Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Holes n Bars

First dream was colours...  Mixing and blending they were a creamy oil like consistency and made a hallucinogenic that stopped the heart momentarily when taken.

This would jolt or jump the person into their experience.


I'd been playing with the colour blends for a while.... 
There was a massive selection of colours but I wanted to see how I could synthesise the shades myself to match using primary's, mixing them on black glass then writing numbers next to them.

Everyone else had taken some and I was last, I'd been working on a blue/purple blend and that was the colour I took.

The effect was unexpected as rather than anything psychedelic I just jumped!


I landed in a prison cell beside a bloke who instantly stood up!
Surprised and amused that I'd landed there
It was hyper real and very intense I recall thinking 'well fuck!'
😛 as this guy moved towards me 🤣

As I recalled the experience I remember I'd been dreaming with Malico,

I'd asked Inka to TIME NOW me and he'd told me to dream with Malico and I'd asked to go astral here.....  But lol it wasn't quite where I ended up!

There had been another bit where I was in an almost medieval village talking with the dead but as a kind of psychic.  
They weren't really dead just outside of usual perception on a different layer.

I'd asked Malico what was with the colour blending and he told me 'creating'


After that the whole night was odd with the same intensity I was dream sharing with a group or crew but non of them were familiar.
Either in appearance or energy.

I got to know the group as the night went on as I kept jumping back to them.
We were all modern a fair few of them were varying mixed race and we were on the edge of a woodland.. In a perpetual early evening setting.

The Sun was low but occasional showers passing over would push us into the wood and under a large tree for shelter.  We had  some rugs n an old sleeping bag or 2 there.

The guy from the prison was part of this group... It was him that had introduced me.

The only person who was vaguely familiar was a bloke very like a guy who I was sectioned with.
The one that always wore white apple bluetooth headphones.


Next I was told something in the rye... 'Another book for you witch' Reigate the town too? 

At some place I'd dismantled a PC and was cleaning lots of dust from it.
The year 1925

It was odd jumping back to this crew that were kinds unfamiliar, but welcoming enough!
One dream we shared there was a crazy superhero style cartoon... 

Hero's were fighting and training I was observing a female type thing with a tail, and long soft hornlike hair.... 
Duno was like big red things coming from her head, not quite hair or horns... Trailing like bunches.  

Her tail was slotted threw a blue pair of trews that reminded me a bit of back to front Y fronts!! 🤣😂
Which I couldn't unsee and spoilt her otherwise sexy glamorous look. 

She was fighting with a larger black wispy smoke male others were placing bets... She went straight down with a single attack from a distance,
I watched her fall and a small deep blue wisp like smoke rise from her chest like a sprite before her fighting form decomposes to nothing.

Then I'm a cartoon mouse...  
🤣  With another one and we had quickly run in and snatched a small golden fallen thing.

Then we scarper cartoon mouse style, threw this odd hyper real but animated countryside.
We were heading back to our mouse hole with our spoils... 

As I was still in a liminal space Inka was showing me things.
This time it was the Michel Line and he'd reminded me of the Like EL....

I was thinking of all the underground dreams and the nodes I've dreamed on and I'd asked him that's liked to you?? His response was
'Fucking El your slow!'  🤣

So stupid.....
'You are yes Ren'  🙄

Oh....  Hahah it runs close to mousehole! 
This isn't the line I dream on though...  
 'No'   Hummmm but some of the space cross the same nodes?   'You could learn to dowse mouse'   I could learn many things but I think we both know how lazy I am... Anyway I think I can already....  
I'll stick with blue tac blobs on maps were I dream at!

'Good.... Go line up  Berwick and the Star fort at Portsmouth..'. .....OOOOOO lots of old shit and castles on that one 🙂 SQUEAK!!

S Vi-hael's - 
ryam , 
st Erih 
Prea•SandS j •St . 
Ailse Holy Well 
Cern ace' 



In Scotland!

Same line...... there is a lot on that line... 


Ruins of 13thZéntury• 

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