Saturday, 2 October 2021

What's in the Wadrobe

As soon as I slept Leon appeared took me to Malicos and told me to stay for now with him.

I had a very vivid dream... Off world very alien and I was searching for something.

It was like the speaker for the dead book I'm reading but also different a saviour type entity was on the planet too. 

Also a deeper awareness that is what we were reaching for trying to bring her out into the open.

Only few people on the world knew the score and it was creating rebellion and unnessisery conflict ... The saviour type entity had been attracted to the colony by calls for assistance.
There was such detail.   It was very modern but strange too.
Piles of this pollen that we ate as food... Like sweet sherbet but it had a glowing quality too.

The creatures infants were in eggs and were moved about in large insulated crates. 
They were moved on wheels orange yellow plastic with complex locking systems.


All were working on a mission to call out Vaita   Va ta ??  She was like an eternal Sophia type character I think. 


Ah that fits..

Leon had told me to go with Kaylo, Inka was no where I could feel or hear.


Holy crap!!  I was in everything 😲
Printing presses, Story's, money all systems!!

'Search n Rescue Bitch, told you we were playing' 

That was amazing...  I was in agricultural tools and machinery, clothing and looms.


'Stay put and dream with Kaylo. I will find you when I need to'

Hah  may be

'Hahaha Ren, I won't fucking lose you again.  I've told you, you're a pest to catch'

Each time I slept I was going through more.


The metal in machines, financial ledgers, the ink they were written from.... Right up to modern data.

It's amazing.....  Red post box?  Communications stamps and the ink they are printed from.
Stage coaches, wheels so many red post box's!

Books and their bindings, searching and spreading threw the elements everything is made from.

I'm not even sure where me and Kaylo are.  I meet his awareness for a moment only before I'm back in all systems.

That time I was aware of Inka telling me 'I know it's a lot, enjoy the experience'

I was scattering so fast so many machines,

into mass production and then in raw materials growing.   

Berries and pigments that Ink's are made from.

They stole our pictures??  Hu?? Or art?? Hummm I duno but we were after reclaiming it.

I was looping back to when I was sectioned too the trees plants and animals were teaching me everything??

'Yeh Ren, bringing systems online again'  lol OK!

Poseidon tells me 'I am below you now and Kaylo above.  You are supported and loved Ren'  
I'm the surface on an ocean in the sun???
 'You're spreading and growing Ren feeling things out'

Holy holly shit!  I think I just evaporated
🤣😂 That felt freaking amazing!!


It was like whatever the fuck I was all started vibrating and shaking! 😆 Feels amazing!

Long dream.


Marie, middle me.  She'd had a baby oh no, she had a baby but her mother had birthed it.  She was just caring for it.

I was helping in some way but mainly just offering support and occasional advice burping.
It was bugging me a little as I was trying to dream there to help keep track of navigation.

At one bit we were standing on a coastline the light out to sea was low pink and golden.

Oh Kaylo before the dream... So I'd jumped bk to him but this time he took my hand in the unformed space we were in. 
I'd laughed as when he dose this in Re-Ed he normally jumps me somewhere stupid, lets go and watches me fall he smiled n jumped us instead to my hunters room.

He told me to change the flames in the grate there to violet now.
Recalling the dream were I was both beast n beauty I'd asked him you don't mind?

He replied 'No Ren, I'm Golden'
Once done it change the look and feel of the room,

So he'd added gold light to the candles.
He'd also added that the fire would benefit from 'metallic light' too but pink-sliver would be better.
I didn't know how to make this??

Anyhooo the dream.   The light from the low sun was reflected in our eyes and I'd jumped down into the hub that was being used in a space below.

It was inside the cliffs almost.  

I was sleep navigating 'Way showing' 
It's a big hub, Sea, a journey we would all take to a concert.

I was helping with the baby too and wiring stuff down.

There were 2 factions in the hub and a little friction, one group had assumed a management role.

At one point someone started to follow me, then more people too...

A little like zombies.

They looked lost and vacant.
I'd called some guys to help and they had stood in-between us. 
Me and these people shambling towards me.

