Thursday, 28 October 2021


Ian bk and difficult....

I'm so tired of this shit.....  I wana sleep away from him so I can go astral without his dreams.
But he will take it as rejection/loss shit and I can't be assed with it.
'Ren, let Loci & Kaylo dream with you at your house ok?'
  'You don't need to know mouse.... Go we'll tell you if you need to know' 

As I was heading to sleep I felt Malico close in astral too - he told me he'd protect my dream space.

'Jump to your space Ren, set intention first'

Trains/but not...Transport I suppose

Was an east coast but different??   Mountains!  Lol  Actually all this was confused.  I was on mountainsides.  North York Moors and Whitby but they were huge!

The sun was low only a little above the horizon but it was mid afternoon so I was far north, the orientation felt off.
The trains were crazy.. Trains conveyor belts chair and mountain lifts. 

lol It felt a little like roller-coaster mixed with a canning factory!!
There were stations, busy ones with many entity's cramming onto these strange brown carriages.
The low hazy sun over the grey sea was lovely.
The contrast of traveling threw dark mountain tunnels of grey stone and then out into the cold bright sun.  
All the colours were muted, the trains open too.   
Standing room only and holding on like open tram cars.

My journey was taking me north then I needed to go west as my destination was towards the Hebrides again.
Most of the rest of the journey would be in the dark. 
I'd wanted to get  next station before the sun dropped from view.

I was part carrying, part supporting another person... I'd brought them threw fields in the dark to get them onto this transport.

The rest of the dreams were very odd. 
I was seeing my parents in their 20's way before I'd have been born, only they were different in one my dad was standing outside an inn smoking in the most unusual coat and skirt!  
lol  The coat was amazing hand made, had panels sewn in the back like tails... It made a fan, I suppose a bit like a peacock tail.   It was a patchwork browns, reds and oranges.. Very flamboyant I think he  had a cigarette holder too
Nothing I can imagen my Dad ever wearing but he looked pretty cool!
Others were there too,

It was a strange setting...  Almost stage like.   Small lit platforms and around them formless dark.

Other uniforms.. 

One was Black, Red, Grey.. A long style of coat.  Another side a mustard yellow, brown and black.
2 military forces.

I met James!  First time he's been in a dream in freaking ages.  
He was with Rachel too.
I'd hugged James we were pleased to catch up again all be it briefly. 
We met in a city on a stone bench.. Oh yeh, it was the bottom of the pedestrianised street in Guildford. 
It was here I last saw him too!!  
The night Loci & Kaylo barged in and
took over the pool table.
He didn't seem me then as I was formless watching the others.
My last recall of us being together was as we were kicked out of a school..
Then he was linked with Rog in a way I don't understand....???

He showed me a blue and white security tag on his leg.
He'd been caught and was out of games for now.

Rachel wanted to take me to show me something she was about to buy, it was a camping/festival shoe
It was like a flowery canvas pump shoe with a thick white sole but the soles contained compartments for contraband or small tools. 

Nice tbh, looked useful too 🤭  They were in a strange basement market stall.

The last dream was strange, I was taking part in a quiz.   Again this was a dark space with only a questioner and 2 contestants lit.

The questions were cryptic, I was looking threw my phone for an image.
The images on there we jogging memories of a celebration I'd recently been too.
(Only this me hasn't)
It was a wedding vow errr when you repeat them?  I'm not sure who's but it was 2 relatives and many of my dead relatives had been there as they were when I was a child.
But this was way before digi cameras. 
I'd been asked to take photos of the tables and flowers... And had done as I was asked.  I had the recall of the venue it had a long window down the right of the room.

Looking out onto a damp lawn and walled garden with climbing white roses.

The Tables again like last night were layer with white cloths. 
The flowers also white in small sprays, I'd taken pictures of these next to shiny silver knifes and spoons.
I was flicking threw these images recalling the day I'd been there.


'I told you, on both counts'
  smart arse!

'You're just predictable'


Yeah...   well you have an advantage!  'You still try to fight me'



What was it you put on my forehead....  'Same as you put on mine'  

Different metal?  A glowing eye?  One was copper the other silver? 

That time loop to this night....


So I'd been with Inka threw the night... He'd arrived bk and was teaching me ancient Greek & family stuff, why the repeating myths incest, patterns n shit. 
I'd been listening and behaving but close to morning I was bored of being good.... And wanted fun :P

Inka told me, 'Do what you want Ren' 
I'd told him, OK I'm  navigating. 
You can be driverI want the responsibility. 

He just shrugged said 'Stupid Bitch.  Do what you will'

I'd jumped to Darth Dad, told him for a while I was telling Inka what to do!!
He'd nodded telling me
'I will find you later' 

I'd jumped bk n told Inka we are going lower, Loci was happy said if we were going to fuck-shit up he was coming to watch too!   
Kaylo too as he was still around...

