Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Dizzy or Wobbly


Bremen??   Chuck me a fish?     'How about a key?'

That would do... Errrr dose it unlock something? 
Or you throw it at my head?

'St Petersburg Ren....   Find a line'  Hummmm

kk  so we are bk on earth grid,  I duno the place.


'You do'   Yeh not this me!   Who can best guide me? 

Non of you wana go Germany?  Oh...   Yeh our last trip was to a concentrationcamp...
and errrr

Ok...  I have the spotty stone.  'Fight Night Ren'  That was the Valhalla night? 'Yes, also with Ian'  Eh?  Oh yeh, he was in the fight before I landed in that split inn..

His fam escaped b4 the camps??  Clock makers?? 

What about Ure? Or Egypt?  'Pagan'  Mmmm??  Dalmatians??  Eh??


You guys never help when I wana chuck myself in the fire!  'Sorry Bitch, search n rescue only crew'  Hahah  kk 

I duno what you mean... 6 point star n spotty dog?

Humph... Your coming too 'I'm pretty immovable when I want to be Ren'...  Blugh, non of you will jump me there?   Stuff you all then if anyone can kick me in the right direction I'll owe you!

'You are an idiot mouse, your toe is only just recovering'  Mouse code?  'And your stupid sniffy nose'  You'll take me then?  'FFS Ren...   Come here, if you play it right I might kick you there'

First up I was disturbed by next doors car alarm again, I couldn't recall well where I'd been.
The dream after was with Ann again and a very very strange hub!

Also another dream with a school.
The school had lots of security doors and guards that I seemed to be pissing off as I kept setting off alarms by forcing my way in and out.
I'd found a form I needed for a family... It was got a grant or something.
A donation from a family who lived in a station of 1100.00 pounds was the donated amount.

But the family had only received £11 of it due to some bullshit admin and I was trying to sort something out.

The Ann hub was a messy walled garden, matrasses and blankets and people and animals all in a big messy heap.
Humm, 2 dogs kept shitting on this decking..... It was territorial but was pissing me of cause it was smelly. 
Oh.. Wait up it was my old infant school field next to the fire station... Is this the Dalmatian thing?? 
People were sleeping and fighting over the duvets and I seemed to be clearing up the dog shit irritated that the dogs were coming all the way over from the school to shit on the decking.

I'd tried to sleep but when I looked down I had 2 white mice clinging to the soles of my feet....  It was scratchy so I'd sat up to take them off.

I'd put them back into a tank next to a big open glass tank filled with toads
They were massive and noisy.

I'd noticed a huge old tree that had been pruned in a very odd way.

It had big holes in the canopy and looked like swiss cheese. 


I'd asked Ann about it as this seemed to be her hub... She told me about a treehouse inside the tree, but it was disused now and wasn't safe.  

Apparently the upkeep had been a pain.

This is all confusing jumble??  'Listen to that code Ren'  Hummmm   so from my left ear I could hear what was very like mouse Morse code


I was listening then I woke again a short bit after and recalled I'd been flying into a painting.   I was following an Asian style red and black dragon... It could morph and change.
It was odd.... Like a an ink painting in a dark redwood frame.   Yet animated, flying threw paper cut out images.

I vaguely recall I'd landed first in the Ann hub again, and followed Loci into the picture, I think he was the dragon I was following.


'Come back again Ren' 
I was back in that messy hub yet again, at least the dog shit was gone now.
I'd decided I wanted to be an animal and was thinking about it when Inka appeared and said 'Here. Be a goat again'  Then I was a white baby goat again on wobbly legs.

I hopped about a bit before settling to dream.

I'm back in Berwick yet again...  This time it has a huge hill, more like Selsdon than Berwick, but the hill led to a Pier.

At the start of the hill a friends kid had a metal green trolley cart, I'd told him  I'd take it as was heavy n steep but he just let go so it rolled down the hill....
I had to yell at people to get out of the way.. 
Not get squished.
Down on the pier was an amusement arcade with a royal wedding theme?? 
A dinner style café that looked out over a full concert venue. 
At first I was at a table with some friends, we were all young duno who I was but they all seemed Muslim.

