Sunday, 27 March 2022


I'm tired... 'Come bk'  You were sleeping on the floor?

'Yeh Ren was a relief to hand shit back to your stupid ass' 

What now?  'We heal'  Mmmmm
'Come then Ren, we might make good energy but it's not always easy'

 TY 'Loci's here too, he'll watch stuff while we crash out'
Kaylo?  'Safely out of our trouble'


A large dark house on the edge of a demolition zone it was 1930's style with large rooms and was a state.
One toilet was blocked the electrics were off.  It felt more of a squat.  I was sharing a bed with 2 others when we are woken by a noise on the stairs and 3 more people have broken in a guy with 2 girls.

They are odd and at first a little hostile. We'd lit a lamp and I'd offered them some jam n peanut butter pitta bread and they sat down to talk. 
The guy is crazy but It's a crazy I recognise and he showed me a book he was writing I'd realised our experiences were familiar.
We'd told them they were welcome to stay in the building too but it was marked for demolition soon.
It had been a really long dream, at the start of it I'd lived in the same building as a kid.  I used to get locked up in my room there.
The demolition was to make space for re-greening.  It was a hummm like small scale communal farming or gardening.  Plots were triangle shaped and from above once re-greened looked like patchwork blanket.
A channelled form of irrigation... I wasn't aware of any kind of dwellings.   The bright green was a stark contrast from the dark trashed building we were living in but some of us didn't mind busking it.

I'd jumped back to Loci and Inka were we were all chilling out.  Inka was on the floor smoking and I was still in the chair I kept climbing out and trying to sit on him cause I'm still a small imp/kid I kept waking up and he was shoving me back in the chair.   It's not at all comfy!


I'd gone back into a similar dream to the first... Same people.  They were like a crew but new to me.
We were trying to spread a message of identity and ID... One was what you were not what you were labelled and there was a hex, 6 something too.


The odd guy we were encouraging to open a cafe/bar in one of the downstairs rooms of the squat house we would all help out.    It was a strange space we were in, closed shops and empty houses we looted.   The guy had a large metal case shaped like a silver car that he kept a lot of paper work in.
It was in them plastic protector things... It was very old. 
Oh yeh he had a very old square drive too.  Heavy he had to carry it too and from places as there were very few of them left.  I was going to try and link some old tech with a form of AI. 


It was an odd place areas with this facial recognition.  I feel we were feral types living outside of the main compounds but the ruins of city's we'd been living in were being turned into this strange regreen thing that wasn't at all like nature.
We were certainly outside of the main society but had our own community and way of living.

Last dream I woke up from with incredible blue and white patterned dream dust it looked like Arabic mosaic work.. I'd been having a dream of playing at the edge of a cornfield the corn was green and young. 
I was watching kids play there, then the green turned into sea the tide was flowing fast and I was struggling to round up the kids n there toys before the tide turned.

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