Friday, 10 September 2021

Stars n Floods are??  'poking you mouse, wana play out?'

Lol  errr   what you up too????



Hahaha yeh alright, suppose I don't need to know.


'Good mouse,  stand fire'  lol errr hu? 

'kk we good??'  Yup duno what i just agreed to?

'Do you need to?'

Suppose not 🤣


Hahaha 🤣 wow!

Love it when you talk threw tunes!!!

'Dj gods Bitch' 🐭 Squeak!


Dancing cooking might be my favourite thing to do!!

What did Ann do Ren?


Oooo  DD has mainly female energy?


Saturn too.... ?


🤣 don't feel like that Inka, you know what I mean yes?


...  you were the one looking for trouble?


'Perhaps  I made you into the big Red button?'


Phahaha..    OK  crazy as fuck mental images... 

That would depend on where you put the button!! 🤣

'You get to pick'


Hahahah...  This isn't fair you guys already booped all my spaces!!


'Kk Bitch, reset.  You're fresh on the run

Where do you want the big red button?'


Phahaha not at my ass that's for sure ...


Tummy, n I run all 4's


'Kk mouse, game on'   lol  ok


Why you laughing?

'You'll find out'


Wana know now?  'What's it worth?'


😆 dw...  I know that fucking tone.


That tickles 'crack your spine mouse'


Inka...  I wtf?  'You just went all in again mouse,  it's not the first time and certainly won't be the last... you got a fly on your left shoulder' 

Oh shit!  😂

'DW,  we'll kick or catch you when you look like you might splat'

🤣😂🤣 🙈


'Get it Ren' Yeh




That marauders guild.. 
The name here now burns ourple/p•nk and my 
When I say•m 
I see patternsm 
- this


'I'm waiting mouse... You could sleep now'
it's 8am
'Ren, your a big mouse you could nap then play back out....'
🤣 WTF r you up too

'Come n see?'   Hummmm


I'd jumped to Inka who was still in the same space but far from being playful was utterly morose!
I don't recall seeing him like this before..... Lol he's been more cheerful on his deathbed!

Not sure what to do with him I'd recalled he likes to chill on the left usually and I'd recalled that I'd agreed earlier this year to grow towards Malico, not Leon.
So I got them to come look.   We still seemed to be in that dark space below ground,

South America.
They decided I'd probably have to kill him to sort him out
Inka it seemed first wanted to use me as an emotion dump ... I was feeling sooo much stuff!
Vast recalls, regrets and sorry...  Was oh.... This was almost a year ago!
When I was with him as he
died on a beach looking out to sea...

Dream on the 10th too.  Hummm

Ok, anyway he was very very sad...   Only it was me feeling everything too.
It's hazy, I'd decided that I couldn't kill something so sad so I'd just turned into a blob n kind of consumed him
This was a little later in the night though....   I think I must have been a blobby cocoon around him for a bit.  
'You took a while to digest me!'   Haha Inka! 😏

It was confusing as I was dreaming too.... In and out of the same dream all night.
I was waking cause it's so hot here, but each time I'd land straight back again.

It had started on a hillside with the setting sun.
Mark (who used to be a magician archetype and Inka told me he would help me find him again...   He did here ) had a house.
He wanted me to take care of it for a bit while he was gone.

Around us as we arranged it was a lot of dogs...
Mainly black n white, but they were all out of control. 
Kef my Dog was with me, I was keen to keep him close.
The others had gone a bit feral n all packed up.   They were hunting in farmlands and would likely get shot.

Mark had told me about the house and then I'd agreed n jumped.

It's a large semi terrace.
Victorian 3 story with large rooms,
It's like a massive townhouse both dwellings have been knocked into one.

It filled with people who rent a room, some rooms were even hard to find.
It' was modern too, shared and chaotic

As I'd arrived there I was trying to sort laundry.

The kitchen was vagally familiar...
Overly full with white freezers n white domestic equipment.
The spin on a washing machine was out of control and I was looking for the plug to turn that one appliance off.
The dark kitchen had a smell of burning and was filling with horrid smoke.

I'd managed to turn it off, but it was also connected to a freezer..
The electrics n wirings were a freaking nightmare!
While I'm trying to restore power flow to the now turned of freezer I realise I can here dripping...
Outside it's raining.

(Oh this happened in another dream a rented house - 'Find after Mouse' )
I go threw the hall way, the communal spaces were dark and filthy

I look about to find the cause of the dripping....
Looking up is an old style switch box and the ceiling above it is saggy and leaking..

I think bollox I need to flick all power off!  So get a chair n shut of the trip switch.
Then head to the floor above to find a cause for the leaking!
Upstairs the place is in a right state... The house is damp and rotting with floor boards falling.

As I reach the attic rooms I realise the ceiling is fucked here... And the storm we are in is blowing more tiles off.
I remember thinking blugh.... What did I agree to now??? '

I'd already moved some stuff in... But realised that this house was disintegrating,
I wasn't even sure if it was worth saving.

