Tuesday, 19 October 2021

White Stags & Metal Mines

I was with Inka... We both changed purple, he was quiet still but smoking again.
I was in astral in Berwick again... Walking the medieval walls alone at night.

He was showing me the white stags and the white HGV.

He reminded me of the other White stag I saw Sunday.

Was alive in the distance.. The one that had been killed with red/blue.


Read coats, and the union jack...  Borderlines. 

I told him, but we have stopped fighting, and he replies plenty have not.
Front line in divided minds.

I still don't understand the stag n HGV ????

Malico and Leon joined us in the hunters room.   At first Leon was at the bottom of the bed close to my feet n the fire, then me and Inka became one purple entity and they were either side. 
Leon to the left, oh yeh he was like liquid gold.... Not molten or hot.

It was more like an expensive gold paint :P 

Inka was showing me stuff with the copper and silver too but I didn't make much sense either.... Alchemy something.   Conductivity. 
I should have written this down at the time. 

I was seeing very old handmade jewellery and also deposits in the ground.
It was on a seem/line..  Silver, Copper and gold woven together.


Oh yeh! That's it...  Like the energy lines.  They can be dowsed for, followed.

I was seeing them as almost nerves in the crust..  With nodes like synapses.

It was odd... As in the past I've done this kind of energetic weaving with the crew and colours.  
Now it's colours and metals?? 

The energy flow was nice, around my left knee that's hurting atm.  Oh yeh, and my toe!! Right big toe, is usually Leon... Lol wardrobe was noisy too.

I'd fallen back into dreams.

A male with a large house...  He was pretending he had been broken into, but he'd taken his own stuff.
He'd claim for it too.
A van, dark grey/silver things were being packed into it.


The closed infant school in my main dream area, I was above it. 
Repurposing it as a youth hostel for travellers.


Arranging for bunk rooms to be added.  

The hall would become a communal area and kitchen.

More energy nodes, train lines...  Connections. 

Then an amphitheatre layers or it could have been a open mine.

I was concerned with the acoustics of it and how I could see the sound.

Also like the inverted pyramids... 

Hummm was seeing this... no, was in it.  Flowing in the metals threw the earth. 


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