Thursday, 14 October 2021

White HGV

Oct 13th

Wake at 414

Inka was back, we were both with Poseidon in that same room.   He was purple n Smokey form but with a difference.  

Errrr like copper broccoli

Or A star constellation or a strange metal copper nervous system.  Anyhow he had this stuff inside.

Glowing liquid metal with nodes.  A warm copper colour. 

I was still the purple and silver flame thing there but more my usual shape with a tail!
Less tiny.

I'd been in a dream thousands of people at a sort of school, it was pick up time.

Someone had been left behind. 

She was complaining to a member of staff she was important.

Giving them a double barrel name she is saying that someone should be along to pick them up.

I was getting the bus with everyone else and this bus was crazy!

The top deck was a huge ladder heading up into the sky.

I was right at the front of the crowd with thousands behind me.
I was sort of aware I was holding them up, but I was enjoying the view n not in a rush.

I'd been given a job to do in London, a contact had asked me if I had the correct app.
I wasn't sure and didn't even know where my phone was.
Someone else did and we were finding out.
I was to head to a venue, watch n check stuff out.

 I had my phone n got to the top of the ladder and the bus had already made a stop.
The top deck was full.

I recognised some kids of a friend.   
People bunched up as it was standing room only.

Oh yeh while getting my phone I'd looked in a mirror, I was me in the dream but my hair was very different.
It was long and dreaded a dark blond, and woven into it were fake daisy flowers like a daisy chain.

Woke at 616 too. 
Odd thing I was seeing.   Females in ww2 uniform, smart with set hair and makeup.
They were helping to get a strange helicopter air bound.


It had lots of small propellers hanging down on chains. 
The women were spinning these like a strange upside down maypole dance.

As the span them round they all moved out lifting the thing higher.

It was visually amazing.  I didn't have a form was just observing.


The uniforms reminded me of this dream.

Oct 14th.

Very dirty white cotton overalls is the first thing I recall.   Guys wearing them, taller than me.

I was I duno what I was.... But there was 3 of us and we were to be split into 2 cabs with 2 drivers.
White HGV's.
The other 2 like me small n female somethings got into one cab either side of a driver in white overalls and me into the other.

Then we were on a long high bridge.


The trajectories of the 2 vehicles was merging getting closer n closer.  The gap staying smaller.
We needed to avoid each other a little longer.
I knew both the drivers.
We would come back together soon.

The cabs like the uniforms were dirty white.
Then I was errrr was odd I was against a wall and someone was poking a big spiky pole around my head.

It hit either side first.... I'd just closed my eyes but could hear and feel it thrown.
The third time I think It hit me....  Cause it woke me up.


It was 555 wen I wake next.
I'd realised by now Inka was the HGV driver I was with,  I'd not looked at his face earlier as I've never seen him where white. 
He's usually in overalls but they are mainly brown, he was driving he'd told me just to stay with him n dream there.

He'd reminded me of the other dreams with the same vehicle.

The one with the drop off and me leaving apple cores..

Him mowing down strange children's heads before he got arrested... Can't find atm

And oh, the one where we'd been reported to authorities again.
Oh and the one parked on a grass mat on water? 

He wasn't quite so unhinged this time, that's why I was to stick about as he often loses the plot in these scenarios.   Is this to do with the navigation stuff?  'Just play for now Ren' 

Why are you in white??  'Play'  lol  Hummmmm  ok.

A dream I'd had was my Dad in a lol was like a warehouse party.  I was trying to look out for him as some of the people there were dodgy as fuck.

He seemed to be unaware he was pissing them off. 

France...    Err blast tubes?  Some anti-missile?  I duno, anyway France was sending stuff to allies.

Inka and this HGV we are in is now in my main dreamspace. 
We had parked it by the bridge over the burn.  Was looking inland to ware my roundhouse is.

I'd sat on the bridge and Inka told me to sleep n dream.  I'd told him no I might fall in.

He shoved me of the bridge with a 'fuck off Ren, you can swim' 


I'd merged with the water seen as I was wet n that landed me in another dream.

Outside Ireans house. A small pale yellow car. 
In the back on the parcel shelf was a lilac Birman cat, curled up asleep in the sun.

A 10mil syringe filled with a dirty looking brown fluid. 
A yellow needle very long, I'd wondered if it was fluid drawn from a lung.

Another needle taking samples from a wrist.

A room inside Ireans.  Filled with toys mobiles and parrots.

A ghost was moving stuff, It kept getting violent and I was telling it 'No'

We go in and in the foyer I'd recalled had been an amazing wood carved scene.
It was of Viking ships and buildings and people and raids. 

The detail was amazing, I'd taken someone expecting it to be there,

But was informed it had been let to a museum??


Hummmm  It looked epic, not seen anything like this outside of this dream.

A group... We had been separated we were learning a waving hand sign system.

We needed to communicate over a distance.

We were errr 'Learning from each other Ren and adapting'  Ok. 

Last dream was an online chat...  People were changing very fast but they still didn't understand there power.
Few realised our ability to manipulate reality and us who did were trying to ripple the message out.  I'd walked threw a mirror. 


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