Saturday, 12 March 2022

Dream Tec

'Ren.  Remember what Ddad said??'  Oh..  He wanted me to pick a side?  'Yes'    
'It's up to you how you want to play this mouse, you have credit to shift with Ddad.  After that your call' 

Credit with you?  'Fluid situation as usual Ren' 
Ok...  I don't think my intention has changed.    'kk Ren... I'm helping you with where we are at.  Then me and you have an astral chat'  

'You're an IMP Ren'  Sorry time now though? 
You're pushing me to sleep?  'Yes if you won't fucking wait'  How??  'You've been told we can regulate how much you sleep?'  Yeh....   'Well lets just clear that credit then?'   Ok..  Thanks.  

That was strange...  'You are in a low vibe space Ren'   So it seems, so I will shove you if needed into sleep.  Kk, thanks..    'The right answer bitch, this morning you got into a mess'   yeh..

'Ren?'  Yeh?  'You'll scape goat me?'  OFC, mate.  'Good, stick with Ddad plx, till I tell you to move or switch'     Sure...... 

 'Yeh Ren, lots of shit heading our way just do as I say and duck when I tell you'   lol great ;)  I'm not going to ask what did you do...   'I'll show you once were free of the fall out'  lol   😆

Far nuff...   I could use some energy shove bk tbh.    
'Me too Ren, you being ill was getting boring'

As suggested I jumped to Ddad's hub.  Straight to the room and crashed out there.

After a while Ddad came to collect me with a guy I recognise n 2 I'd never seen.  He wanted me to put on that blue overall again. Was adamant that at the moment it was for my own protection.

I agreed after making a hole for my tail. 

We go to a room with a machine that's connected to a bench with a visible metal circuit channel and I was to sleep on the bench.  I was going to be teaming with the 2 guys one at a time. 
It wasn't dissimilar to astral schools but this time there was tech too. 
The room was quite white and bright like the hive collective type of hubs.

The dream was game like.  Lazer-quest crossed with capture the flag type of thing.
A dark maze in the middle with an objective and 2 safe rooms at either end.

I'd just dropped my form spreading threw the whole maze at once.  Marked the objective and then coalesced again in the opposing teams ready room.  In the room was what seemed like a TV screen but it had thousands of channels.

When I'd woken from that I was back in Ddad's hub... Trump was there too and there was a conversation about future seeing.
I was just required to sleep again on the same bench.

This dream was more surreal.  A city.  My energy form was dark grey blue, I was seeing everyone as a colour and my form lacked cohesion. 
I was effectively kidnapped but it was very hard to manage as It was like trying to hold a fart
I knew Inka was some place in the city scape I was in and my instinct was to return to him and defuse. 
But me and another entity blue like me were being bundled into separate cars. 

I'd reached out to the other blue thing and we merged quickly sharing all our info - they grey smear types weren't happy about this.
There perspective helped.  We were in a space were futures were being manipulated and those with future sight were kept hidden.
We needed to challenge the notion of liner time as it's not how it works for us... It was hard though as we were being abused and kept apart.
Some of us had the ability to stretch our 'NOW' very far seeing vast probable futures and pasts .. It was being called far sight there.

Captain kirk?  He was yellow.  I was seeing people still as colours I suppose, it was strange being made into just a blue/grey smudge!

I don't recall who the next dream was with.  I was still on Ddad's hub I think it was the same room.

It was an advanced medical facility I was in.   Airlock and magnetic doors and pressurised corridors.   Rooms with large grey lay down scanners and what look like blood or body fluid analysis machines. 
Screens with all numeric data print outs.  The digits were large I've not seen anything like it before.

It had the feel of an escape room,  in that I didn't want to be there and was avoiding someone or something.
Hiding and trying to escape.
Again it had the feeling that the people in there were actors playing a coloured role.  I didn't interact with many of them as the space was mainly automated.
I think I was trying to avoid being experimented on.  I was squashing myself to hide from a large scanning bed it had activated automatically and the radiation it emitted made me feel really sick but I was trapped in the room with it untill it's program had finished.

After that I'm pretty sure I was just alone again in the room in Ddad's hub.

One dream I'd had a zinc metal pan the bottom all burnt, cooking over the almost spent embers of a fire of wood and coal.   I was watching the ash stick to the pan were some of the gloop I was cooking had spilt out.

Another dream with Em, she'd ordered bulk supplies of things and I was unpacking them for her.  Marking them off and putting them away.
Shampoo and cleaning products...  Some of them were in sealed plastic pillows made to be poured into refillable containers.

Last dream when Inka arrived back lay down n crashed out.
Was some rooms I had underground.
A cool space, felt safe.   3 connected rooms.
One with an old church pew pulled up to a desk with an old square moniter PC.   A handmade bedspread was on the church pew to make it nicer to sit on and the room was rounded where it had been hollowed out below ground.  Was lit by a couple of candle alcoves in the wall.

Another was a bed room with half an old fashioned dresser the kind that would have had a mirror but that was lost or broken now and it was just the bottom half shoved against a low dark wall.
This room was almost black dark.
Just a small amount of light this was the level closest to ground and it was almost like a basement window but the above was covered with dirt so the smallest amount of light showed night from day.

This room had a sink too.
I had a small bowl of instant mash and beans that was cold,  I was trying to take down a number someone was telling me telepathically. It was so dark I couldn't really see.  That and I only had 2 blue pens that were practically out of ink and a crumpled bit of yellow paper.  It started 1437



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