Inka and me jumped first to the heap were our old bones are.
I'd lit a fire there on top of the bone pile.. I was back in my bright purple form now.
He was Smokey purple black blob thing but with the copper veins inside..... I now have silver stripes!

After I'd lit the fire and added silver to the purple flames there....    Around the bone pile he'd added errr glowing liquid metal.  (From another dream yeh?)

Oh...   Yeh here, I didn't have permission to swim in it last year!!

Anyhoo.... Was liquid Iron Fe,  he was telling me Mars and Fe Male.  
I'd touched his forehead and left a glowing sliver eyeball ... I think he'd given me something similar in copper.
I was asking why he didn't do what he wanted....   He told me
'We are both in service'
I'd shrugged at him.  He replied
'Yeh bitch, you rarely do what anyone tells you' 

Darth Dad appeared shortly after.   We'd lit more then too...

The pile of bones, with purple on top, had a errr square of liquid metal like a channel of moving silver.
He made errr copper torches.. 
Was like orange flame but metal?  Duno how to describe it but it was shiny pretty.  Like the flames were metalic


We moved into the metal.... Awareness spreading deeper... 
I was heading for the core I think to find more Iron, I'd wondered how much I could swap to purple...

But Darth Dad met us, in a place I've never been before.   O.o

Was like an underground alter/altar  all carved from grey stone, reminded me more of a dragon layer.... By this time the rest of the crew had arrived there too.

Darth Dad was shoving imagery fast into my head.   Pluto??  The planet.  I was to look up the Greek god??

Also that I'd invited him into my dream space now. 
He would do as he pleases!!!

It was close to morning...    
I woke up but was aware we'd be bk there.... 

You guys played me good hu??  
'Sorry Mouse'   lol it's ok.....  🤣


Pre sleep

'Just try and resist me Ren'   Fuck off Inka. I CAN be as stubborn as you.  

'I know bitch, it's a double edged offer' 

You asked me to come back to you tonight...   I told you I might.

'Yeh'   Fucking El... You don't make this shit easy.   

'Nor do you need it'  

I'm irritable... 
  'Go scratch your back on other peoples hump Ren, I'll find you when you've had enough' 

lol Inka...    Just let me game yeh?   Ffs....

'Told you bitch, you can't resist a game'  I ment like earth game...

Why now????
'No spoon Ren, wana play or not?'  
'I can tell you now. It's not within your capacity to say no'   Hummmm

Why not then?? 
 'Your play drive is to high' 
kk I'll give you that.... WHY?

'Play again and I might tell you'   Phahahah 
'You will mouse'   We both know that....   Tell me why?? 

'Tell you sweet little lies?'   fuck off....  'Good, then play me'  

Fuck Inka...    
'I know Mouse, you love me as much as you hate me'

If your trying to teach me self control....  
'I've got no chance'   grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

'If you want control Ren then ask another aspect to keep you away'  

Hummm..   Attacking you??
 'Is attraction, you still lose' 

This polarity shit is confusing... 

 I've given you options mouse...   Your a bug ball in your own court' 

This is magnetism  
'It is'  We can attract or repel.   'Good' 

Don't good me shit head... 
'Nice Ren. This is friction'   Blugh......

'Want my help Ren?'   lol Loci??   'Open offer?'  Yeh go on then....

'Kaylo too?'  Hahah   sure..   'You're an Idiot Ren' ' 
Yeh I know mate.
But....   meby if last year you'd been less resistant to Inka???
'Don't blame him bitch'
I didn't ask you. So shut the fuck up.

Loci,  could you plx expand on the bug in the box theory?
'Yes Ren'
Now I get why I didn't like physics

'Listen Ren'  

That's the vibratory rate between the faster n slower planets?

'Not quite'     Hummm??

lol I feel like a jelly fish....  

'Moving you into a sideways flow'  

It's nice...  Feels like floating in a lazy river

'This Ren is why we all work together.'  Leon!!

'I hear your thoughts Ren before you think them.... '

lol oops...  Yeh meby I've been subject to many coronal mass ejections

'Your well grounded bitch'  

kk   I get that your all teaching me energy... 

'You just learn symbolically' 

Why then dose Inka ground me??? 

'Bass... Bitch?'  Hummmm 



He's low or me?? 

'You're both fairly vile to be honest Ren' 

Hahah Malico too.... 


Oh...  Errr wait ok...  SPELLING mistake... 

Thanks....   'Don't be so fast to judge Ren....  '

Little value??   'O or 1' 

Oh...      Errrr. 

From last year...?? 

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