Saturday, 30 October 2021

Ropes & Chains

First dream I was just sleeping in a city.. Rough sleeping.
Laying watching feet n people at first they were all Asian, but after a bit they changed..
I don't recall what too.
Oh there was a guy I knew in the dream but not in real life, he used to hand out flyers for a shop would buy me a drink now n then.
No idea who I was.

With Claire, I was showing her how to make yogurt with kefir. 
Straining and stirring... This is familiar from something else??

Haha Inka... Did you just put that recall in now?  'Now Ren?'  lol stop it, I'm dizzy 😵
I tried to find that dream.. And instead found another about something I'd literally just posted moments before in a group!

The next dream was strange I was with my dad by a short leafless tree.
We were unwinding a length of bright orange nylon rope that was hanging from a branch...

It was to be replaces with a soft hemp coiled rope that I had brought.

I was trying to help, but my dad had pushed my out the way as I was knotting and tying it all wrong and getting in a tangle.

The next dream was odd I was in a town with many, many dogs, all on rope leads and harnesses.
Someone else was holding them.   A female I was with.

We'd passed people sitting down on a bench with yet more dogs!

One with us kept barking.  The female that was holding them accidently let them go and they dived off charging like a pack.

I'd yelled at my dog and he came back.... But the others were in the road now chasing traffic.  

As they'd been tied together I didn't have a lead, but as we ran after the dogs I found a length of rope in threw a ring in the ground. 
An iron type ring for mooring boats.

I'd taken the rope, it was woven red, grey back and used it to make a leash for my dog. 
I'd called to the others I'd pop to the pet shop and get more leads.

The female I was with told me take a good look at the street so you know your way back.
I'd looked down the street taking in white and blue painted buildings. 
A pub sign and hill slope.

They followed the dogs and Kef n me headed to the pet shop.
The petshop was strange and filled with dogs and parasite medication.
A guy in a wheelchair was sitting at the back,  he told me about his dog and was oddly familiar.  Inka??  'Should have written it down lazy'  lol 
A small red setter puppy had come to meet Kef.   (My B&W collie)

Kef had laid down and rolled over so not to look bigger letting the puppy play with his nose. 

I'd woken by Inka we were by my outside fire he told me bluntly 'You belong on a chain!'
I'd responded with a pissed off Eh??
After than he just laughed at me and said 'You're loyal Ren.  Like your dog you usually come when called'
I wasn't sure what the heck he was on about and had gone to sleep again by the fire.

He was showing me star systems, Orion again, then the 2 dogs.

Reminding me of the Scooby Doo catapult the other night.


He was showing me lots pushing me back into recall of lots of other dreams.
Artemisias & the wormwood connections.
The Pleiades too?? Oh they ware also in the Myths and a systems

'You asked bitch, why that system triggers you'

Oh yeh!!  'Read all your dreams Ren, stories you have the clues' 

lol ok...  Oh yeh, the dog people too!
One I washed in a bath....

Then I'm seeing the white stag, the one shot and when I'd killed Malico I was also a dog.
I'd wiped the blood on the white stags back??
The dead Hind on the path to Hindhead too?  

The Stag shot in a town.   Then we found another one in a park?
Christmas dream, I needed a guy to help me move a young deer back outside?

Humm.. Hunters room is mine.
The Skua is also parasitic jaeger???

'Yeh Ren, you don't want rescued.... Your not helpless'  Hahahah!! 🙄


Then I saw Andromeda and the chains...  He told me 'Bitch, we have both chained eachother down'

I'd recalled when he'd locked me to a radiator in Malicos house... While for years he was chained up in a basement.
I also see a dream were we used a huge chain to lift a sunken vessel.

Was another dog at Christmas.. With the titration equation? 
Known quantity... 'Yes'   Right 3 way split? 
'Scales mouse'  Oh like Libra and oh..
Egypt the heart n Kidneys are weighed.   'Ren als?' 

Balance, Judgment??

'Stick with why your triggered by the Pleiades'

Was in a dream with Malico and frogs too??   'Mmmmm'

Hummm Non of the myths seem right.. 'OFC, your in her dream and not His Story'

Archetypes then??  'Closer mouse'  Hummmm 
'I told you to look up your shit'  Hahah   I will with time  'Like TIME NOW?'  Yeh, like that.....

 Hummm SO I'd been taking to someone yday about why people who say they are from that system trigger n piss me off 😂
I log in this morning and someone else claming to be from there posted the above image.

Sooo the dreams,

Dog washing....   Where we started digging down too!  'Conencting Ren, the spaces were there'  kk

Last Christmas... the Deer in the house.  

Hummm...   Titration...

Ohhh  the conjunction Solstice was the bow/Arrow & Dogo person!
All linked to last Christmas...  I'm more aligned to Orion system so they don't like me?   Saviour bullshit??  Is this spirit for sale crap?? 

Malico in Egypt...

Hummmmm, they want to keep the war going??   We wana play??   

Dark vs light crap??   They 'Don't much like us' 
Hahahah  yeh can I remeber more of this plx now??
It's to do with scape goats??  

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