Sunday, 26 September 2021

Much fast..

Nothing makes sense>>  'Dream Bender?'  Hahah yeh well that was odd.
I was all over the place... But in between kept landing at Mia's

Was a crazy odd astral party!!   Come as you are style

SO much going on and so many people....  It was also a sort of flying saucer spaceship.

And there was an overlay of a city with bus terminals. 

Janeists?  Or Janists??

A meal was made with to much food and kids were chasing us round the house into pen spaces to be sheered!  😆

I'd been dreaming with Inka and then Leon too ... We'd started at Darth Dad's hub, Inka had jumped me there yd morning but I'd forgotten. 
He'd also told me we were hard to find there??   I'd asked so?  He reminded me of all the cat n mouse games. 

The moon too...  So jumbled...


Help Plx?  'Come back here' 

Oh there was a guy on a shelf tied n gagged...  ?

Such a jumble of kids and adults...     Kidnapping and a HGV race?  Or we'd talked about one.

People just all-over the place I was sooo...


Errr Next lol Astral Boot Camp... Inka ???

'Bug ball your easy to boot!' 

Pfff I was bk in Mi's house.... Party was over we were trying to clear up.

I was to head to a school n tired over and over to put on a green and white dress (A mirror of a red n white one I have) 
Each time I put it on.... 

I look down and it was red again...  
Over and over I tried to change this dress.  
I was getting more and more annoyed in an ever increasing wardrobe.


I had a purple pixi top to keep me warm but it wouldn't go with the red & white dress.

I was trying to change to get a bus..
 'Inka bus Bitch?'   Shussssssh 

I'd recalled I still had Mia's Key and still needed to meet Em...

Em was getting annoyed with me waiting.

I'd wow...  So I was jumped..

I'm on a river on a grass mat??...  In a river race.

The guy on the mat I'm racing with is errr Peruvian looking..
I'd wondered if it was Inka as it's not how I usually render him.
But his competitive look was the message I needed.

We were errr
On a small river on grass mats... I'd realised a bigger paddle speeded me up.
He kept grabbing them of me and taking them for himself.

We'd raced eachother out into an ocean when I see a small boy had followed us.

Meby Zak...   Anyhooo this kid wanted to keep up but his mat was already below the water..

The guy showed me we couldn't support 3 with 2 mats and as I was closer I needed to dive.

I'd gone under and down.... Swimming fast to the rapidly sinking mat.

Was deep and dark.  

As I return to the surface the space is different..

I realise the red dress   had been a lighthouse... 

We are on a fucking massive what is like a seagrass beach mat way out in an ocean.

On it is parked a massive white HGV (I know from other dreams)

Playing round it's wheels are small toddler aged kids..

Inka/other guy is long gone and I'm alone on this grass mat trying to call the kids out.

I knew the driver was asleep or not in his cab... But my concern was that this vehicles wheels were no place for kids to sleep.

Non of them would listen to me.... But Em re appeared in a near by building..

A street to the side of this sea grass ocean mat, she was someone the kids would listen too.

INKA ??   WTF all this stuff??? 
 'Sleep Still, with me Ren I'm helping'

Wardrobe. Again that room... It's not my stuff.  Mia again...   A supermarket and looting

I'd just wanted a choc bar so backed of n left it.  Smashed stuff.

Inka had told me to mind merge which is always a different perspective.


Darth Dad... & Ra Collective.
The idea of STS entities ??

Cata list?  Catalyst  the cat n mouse game on the crazy shit ship...

Few people want row merrily n gently it seems..

That's why Darth Dad's upset about me and Karmic involvement and another  cycles?

'Famly Ren, we stick and team what ever side we are on' 

Cause both sides are one?
 'More or less'  Hahhaa

What else did you remind me  Ah yeh.
Kids shearing...  Or snipping... 

This is linked to the elders selling the farm.

To help out the younger generations and the middle were taking the shit slinging from both directs...



The light house, barber pole .North Pole n candy cane.

The blue is playing now too??


Red coats n blue berets.. berry's n fox's..   magic purple shit 🤣😈

used to be British telecom.... and a Scots pine. 


Now open reach....  'juggle mouse, run program'

devil punch bowl...  red/white twist stop tape on a white pole!
 'Having Fun?' Hahahah yup


Janice's or janists were in last night dream.. I duno what they r.. 

'Just keep watching for now'


Oh.. Guy on a bike with a bell. Red on blue!  'Yes'  kk


The blue n red checked hankies... check is the hyper cube n tesseract cross... so the twist is the DNA dance?  Can you show plx?? 


Bill Gates pink check trew's n space tickets 🎟 Hahaha kk that dream 🤣


Red n blue for purple...  or red and for pink?? 


More please unpack 'run then mouse '


Surrender flag with a red Cross..    like st George's flag or errr the red Cross?  Hummmm




Oh.. I lay on the red checked clothe on top of the whisky bottle... Inka was still arguing with the matriarch


Then I gave him the blue hanky..


Oh, we also intercepted child me in blue checks for fighting


This is dwarf n d war off? 




Fuck i stink! 'Keep running idiot'


Kkk  errr 'typo?'  Thats the err  'yup' lol there really is few places i won't stick my nose..   go on then tell me more


White hats with blood on their hands..


The black hats blood in their mouths...  oh the vamp dream.. sign of strong matriarch inside... 


'Bity mouse' hah yeah 👿


'Blood in mouse mouth and metallic.. and implanted...' Hahaha could hear you b4


'Honey Pot'  Hu?   'The thing your trying to sniff out'  I wasn't I was just 'Curious'  lol suppose.....    'Well now you know'   O.o  How come they have the money... Satellites?
'Can't help yourself can you Bitch?'


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