Saturday, 9 October 2021


Friday Night


Late to sleep.. First part night wine hazy.. I'd got to main hub n flopped.


An odd bug,  was like a pond skater or spider but it had lots n lots of legs almost like a hairy skirt.

Small too.   

Inka was in the bug dream... And hub too.  Apparently the bug was to be my eyes for navigation?


A dream of a busy club or rave I was outside chatting.


A game...  Was fun n quite violet.  A small puck shaped thing that we were fighting over.

We would attack eachother for is then run. 

Played in a errrr was like sweetcorn, some tall plant that we could hide in.


2 black n white dogs in a dark wood.  Was Kef & Olive I think - very dark.


A girl in the boot of a car, she'd been in there to long.  


Then after that dream there was odd syncronisistys>

Cyrus vid and his guides telling him about Navigators...



'So Mouse?'   Yeh, what ever... your on.   'GG I'll find you soon, Read n hydrate.  Busy night'


Also the of the end of the last book I was asked to read.

I only had  a few pages left and

Speaker for the dead and the 'Navigator'  bit at the end.


 Inka the  book?  Navigators again?  That Cyrus vid?  'I'm real bitch'  I know, I miss you... 

'What's with the Navigators today? and last night and week'

'Teaching Ren, Read then come to me'     Inka Bus Ka? 
'You might not drive Ren, but it doesn't mean you don't know where you are'  I don't though!!  

'Mouse, I know way more than you know you've forgotten' 

Help me remember then??  

'You Read. Then come here'  lol  whatever..  'You're crazy & you're not'

wake at 313
Dreams...  Stars systems and constellations.

Trajectory's was so much stuff and info!

 Lots going on I was going back n forth into time and reality into everything.

A big X like a cross egg timer it was Orion system ...

Err vector equilibrium or something very similar... My notes r crap cause star the cat was hogging half the bed.

Orion the hunter... Inka was playing Orion? 
He made me his hunting dog... But I was a swivel eye crazy chihuahua!!!   Was very comical.  He told me I needed further bitch training
Kaylo was around too he thought it was funny... It was like when Kaylo gave methe dream of a crazy dog running at glass walls n mirrors!!

Next wake at 444. 
I'd been with Em  (Mirror me) but I was cleaning out her fridge-freezer. 
Someone had left the door open and it was half defrosted.


No one but me seemed to be going to sort it out again.

I'd got all the stuff out and was mopping up water, sorting what to keep or not.

I remember thinking why do you have 9 blocks of 'East End' red Leicester cheese.
Was odd as East End is an Indian food brand. 

The branding was different too with the label being a magenta/purple colour.

The other food branding was all slightly unfamiliar too.

The 9 cubes of the Red cheese n East end???  Hummmm   There was also a hanging globe lamp I could turn on and off and something about blood but my writings crap.

Inka was also laughing at me getting pissed off with clearing out the fridge! 



I'd had another long dream was on many layers, Zak had been rescuing small hairless might and taking them out into a forest to release them.
I was washing and packing child's wooden toy train track.

Twin new born babies had been left on a doorstep - One boy one girl.
I was watching from a distance to make sure the mother would receive them? 

They were just nekkid side by side on the step.. The mother was debating with herself over taking them in...
We needed her to, but I was watching to make sure the infants were ok until she was ready.

Outer puk??   Pukantis?    Oh I was a puck.  
The game from last night, this time I was the puck in the game that they were playing with?? !!

In English folklore, Puck (/PAO), sometimes 
known as Robin Goodfellow, is a domestic 
and nature sprite, demon, or fairy.

'Bug Ball too Ren'   Haha  I was small n smooth n kept getting chucked about n stuffed in peoples pockets..... It's 616  'Yeh You good?'   Hahahah Mmmmm
'You need to be less hostile too crazy bitch'  

Oh yeh....  Hahah   This was 😂  I was still a Chihuahua and Inka had appeared with a stick and asked me if I wanted to play fetch!! 


Pissed off with being this highly strung crazy looking chihuahua I'd mentally offered to ram the stick threw his stupid eye 😛


'😈 And that Ren is the kind of volatility that necessitates further bitch training!' 🙄😆 

Another dream we were trying to fix something but it was an emmmmm  'Paupers reality??'  And one last one where I had a bee crawling over me and in my hair.

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