Then I was at a seat on my own... I looked into my bag to find my phone.

But it wasn't my phone, it was someone elses... Confused I tried again... More and more phones were coming out various cases, brands and styles, some with cracked screens...


All where charged and showing different times. 
Confused I was wondering where they had come from and then my bag changed from my usual leaf one to a odd silky puffy gold err handbag thing. 
Next inside I find car stereo fronts but these are also all on showing digital time displays.
I'd asked someone if they knew how to find security as non of this stuff was mine n I didn't know why I had it.

'Stealing time again kid?'  Hhaha  Inka...    'Stop' ??? 'Arrested again Ren'   What you up to now Inka, Arrested is stopped..   'Time and seasons Ren'  Hummmm?? 


Humm.. The Dalmatian Valhalla night, with something stolen and me framed.



'You know how we game this Ren'   Hummmmm   O.o  Sort off...  Throw me some more fish or keys then please 😏🙄 

I feel like I have only half the puzzle bits,  'You have more you just don't recall them all at once'   Help then?  Don't laugh 🤣

This is why we play both sides????   'You tell me Mouse, your dreams'  Hummmm?? 


Clock and Crank shaft...  Humm...   Crankshaft was in the clock dream also with a key??

'We are playing Ren'   So I see that's non harmonic

An Example of a Non-Harmonlc Oscillator => Crankshaft Mot'...


I duno??  

'Go read mouse, you've got enough balls juggling in your stupid head'  Sheesh thanks...


Clock and Crank shaft...  Humm...   Crankshaft was in the clock dream also with a key??

'We are playing Ren'   So I see that's non harmonic


'Couldn't even be bothered to read by yourself?'  Hahaha 

I'm Subscriber 313 😛 

'Fairy Tales, Witch?'  Mmmmmm 💜

Bremen the musician's I know the story now... Or the ladybird one at least  is that like when I was made up of lots of things??

Hahah  Inka...   Witch and Spelling....   'And the other vid's on your feed bitch?'

Oh yeh....

Hahahah your timeing is good 🤣

The stinging be.... And then Oh... There was an autoplay vid of Inca Nations?? 

'That you ignored for Fairy Story's.'    

His Story bullshit.. It dosn't add up?!
'Time Now Mouse, going to Bee-Have?'   Unlikely... But meby😛

'Keep watching mouse....  We've dreamed this one' 

Hahaha  ok...

Dose Pinocchio have ADHD?   Oh.... Hahaha  I remember this we had the Oooo

Harlequin...  Didn't the real story have an alter??  Altar..  It had been removed from Wiki and I had to translate from Italian they are all oh the archetype stock characters??

'Just enjoy the story baby mouse'   Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr   I still bite you know. 

Fire-eater would be one of the blacksmiths?  St Clem ??
👿'  Feeling IMP atient too??  'You have no clue Ren'  Hahahah :P  

Oh... This was posted when I was sectioned.....
So on that day....

WTF... That was the song I was hearing this morning when I had a bag filled with different times.

Full moon tonight.  I didn't know how to find that dream.

'You do now, and your getting deeper in debt'  Hahahah 



Oooo another full moon!! 
🤣  'I'm better at this shit than you Ren, n you're to stupid to quit'   IKR 😊 It's fun...   I love moon magic!

Oh!!!   That was 6 months moon from today!   The other half of the tilt!! 
'You ask you get stupid bitch'  Hahaha  SQUEEK!! 

Ooo the Pinocchio Stuff.  



Oooooo Wood hog too and the trews?   Haliqueen  n black n white clowns!! 

And Don Keys....

🤔  Errrrrrr 

Pinocchio. Ladybird

Mentioned in Speaker for the dead too.... 'Oh the one I told you to read?'  Hahah  yeh that one. 

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