I was clambering about as the floor boards were falling, trying to collect a few things for the people who'd all need to move on from here.
I'd called others (some were people I knew)  One guy wasn't even human! 
He didn't arrive back till later.

I was pinging off messages and asking people if there was anything they'd like me to rescue and I had lists of items people would like me to find.

Mainly just basics...  Like fave mugs, a few pairs of pants, note books phones or diaries.
It was dark in the house...  Some of the rooms were amazing, accessed by clambering about up broken banisters, or using odd ladders n hatches.

Later in the night as I kept waking n dreaming...  This was after I'd encapsulated Inka.
It was evening at the house with residents arriving back.. Some were emotional and I was trying to calm these ones down.
Others had an air of excitement I'd arranged them to head to Chris n Sandra's (Alternative parents for this life)

I was calling up  cabs, n sorting out lift shares while relaying messages about the condition of the building... 

(Hummm... This was dreaming inside too as I kept going into the pains in my foot n toe!
This is usually linked to stuff with Leon... Which is why I'd called for him n Malico)
I think by now Inka was pretty crushed...
'Violent mouse'  🤣

Anyway...  I'd got most of the people from the building, others I was helping around showing what bits of the floor were still safe to stand on.

I'd arranged the lifts and took them to Chris n Sandra's where they had 2 very different entrances.

The front door with Sandra where the door had a chain on,  the way was blocked with a fancy crystal table...  
She'd asked me please, show them round the back way.

So I'd tried to usher them round increasingly frustrated as now most of them were just taking the piss out of my kindness.
 Increasingly hard to organise and making me carry their baggage.

Marcus was there and had been supposed to be my partner but he was now with a female from an upstairs purple bedroom. 
He was sketching on a pad,  to show her perspective n vanishing points.

I wasn't upset just weary and exasperated...
I'd got them all round to the other entrance.

Which was in contrast very different....
It was more like a hummmm   old guesthouse stairwell.
Dark wood panelled walls and a small long desk there.
It was dim, lit with a small hanging oil lamp and no ones mobiles seemed to work here.

They were laughing and chatting and headed up the stairs to a tabled room.
While I took stock and realised I'd still forgotten something.
Damp n tired I was mildly frustrated no one had bothered to collect my small bag.

So had got down an old fashioned telephone and plonked it on the floor.
I realised I'd be back in the dark on my own there...
The time of night with no electric would make it an arse to navigate.

So I'd got down an errrr it was like what they have in guest houses.
With local amenity's and taxis...  Visitor info.

I was looking for a taxi number to take me back but got distracted instead by images of the visitor locations.
Amazing images of a now submerged temple.

Parts were still above the water but had been washed by the tide to look like rocks now.
Yet below out of the crashing waves the temple ruins could be clearly seen.

In the photos the water was a lovely blue and I was aware it had been a temple of Zeus.

Which was odd as I also knew the location was off the Berwick coastline!
The temple had been built when the sea levels had been meters lower.

(Hummm  same as the other dreams!) 

As I'd woke back to Malico & Leon... Inka was gone now just something inside me, so they suggested we go back to Malicos for breakfast...

What are we doing?? 
'Healing.....  Just keep dreaming!'  Hahah  yeh whatever.

Malico shows me the areal view of old ruins around Berwick  the errr ramparts or something and tells me these were linked to star forts... Loci was kicking around now too.  Showing me oh...   Doggerland too, that used to be all above water hu??

'Yup'  Hummmm kk   I was still dreaming back at the guest house, I'd not wanted to eat there so had jumped to a bedroom...  Small one that isn't often use and crashed to sleep there.
lol that dream was different, I was playing football! 
The Devin Townsend track was playing 'Happy Birthday to you'  It's the album I listened to as Zak was born.

The football team was a guys team, but this time I was the same size as them!  Lol and less shit

That's from Malico telling me I bagged another member for my team??  Lol what is it with the football thing. 

Oh is this linked to the Magpies?? Black n White Corvids? 
They were duality eye spy's! 
Hahahha that was when I was insane 
'In-Sane Ren .....  You agreed last night to play again!'
Ofc...   I need to look at old maps of Berwick hu? 

Holy Holly shit Bat man..... It was a star fort!!  
'We just showed you'  That means Dunstanburgh was too!!  
'Ren, you are an annoying individual to teach things too'  Hahah TY for the help last night Leon 😊  I do remember what you showed me about holding elemental nodes... Just hard to recall all this stuff at once!    Wow....   

lol.... I whent all in yet again!!   👀😆  'You're to easy to play Ren!'  Hahah


So this

Is more reacent than this?????   🧐  and who the hell built all this crap it's ass end of no place... when I grew of there the villages were tiny!!


 Oooo  newer ruins built on the old!!


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