's also why I'd invited Loci to that room to play with me as a child. 
We had needed him to know where to find us as from outside of time we knew we'd need his help too.... and we'd realised then I was likely to go BOOM!

It's not uncommon for Loci to rescue us from the end of a borked reality line.  Inka and me end up in a toxic feedback loop where neither of us can calm down

Once I'd crashed out he could use me to calm himself down,  then with our joint awareness working together we quickly put the whole hub in a kind of stasis. 
I'd agreed to an injection too, Iron fillings or something and also I'd let Loci put a small magnet under my skin with another one places on top.
It helped the AI of the hub monitor my state. 
I wasn't implanted the same way as the others, and Inka was controlling that neural network... I'd just applied the same compartmentalisation I did the other day as his subprosessor and that way I was able to induce a type of dream sharing.
It wasn't my 'dream' it was just my relaxed dream state. 

Ddad is still someplace in the hub.   Isolated or hostage I think, Inka and me just needed to chill.   It was a nice contrast that  everything was peaceful and the whole hub asleep and we'd found a probability line were it didn't go wrong. 
I was trying to understand how this is linked to crashing a timeline and being a clone
😵 as my perspective there was vast.
When I woke I had really strong mouse/Morse code in my right ear!


The next dream there was long and visually very detailed.  
London I'd gone to meet up with Em.  It was to do with an inheritance and I'd agreed to witness.
I was sharing a hotel room with another female.
I'd got there first. 
A dark room with no windows and an old black and red silk bedspread, we have a shared bed.

I'd been dreaming there, part of my awareness was still inside the hub AI too
I was learning and understanding it as it learnt me. 
Inka was also mentally busy and our awareness was still merged but separate too, I was mainly aware of him like you might be if you're working in the same room as another person.

When the woman arrives she's beautiful and elegant.
Long hair that had been dark but was now flecked with white.  She'd been known as black velvet.
She'd told me her story about a parting with her man.  I was only half listening as my awareness was so split.


When Emma arrived Vicky was with her again...  Humm she was in the ball dream where we had all been abused..
Anyhow this time she was one of the 4 people who would be getting a share of an inheritance.
It was different from the Legacy I was inline for the other day.
I was only here as a witness for them, oh Marie too.  So Mirror me, Middle me Vicky and the 4th person wasn't present. 
They had all wanted to head into the city for a meal but I was out of credit and busking it again.
We'd been discussing it and I was telling them that £12 transport then the cost of the meal was to much for me that they should go and I'd grab some noodles for 80p

They decided eventually that they would at least buy me a drink and so we headed to a strange dark wooden square bar with no staff.
Em goes behind and gets us drinks in thin can's.
At the bar I'm floating.  My feet wouldn't stay on the ground and I was trying not to bump into people while handing onto the bar to not float away.
The other 3 were discussing the will, and also the English Rose... Who I realised was Black Velvet too. 

They hadn't realised that I'd been dreaming in her room.  This was layered, I realised I'd been responsible for some of what this female had been known for.  
I'd just done it threw sleep to remain anonymous... left the info in her fabric.

The others were all round a table and I realised I wasn't effected by the gravity so it was a good time to practice astral yoga.  
A young middle eastern guy at the next table asked me about it and I was explaining how it worked to him.  
When I join the other 3 at the table still upside down there are 4 new drinks.  A highball glass half filled with water and ice and a few pealed cooked prawns each glass has a black straw.
Hummm.... Was prawns on the floor the other night too, these are linked to the symbiotes we placed in astral? 

Hummm, reminds me of this dream at the bottom with the dark rainbows.

Oh... I was in a blue overall then too! 


Wow Inka... We knew then 26th last month that I'd be likely to go pop... 'Yeh Bitch, We cheet!'

Hahah... we are doing everything 'At time now'  Hummm so we created the stuff we've, I can't 'Not awake Ren, your recall awake is mainly linier'


I understood last night how we made that cube thing!  'Yup'  I'd already solved it and ate it so I knew how to create it...  This is 'Confusing Ren, I know'   🥴

Oh... the dream with Hope and Hope's timing?  This all fits somehow?  'OFC Ren'  🤔

The press stuff last night too...  

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