Someone called for mediation.  What did the people want with me.

They said they wanted her/me to jump and help them fix some things.

The request was for me to jump to certain time stamps.

They needed a little fractal reality navigation.

I could see the scrolling dates one was showing me like numbers flicking on a red digital black readout.

I'd agreed to help them as a thing I can do is dream jump.
I think these zombies were trying to split from the management??


Duno woke here...

'Get Time back mouse'  Hahah  my charging watch?  'OFC'  Where are you? 

'A round' lol  'Bk to Kaylo after'  Ok...


As I put my watch bk on my wrist it's 333.
'Yes, NOW back to sleep'  lol what we up too?? 

'Playing, you like games Ren' 

Em's book out of the shadows...there was a song in the shadows? A statly home..

Costume drama, all the outfits wardrobes from the dreams this week?
Class Hope? - then my space? 


That's the wardrobe, the Lion Leon, Witch.. Me.  Wardrobe is the archetypes costumes roles  - The Stag was killed & Malico/Jupiter ?? 
Hummm   This is more planetary stuff?  'Yes'  ok. 

That was the 26th.  Another bow n arrow.

Sunday - 26th September 2021, 10:22 
( Time Ι 
A3Ck to currenv mornen 
Online horoscopes

😮  The blood the blue bottles.   

The flys!  'Mmmmmm, see how it fits?'

I do, the wardrobe all the costumes. 
The stag!!

I gave the butler a mouse mask?  'Yes'  Hahah 



I'm dreaming as Mars again atm, that's why I'm with Kaylo?  'Your catching on'  hahah 

They are still both together in Libra so we aren't fighting! 😋 'For a change no!'  😉
I duno why I get to dream as the violent asshole!  

Anyway...    After that dream Inka told me to sleep again, was more fun to dream it.

When I woke again I'd been in conversations...  
'Negotiations. Want to come find a stag?'

I knew he ment Malico  so told him sure.

The light in the hunters room is really different now with the change too the flame there.
Low and purply reminds me of the purple skys. 

Kaylo was reminding me to make use of the whole crew and that Inka and me would benefit from their support too and then...   I duno if we jumped then I was seeing stuff.

Turnpike?   Turn pike road? 
Traveller's and gamers.  This was like when the gamers joined the priests in a space only this time it was gamers and wanderers.

I was talking to a woman overwhelmed by to many things trying to calm her down.
She needed to recall to play again.

A coaching house.
Inka was there and me Malico too... Oh Inka reminded me of when he'd told me the Inn keepers daughter and Inka's daughter.. That night.

This bit was almost cartoon like, the inn was in the shadow of a castle, large stables and space for coaches.
I was hungry, I'd wanted to go to inn and find food there! 
Malico had reminded me he's a good cook, he was showing me the picnic and I recalled it was another red check cloth.

Another convo...
Oh yeh that was how I'd got to Inka he told me to jump to him. 
I'd asked where he said 'DW I'll catch you'  

Turnpike again... I duno what this is.

An Axel in a coach wheel... Start forts.


We were looking at globe and energy grids and one voice said I can't wait to make this shit real again.

Chuck them 12 lines down again and connect them up.  That was 515


Eh?  The year 1861 a court room or I duno as I'm in the overlap a trial!  Someone on trial

'Here again mouse'   where the fuck are we??   

'Doesn't matter I told you I'd catch you!'    Hahah yeh I know but I feel like a flea leaping onto a cat! 

After that was less lucid I know Malico was around too and I'd had another long dream.

A very modern kitchen with a drain in the floor... Was bubbling up shitty water n spitting it out.  Smelt bad, was coming up onto the kitchen benches were there were 3 huge fresh baked loves of bread.

Was shitty bubbles floating around - I was thinking that's not terribly hygienic

Zak was playing in a road with 2 animals.   My gran Alice was with him a small grey donkey and a ginger very curly haired sheep!


How.. that was one year ago!  You told me to jump till the flame burns purple!!   'More Blood Ren!'  Hahaha how?? 😲  Ooo Knife had a blue handle.   Red n Blue = Purple!

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