Saturday, 2 April 2022

Diffrent Versions of Our Kids

'Stay Ddad hub for now Ren, I'll see you later' 

I miss you Inka 'Get what you need to make yourself comfy'

Are you implanted Inka?  'I'm Imp-lanted, bitch.  I've got you' 

Lol me?  'You're implanted to Ren but with metal not tech' 

Ddad? 'Will be subject to his hubs AI, which at present is one with you'

I don't get this

'You don't need to just sit in the chair and dream'

It's not comfy 'Then shrink and sit on someone else' ok.


Blugh.. That was alot and why was I cooking planets for dinner? 

I'd asked my teacher how come the planets were getting hot in the oven when they are also up in the sky.  He'd told me it was a good question!

The planets were like savoury puddings I was baking, I was going to take them for sustenance on a journey.
There was so much more too, science and math and betrayal. 

I'd been dreaming on Ddad but that had all been a bit confusing so I'd decided to get Loci for an alternative perspective.
This was timers and tests.  Like high tech cooking mixed with science experiments... Still duno what I'm seeing. 

I'd asked Loci to go see if Kaylo wanted to come as I was supposed to stay there and then I'd fallen asleep alone there in the chair.
I'd dreamed up 2 lumps of metal.  Identical and heavy, symmetrical but not any shape I could name, blobby with no edges or corners.
They were brass or meby bronze as they were to do with 'Age too'  One I'd placed in the chair and the other I threw a mt or so away on the floor.

Showing the AI the chair was the centre and the other the edge and I was making a circle.
Once done everything within would count as chair!


Only it also ended up being a portal/tube or wormhole?  I'm not sure anyhow it gave me more space to move in.
I manifested a large canvas floor mattress to sleep on then lay down to see if I could reach Inka. 

I couldn't and fell asleep instead while dreaming I realised I was aware of Inka's heartbeat.   I could tell it from mine as I've learnt it now.  It was relaxed so I assumed he was all right.


I'd magicked up a bunch of foil wrapped oxo cubes and was playing 3d noughts and crosses with the different flavour colours.
A solid gold ball too just smaller than a football, I'd given it to a seal to play with and look after.
The ball made a noise as it rolled round the hard black floor and the light reflection was interesting.
I also had a rainbow crystal.

The word 'Corical'  Boat or something else... The hub was also beeping like old arcade games.  I decided to call the AI Vicky after my friend I meet in dreams now and then. 


Now I could chill out there, I'd decided to reach for the others.   Was strange like only half my nodes were online I could only feel up to my back heart space.
Kaylo accepted my invitation to Ddad's hub and Loci went to get him. 

I had a dream of a strange grand hotel I was in charge of rooms there another crew was staying.
One of them had a green and white tracking collar.
This was similar to what James had round his ankle when he was out of the game till the next round....only his was blue and white.
While in the room they all came down with covid.  I was part of the hotel maintenance, a chamber maid or something.  I was handing them tissues as they were sneezing all-over.
The crew who were all quite young had told me the place we were in was all white upper-class, I couldn't disagree,  I'd told them they were welcome and I just worked there.

They all left and more and more people were being sent up to take the room.  Posh family's with posh kids.  I had 3 rooms I was waiting on and reception were sending up more and more people to use them.

I was trying to keep the crews room free but the new patrons were adamant that the room was now allocated to them.
I was contacting reception to see why I was being sent so many people.
I also had that toy from the pledge dream... The fisher price campervan with the little green boat on top.

Only the boat had some how been damaged and cracked.  I was sad and then Ddad was there with me telling me it was my own fault and he'd told me to tidy my toys up! 😆  The hotel had a talking rat too.


Inka came here in astral to check in on me.  Asked me to keep dreaming there and he'd find me later.


Well shit! What a crazy dream I had next.
It started off in the same hotel.
I'd been with Em and Lucy and we were being taken to veiw the original rafters in a religious or state building.
The style wasn't a building I have been in.  The walls were carved panelling and the large windows have thick wooden shutters.
A guy in formal black robes had opened a loft hatch so I could float up.
I poke my head threw to better see the original architecture and the woodwork and carving was incredible.
It was hard to see as the building air was thick with dust and the low sunlight threw the windows was making the air dazzling.
The guy had his attendees close the shutters for me as my vision was better suited to low light.

When I drop back out of the loft space the room we are in is changed and the wall below the carving is now a mix of a religious alter and a large fireplace.
All around are the same one eyed, red faced demon or mask depiction.
It was repeated over and over in the fireplaces cast iron metal work.
It wasn't familiar and me and Lucy who was with me were looking closely at the details.
I took out my phone to take some images .....  When I'm not dreaming with Inka I'm usually way less lucid :P
As I'd taken some photos the room changes once more and now the fire surround is white carved soapstone.
A repeating monk like depiction is making a pattern.   I snapped an image of that thinking what happened to the red room. 
I look at Lucy who's now dressed in a cheep fancy-dress bride outfit and I look down to see I'm wearing similar.
I say to her do you recall getting dressed this morning? I tell her I'd put on a green long skirt.  She confirmed she'd not put on a white wedding dress.  
I use the phone in my hand to scroll back and show her the pictures of the other room and she'd recalled that too.
As I'd scrolled further I see other images I had no recall of taking and then I find images of my kids but ever so slightly different. 
In clothes they don't own and places I've never been too. 

I recognised a building in my main dream space where some photos had been taken.   It seemed the place were my kids were living. 
It was strange like looking at images of another version of my life.
I asked Lucy if she'd come with me as I was sure I knew the place they were living.

We jump to my main dreamspace which is very built up. 
Bamburgh and Seahouses were connected together. 
We head to the house I'd recognised to find my family but not me living inside.
Fay was around 7 years old and her brother 5.  Youngest not alive.
Ian was in the building too and we go into the kitchen were I show him my phone filled with images.
He was looking at older versions of our kids that he'd not seen before. 
We were all sitting at the table thinking well this is wyrd. 
It was like quantum immortality stuff... It was also hyper real, the detail and quality of a lucid dream but It didn't occur to me at all that I was dreaming


I finally wake up at 916 after about 12hrs sleep!
Inka had returned... He was tired he wanted me to merge with him but threw his front.
I'd entered threw his heart centre.
Once inside he was showing me what to do. 
I'd turned into a rolly-polly bug again made of liquid light and big enough to roll around his heart. 

He'd wanted my protection while he did something he didn't want too.
I was also aware we'd swapped hearts ages ago, so I wasn't sure who's heart I was even protecting. 


My experience of what he was doing was strange too. 
It was old fashioned broadcasts but they also had images.  
Usually I just hear what is like many radio stations at once but this was overlaid TV broadcasts that were official in nature.
They were like the government information broadcasts that used to be a thing.... About, health, safety wars and things...   They were designed to propagate fear?? 
Once he'd done it he kind of felt better. 
Everyone in the hub had been in a deep sleep too while he had been doing it... It was peaceful and we didn't want to bother waking anyone else up yet.

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