Friday, 22 October 2021

Blind Bats and what Echo's Hear

Ian and his Dad in cars, they were racing.   In trouble too, and then nearly causing an accident.

Main dream space...  Moon very low, dark
I was playing a game in a room. 

It was one of them astral games, like a real platformer.   A bit screwball scramble in that there was a silver ball.  We needed to move it on by jumping on big silver buttons. 

I'd completed several rounds... Then realised there was a competitor trying to complete and compete... 
I didn't realise I'd been playing against someone so I was distracted trying to follow them round. 
I wanted to meet them and say hello.

I then realised I'd lapsed onto their route...  I didn't know my path from there.

Had missed a checkpoint.
As I entered a door at the end, I realised I'd not completed this round...
I was confused as to how to get out and was going to head back.
The people in the room stopped me and explained it's always one way round.

I'd left and fount Chloe and Aroura next.
Both were in my main dream space.
It was close to morning and I was thirsty so I'd headed past the bakery and up to what is still a grossers in my dream area to get a bottle of water.

Another fishtank....  Hexa shaped... I was adding a water filter.

Oh then,  well this was odd.   Kids....  We, they, were people I've never seen before.
Modern kids..     They wanted to go to a playpark, I knew the one close to my main dreamhouse would be full of dogshit
'Bird shit & Bitch crap Ren??'  I though it was guy crap??? 

'If you keep making me into a plumber, you can be a vet nurse on shit watch'  hahahah....  Ffs 😛  'It's ok mouse, were ok at shit sorting'   lol

Anyhow, I'd recalled there was another playpark now by the crazy golf course.

I was errrr playing a trumpet in a band?  Or watching someone.  
Shiny silver too... Only had to give the odd blast 😋

Then something about pretending to be upper-class??  Elite, roles... Games.

My dream dust was bubble foam, pretty.
Like the fractal bubble pattern in a bath or coffee.
Green/brown/yellow sand colour.

Next a dream shopping mall... One of  the white plastic hub spaces.

I was wearing a blue dress, errr the detail was amazing but I'm not sure what I looked like.
The clothes are like nothing I'd ware.

An almost blue ballet dress.  
It had a lighter silk underskirt and a then errr that netty stuff but soft on top.
I noticed it mainly as I wore a bracelet of small silver balls,

Linked on a fine metal thread.
One of the metal balls had got hooked under the skirts hem.


The stitching was wide and hand sewn in blue thread.
Errr I'm being told 'catching stitch'  wait

Lol   ok...   Yes... was that 

Which of you fuckers can sew then?? 
'Just write the dreams Ren.  You are very annoying you know?'

My Fairy God Mama was a seamstress?? 

'And your fishermen fam could weave good nets, now write dream bitch?'   Ok....

Oh...        What the cat's taught me?
 'Please?'  lol OK... 

So this skirt and the bracelet and I'd gone to a busy public toilet... 
😳  I'd needed a crap... And for some reason not wiped or flushed it!!?? 

Errr...  So once out of the cubical had thought, I should grab some bog roll....

But there was someone crying and then I thought she needs to wipe her tears more??

So I'd left the toilet ... And recalled I'd lost my token??

In my dream memory I was replaying my walk to the hub/mall.
One half of the road the sun had been bright and dazzling,

giving the sensation one eye is not right.
The other half dark damp and shadowed.  
Tall city streets.

I'd recalled that I'd forgotten my token.
It was for 20% off.

The token was an ancient silver coin.   Smooth, hammered.

The edges were sharp and it looked newly minted. 

I'd arrived at the shop.
I'd already knew the item I wanted to purchase. 
Errr it was a blue bra, top.  Like for raving or belly dancing.
I knew it was available in the retail outlet.

As we arrived there was a large counter.
With piles of various hats and caps and an old fashioned silver service bell.
Ian was with me, we had been both given the same

'fire officer hat'  and asked then if we had been there before.

I was seeing firewall/code/service and stations...
It was Ian's first time and so he was offered a fire service cap and a tour of the haunted house.

I knew this tour from dreams before... I told them I'm here for a bra.


They gave me a different cap, was too big for my head...
Was covering half my eyes...
On the counter I noticed a box of biro pens for the charity

The Royal National Institute ot Blind People RNIB) is a UK charity offering information, support and 
advice to almost b,vo million people in the UK with sight



The logo was different with more green.

I'd explained I'd left my token for 20% off the bra. 

They told me that they would honor my contract.

The shop was strange.... It was filled with old books.  
I realised there was departments and sections with clothes. 
Yet once inside the old book section appeared more.

I was seeing images of the spines of books...  Old bound books.

Only my eyes were not working either...
I felt like it was partially due to this hat but even adjusting it didn't stop me from being partialy blind.

It's something I recognise in dreams/astral...   

That inability to visually navigate.

It used to upset me as a child. It was like I had eyes I couldn't open.
Now though I was happy to feel to navigate.

I met an elderly couple... In front of a grandfather clock in a oh..

A bifurcated staircase? 

The clock face numbers were in gold... And numerals.
I'd walked with the elder couple up the left hand path.

Oh yes, the couple I had met in front of the old clock...

He was telling his wife something he had read in a book.
That the last hrs?  Calling time in a pub??


Had something to do with fishermen??


As the 3 of us were in front of the clock...  

I was looking at it with my patchy sight.. 
I recalled 'time' and was considering how that was brought into play with railway.

My other granddad's mission. 
I'd told the couple about lock in's...  

And how fishermen obeyed tides not times. 

The elderly couple seeing that my vision was impaired,

Took my arm to help me up the rest of this odd stairs.

At the top we turned right and then into a cupboard... 

I'd been expecting there to be very old bound books there.

Instead it was filled with children's party bags.
And a small section of old papers.

I'd been woken by someone coming in then recalled how this dream had been with Inka.

I'd been with him in my main dream space.
He was smoking again.  
I was staring into my main fire outside the roundhouse and leaning on his leg.

He'd asked me if I wanted to sit on his knee

When this happens 

I'm often a mouse, Gargoyle or wren.

I didn't want to be any of them things.
Yet he made me a mouse n picked me up by my tail.
As he put me down I'd turned into a bat.
I was using my errr arm claws to hang onto the fabric of his overalls.

I've not been a bat before.... 
It was wow 

but I was very disorientated.
It felt like when you pick up a shield beetle but in reverse. 
I had little claws that found purchase in the fabric. 

I was small.... Pipistrelle.
I didn't have any confidence to fly, 

the wing structure was not familiar to any recall I have.

So I'd just sort of stuck there attached to his leg...
I recall he was stroking me and I'd was doing that bat purr...

While he showing me ancient Greek n Roman stuff.

He was talking about slavery...
But I was with my new bat ears playing with eco location.
It was the same as the inverted pyramid...
Copper mining and errr


I lost what he was saying as it was all a mash of auditory perception
I was visualising the echo location as a 4d imagery.

Ooooo they read the interference patterns!!! 

'Yes mouse. Navigator' 

Ohhhh  OooOOooOOo  

I do this with timelines???    Show me more plx, 


Loop hu??

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