Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Fabric Sounds

'Just jump to the house Ren... I'll meet you'  


I had but Loci and Kaylo met me first! 
They intercepted me as I arrived said to go dream with them they'd cheer me up.
Was tired, busy day...

First up I was back in a memory of my childhood!  Vivid... I was just back there re-living it.

It was the day we'd been taken as a class to a TV studio by bus.
We were the audience in a kids game show... Some of a school taking part.
I'd hated it, and came home sick...    It was the first time I ever hallucinated.
I recall my Mama had to take out our pet budgie as it kept transforming into a large black crow. 
In the fire I could see imps things dancing..... The guys had wanted me to recall it.
It was odd dreams...  

I was laying on the side of a playing field.  
Looking at a wire mesh fence.
I feel like I was probably living rough.

Was a sensation of nothing better to do. 

Kids, playing on the field... Sports and stuff.  
One had deliberately chucked a ball at me.
I couldn't be arsed to move.
Meby I was on drugs.... 

2 kids got in my face...
Young dressed in sportswear probably around the age of 12.
One was aggressive the other less so... 
His accent suggested there parents had come from Pakistan,

But the other kid was deaf I think, he used sign language.
I was trying to remember enough to communicate as that kid seemed less hostile.
Allthough I had my awarness I felt like I might be a guy. 

Next I was in the pub where Mel grew up... 

It was decorated as it was back then.

Instead of the pool table though there was an old brown leather sofa and a TV in the corner.

All the curtains were drawn but I could see threw the gaps it was a bight afternoon.
I was laying on the sofa dreaming.
On the floor on a grubby red carpet very young kids were playing.
Pre-school... With dolls and pushchairs.
At the other end of the pub adults were drinking and smoking.

I was sleeping there in and out of other dreams...
Oh yeh, I was recalling other dreams in that space, and visiting the hotel rooms upstairs.
I was formless though.

I was also aware I was splitting all-over thb.

In Malicos house Inka had arrived in the room where I was dreaming with Kaylo & Loci.

He was talking to Malico, he didn't want me to see him.
My form there was on the bed asleep but I was free form too....   Just observing many layers as if from above.

Was odd, he almost wanted to wake me...
But we are avoiding eachother for some reason at the moment.  'Friction & Energy creation Ren'  kk

Loci was telling him I'd know he had been there as I'd smell him.....  
But I was kind of watching them anyway. 

I knew if I woke into my form he'd vanish instantly. 

In another very surreal dream I'd had a funny fight with Darth Dad.
We had this purple/green pink toadstool.  
Was a ft or so tall and was an AOE bomb...

He was chucking it out of a door and I was chucking it back.
They idea was not to get caught when it finally went off.
I'd chucked it to the side of the door in the room he was in as I knew the AOE effect would get him still. 
The extra time he needed to negotiate the wall meant he got caught as it went off..
It kind of froze him in space :P

I'd left him there and found Em.   Me/Em   She had a knitting machine and a very long white thread.
She'd been using it to make a dress but something I'd done was jamming a signal.
Music I was listening too was interfering with the machines controls and the fabric was changing weave and pattern.

Instead of a blue cord school dress she had intended on making we had this long woven white fabric with a errr visual auditory read out on! 
I could see the music though it was woven raised bumps and squares.

She didn't seem bothered about the dress.... We were wondering if we could find a use for what we'd accidently done.

We were in Em's house in my main dream area.  Only it was very different, more like an old world fairy-tale cottage.
Though this is the first time I've been in a dream here.
In the dream she had 'staff' 
4 dogs all very different sizes... And a couple who walked them.
Her floor was red square quarry stones.
I was dreaming there too.
Sitting in an armchair, she was cleaning up a blue enamel metal pan that she'd used to make pasta.

In that dream I was at an outdoor café.
Somewhere sunny with large square sun umbrellas and a grill on wheels.
It was somewhere abroad, not a place I've ever been.
Nobody familiar.

The tables were set with white linen cloths and sliver cutlery it felt like a family celebration.
Large colourful bowls of salad and each person was given a place of crushed ice with massive raw skewered prawns.
The chef who looked Latino was wheeling his grill to each table to cook the food.

While running Inka shows me the punched cards that old steam pipe organs played.

The card was like the white fabric weaving in my dream...  


That was when you were in the room too  'Spying on me mouse?'  Perhaps 😉


He also reminded me that maggots were used to clean necrotic wounds.


No, I don't want to try it out!!!

 I've pulled them from enough live animals thanks.


'Bit of blood letting?' 


What's your point? 


'We're both prickly bitch'  Holly?  Hummm.


'We are parasitic too....'   IKR...   I prefer to think of it as symbiotic 🤣

'You can tell a lot from peoples shit!'  Hahaha feed bk to the sis stem? 

'You got it mouse... no spoon feeding remember- your responsibility'


Lol Inka....   Trying to chuck me under the buss again?  'Who knows?  Mouse'  😛

Good job I fit between the wheels then....  'Usually come out on top with popcorn too' 


You know the concept of an organ grinder is a pretty grim one right??
'You're not squeamish' 


The evening before I was bickering with Malico...

'I have made my position clear Ren.'

'There may come a time when you will listen.   For now child I suffer your insolence' 


That's crypt right??
'Why of course Ren.  We are teaching you the game'


May...  May tree, matriarch  ..   in sole ???   In sole...  the shoes? Soul sole foot print dreams.


'Yes Ren'


I come to you for wisdom   Wise Dom?  I have many..  as archetypes...??  errrr


Hummm ok.


I agreed to grow towards you this season?


'You did Ren, and made a piss poor job of it'  Fuck off Inka...


...  Inka wants friction?

'Yes Ren'


For what reason 'The usual one Ren, energy creation'  


Inka ...  'friction mouse...  we are good'


Lol yeh. .  My a fucking nutty astral chain smoking shamanic bus driver


'And you're a bloody irritating imp'



'Ren, you know to come to me'
yes...  Lord
😛  'You never get easier, Ren' 

Sorry...  I do love you too....


'Ren, you are a Saturnian by nature...  '
'you and Inka go way back.. '

We need to level you both up....

Neither of you will ever leave eachother..

You are useful for planetary leverage'




'Vessel,  winch, anchor'  errr  kk


What? Like stealing a timeline???  

'You will allow me?'
   Yeh, to what?

'Onboard Ren, what else'    Errr  Here?  Wow... Yeh ok. 


Massive flow crown n down...

'You moved out'   I know...  I want some tunes. 

'I told you what to listen too' 

I don't do classical... 


'Well don't ask'   FFS man... 

'I'm not Inker Ren'   Ok ok...

Yeh... Ok... It sounds ok


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