Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Multi Line Drift





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= p … o 


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、 つ ン 一 タ 鶯 ッ 鬯 2 こ と 
ま ) コ = 」 を 一 宅 を 0 ー d 互 
〕 ち こ の 。 一 と 


601 s


4 4 14




تي ورءزده فتفكمهتطهالوكون ق، 
و تفددااء تمنر لض اخت 
تتيننطدرعخرورا يي وترووي حتتوه««دوفه هد نعته وجده 
لا وبتتايمرو 
و؟،تث٤ث من -مرستاةم ده نهتتدسمس. نوهه عيويحموريده 
تهي م 
ء ومم منة.ه وهمة بهم وط تذه يبر.جؤرثبه بهمهنةمعع: 
غنوناخعونته مم مابي اوت 
- ، ي لذ توه» ثث:ننوةهدةاة 
ومتد بدة ونمغم " ب،هههه 
ونو يم


•J •pojsrd pur •.10drd uo 
JO osdr ur


22. Matisse, The Tree of Life. 
window in the apse of the Chap 
on paper. cut and pasted. I.


Fuck man that was far!!  'It's what we do bitch'  lol Yeh.... But that!

'Crash test dummy.... You're still not a splat yet!'   Hhhaa  True dat.


deadmau5 & Kiesza - Bridged By A Lightwave (Original Mix)




model yogr.•dö• 
You also 
Chess Piece 
Model one of these words. 
first team to guess Wins. 
Ignore guesses from nval:teams. 
IV)/6r« m Irroc mjcroc 
cue qou Seecag 
Daff o dd phoneqs 
ßaACd ) e 
an6-lhec EL Rad 
plaues /pauoas 
Cc OlavS PI eces


の プ れ Ⅵ 叫 & 叫 
丿 卩 S 
フ の り 召 レ の は 川





乙 。 レ p " 。 つ 方 ク 
O/d つ 叫 早 弯 咫 9 
一 心 の イ wofSl]/ 7 丿 弓 あ 5 ル ノ 舛 丿 
z ど 儷 dVMS 5 つ 肚 SdO 0 ・ 
ツ ア つ ⅵ い 1 叨 
S 」 つ 、 の d 
〇 1M 
, : 第 : 履 朝 = , に ' 0 フ レ ク 第 
卩 し = し 
s リ フ バ ノ 叫 ル 
の ) ゞ 丿 の ノ 
。 叫 , ′ 6 ⅸ 0 
つ 0 冫 N 〇 
一 周 〇 国 つ 「 - ・ つ 一


Fuck that was intense...     In tense 
Dreaming in a car with Ian & kids he's driving with windows open.

An Express farm train wizzes past.
The straw and dust in my eyes blinded me first and I knew it would happen to the others.

Ian wouldn't listen to my calls to pullover.

Sheesh!!  'Sorry Ren, I told you I was doing something I didn't want too...'

I know!!  But I knew I'd allready taken the blame for it! Lol
You took out me and my family with a high speed combined harvester.


'Crash test dummy head'  lol  'DW, I'll let you sleep in a bit'   Geee thanks.  🙄

Fuck that was intense...     In tense 
Dreaming in a car with Ian & kids he's driving with windows open.

An Express farm train wizzes past.
The straw and dust in my eyes blinded me first and I knew it would happen to the others.

Ian wouldn't listen to my calls to pullover.

Sheesh!!  'Sorry Ren, I told you I was doing something I didn't want too...'

I know!!  But I knew I'd allready taken the blame for it! Lol
You took out me and my family with a high speed combined harvester.


'Crash test dummy head'  lol  'DW, I'll let you sleep in a bit'   Geee thanks.  🙄

A dream of a blanket finished with a powerful power leap then wow... My head mind.   It was like it whent from the limits of reality threw a pressure cooker to hundreds of feet below an ocean!   Hahah...  Yeh, I'll be back wait up.

My mind can apparently experience being a pressure cooker or vast or expansive and compressed.


Next nap felt less chaotic..

'We are reminding you the here, with you the now'
Wow, I could see you while splitting too... So close.   'Mmmmmm'

Still couldn't speak latin though :P  'You will do when I'm threw with you'  lol ok.



So many cock heads all pushed together, knocking and banging.

We need to get a part appart..   Smuggle colours in.  

A heads up and wind ya neck in.

Oh Zebbidee men.

The top bunk dream?? Guy with sliver teeth?


attend (v.) 
c. 1300, "be subject to" (obsolete); early 14c., "direct one's mind or energies" (archaic), from Old 
French atendre "to expect, wait for, pay attention" (12c., Modern French attendre) and directly 
from Latin attendere "give heed to, " literally "to stretch toward," from ad "to, toward" (see ad-) + 
tendere "stretch, " from PIE root *ten- "to stretch." The notion is of "stretching" one's mind 
toward something. 
Sense of "take care of, wait upon" is from mid-14c.; that of "endeavor to do " is from c. 1400. 
Meaning "to pay attention" is from early 15c.; that of "accompany and render service to" 
(someone) is from mid-15c., as is that of 'be in attendance. " Meaning "to accompany or follow as 
a consequent" is from 1610s. Related: Attended; attending. 
Related entries & more



mensa (n.) 
"altar top, " 1848, Latin, literally "table, " also "meal, supper," and "altar, sacrificial table," hence 
used in Church Latin for "upper slab of a church altar" (see mesa). With a capital M-, the name 
of an organization for people of IQs of 148 or more founded in England in 1946, the name chosen, 
according to the organization, to suggest a "round table" type group. The constellation (1763) 
originally was Mons Mensae "Table Mountain." It is the faintest constellation in the sky, with no 
star brighter than magnitude 5.0. 
La Came, who did so much for our knowledge of the southern heavens, formed the figure from 
stars under the Greater Cloud, between the poles of the equator and the ecliptic, just north of 
the polar Octans; the title being suggested by the fact that the Table Mountain, back of Cape 
Town, "which had %itnessed his nightly vigils and dafly toils," also was frequently capped by a 
cloud. [Richard Hinckley Allen, "Star Names and Their Meanings," London: 1899]





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