Friday, 1 October 2021

Shapes and Numbers.


I wake at 151 'Yeh come'  

hahah Next wake at 212 much had happened. 
I'd jumped to Inka who was grinning at me... He tells me 'Your coming with me, and I get to tell you what to do'

Then said 'In'  😆  I'd asked ok... Where.
He replied
'Meet me head on' so I dropped my coherence n jumped into his heart centre.
Water -  or a denser feeling with the sensation of water.
No forms, it's a glowing net like a fishing net I suppose around a section of water.

It felt almost like fishing, then I was inside stuff ... It was very similar to the other night when I'd asked if we were in blood.

Only it's almost more like plankton but not small.

Transparent glowing sea life.  
The water was black like the void but lit by the white glowing web.

I notice shapes in the creatures various geometry's
The shapes the net makes, diamonds but it's like a funnel too. 

A glowing funnel net/web with the living geometry inside it.
Very epic!

I was looking at one glowing creature shaped like a swastika and getting a DL of what it was representing geometrically and it was linked to the inverted pyramid.

I was seeing the South American pyramids but also inverted like the dream from 2012 when I was taken and shown I was on a different time flow now.

I see the same in India they were used for water too.... With the steps up and down inside.
Stepwell...  it  was this.    Rotating.  

The swastika 4 was fixed at 4 points. 

But they were all here all the points, stars and webs and alive too floating in this dark soup.

As I was waking I was also told 'On the spot asset freeze' and 'Loss of earnings'

The base 4 as also linked to the pyramidal energy gestalt that Inka had been telling me about last week.

I was seeing the phone pylon too.


And then instead I'm in a massive glowing web...

I had the thought my roundhouse has no corners.


As I jump back to Inka he tells me 'your go now' 

On thinking of my roundhouse that was where I met him.

With my mind I lit all the fires at once. 
And called out to Malico and Darth dad who appeared too.

There are  fires at the corners outside the house, that I'd built last year with Leon.
Witches hat / dunce cap.  

I was playing with the shapes and our positions. 
I was in the centre in a fire with the others sitting in a triangle but I couldn't get comfy I did change the flam from orange to violet.

Inka seeing I was confused says...
'I'll give you a clue, get Kaylo to join you' As I'd called Kaylo manifested

The others sat up and I decided to get more so we could play with different energy flows and shapes.  
Oh we had tried making a cross shape too... It wasn't until Kaylo joined my awareness in the middle that I was ready to dream again.    

The others came too so I could play around.. But I don't recall who or what was were just that I was at the centre.
It felt like a growing web but we could send energy other ways too, stars and across above.   A black cat with orange eyes had joined us in the space too.

The dream.  I'd been with my family we were going for a walk in a strange inside outside space.
It was all contradiction we had climbed threw an opening with a long drop onto a path were the sun would go down.
A cottage in a valley, and bright golden light.

I'd walked to where I could see between trees and sat there on the ground to wait for sundown.

I was surprised more and more people were joining me , I'd got jostled along so I couldn't really see but I quite liked the company.. It was almost intimate with all the people pressed close.  A woman behind me had her hand on my back at the top of my spine.
We sat quietly all together until the sun had finished setting.

I realised I didn't know where my family was so I'd head back in to get down then out.

It was a big jump to get back threw the strange opening and I found my bag on the floor there so I'd picked it back up deciding at some point I must have dumped it.

Inside is very strange.  It's one of them white plastic hub spaces.

This one has lots of very high security. 
Self closing metal doors.  One way staircases that were like odd slides!

I'd made my way out into a very dark carpark.  I could hear vehicles moving but non were using lights.

I'd looked in my bag to try my phone as I didn't know where my family had gone.

But my phone was all broken and I oddly had 2 of them.
Both were crushed and I'd figured my bag must have been stepped on.

Make my way in the dark threw the damp carpark and into what was like a scrap metal yard.

Old JCB buckets laying about, twisted old shipping containers n other junk.
I'd spotted some train tracks to headed for them next.

Rusty and old with wooden sleepers, it looked like a junction so I'd guessed a station must be close by.

I'd crossed the tracks avoiding a strange slow moving metal flatbed and spotted a red n white sign for a station.

It was under a viaduct yellow streetlamps.  Still very dark and no one else around.

I'd made my way into the station that was a long white corridor and at the end was a strange overly tall door. 
I was going to go down when a lady to my right asks me 'Where are you heading?'
I told her station and she asked 'bus or train dear?'  I'd told her train and 2 other women push past me threw the tall door and down a long steep staircase. 

She tells me no need to descend further the train is round the corner. 

I wake up... I was also aware I'd been in another dream in Sheila's main dream space.

I was below the floorboards in the second front bedroom.  In the corer was a large dressing up box and where the bed should be a large grand piano.

On waking I'd asked Inka what was down the staircase he'd laughed at me and told me 'You never bloody quit bitch' 

After that I'd decided I'd dream with him in the centre Kaylo left my awareness and took a point around the perimeter they were all sitting cross legged looking in at me.

At that point Leon appeared too, he told me 'If your going to do this I will support you'
I wasn't sure what he meant until he moved behind me.
We all seemed to be sitting instead of laying and he told me to lean on him so it was easier for me to fall into dreams again.

Inka sat in front of me watching.


As I joined my awareness again to Inka it was once more mainly images.

Blue eyes looking but the whites were red like blood the contrast was unnerving.
AT  Ann Thompson?  But AT&T the telephone communications..
Windows logo the cross in the middle and then I was seeing a telegraph pole like a spiders web again.

Only this time it's moving around a globe segmented like citrus fruit.  
Then a  tea cosy the segments are seams and it's made from patchwork recycled fabrics.

The corvid bird that's in Cornwall with the bright red feet and beak!

The devil's jumps/leaps .. The 3 hills again.  I was remembering the story.

Thursley  Thor's lee near here. 

The story was about the punchbowl Thor had scooped up the earth there to chuck at the devil cause he was jumping about n pissing him off!  🤣

I was seeing this archetypally and the links with St Dunstan and St Clement. 
St Clem... Clement would have been my name if I'd picked the 3rd mother for this incarnation that was on offer.

It's got a meaning too?? 

1 mild or merciful in disposition or character; lenient; compassionate: 
A clement judge reduced his sentence. 
2 (of the weather) mild or temperate; pleasant.

I was seeing my fallen goddess neighbour, and her blacksmith hubby who left her..
I was shown the night in a dream I was inside her fire.

Then the other occasion when she told me I'd tried to cook her! (I'd accidently plugged the heater in)
'Fine and remind yourself all tomorrow Ren'  kk

Inka was telling me about the 26th Sept a small loop there.  

He showed me the white stag that was shot in a city this week....   My white stag dreams, was that also the 26th??
Malico... Stag rock was this another CME?? One due today...

2 0 2 1 一 0 9 一 3 0
It was the 26th...

Red n blue again & white.  Stag shot in a city street.

'OK... Run now mouse'   bossy....  'Don't argue Ren, we are playing'  Hahha kk


Soooo   'What?'  Hahah wait up.   Wave form geometry... this is how shit is created..

All religion is based on science or is science based on religion??  😆


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