Saturday, 4 September 2021

Flood Fractal

'Ripples Ren, A harsh teacher is the thing some are needing'

'Sleep... And be where and what YOU want and need.  He needs you to be real'
I'm disconnected??
'Less than you think Ren'  Hu?  'Just drop to heart & connect from there'
Better TY.. 
'YW, Read or come here.. Your call we are close'

First dream I was with Fay and Elsie we were playing with a dolls house again.
I keep dreaming of doll's house. 
It was in a strange damp ravine, very large mushrooms and vines...

I'd gone back to collect a mushroom as one would be enough for a big pan of soup.

They were huge :D
Then there was lots of traffic and I couldn't get passed.
Strange environment a purple green hazy sky and low arched bridge structures, modern and metal.
Some half built structures too but all surrounded by desert or sand.

Coloured gasses.. Em was around too we were waiting on a special date.
Then I'd been in pain and given birth.
It was fast I'd said to the others I'm about to birth something or miscarry.
I'd birthed a very small infant holding another smaller infant...
Like Russian dolls.
It was not unlike the baby I birthed last year around the night before the Trump and number 13 dreams. 
I could also recall the baby the other night with no connective tissue who's eyeballs got tangled up!

Next wake 606 after seeing the number in my dream.
The dream was long  It was a school I'd been called to attend.
Adult learning yet I was there with some people I'd known as kids.
An old fashioned town with painted houses and narrow streets.
A fight with chopsticks? 
One guy also had a religious bank card,

he couldn't get it to work so we gave him some cash.
I'd left Ian again.. I was being told NOT to go back,

As it would be harder in the long run?

We had met in an old church yard, church made from broken flint cobble stone.
We were going to a lesson on making a ring of oat bread and many of us had headed to the kitchens.
This space was odd concrete or stone ovens n stone benches too,

Old copper pipes up high leaking onto discoloured walls...

The room was a series of what was more like long cramped corridors.
I was looking at a large black stain on a wall when more of the group came and told us to move back.

Next recall was in a large old room, the 'teachers' were cutting open large plastic sealed bags,

The contained pre cooked folded large omlets and cooked veg.. 
They would be reheated in large cast iron pans.

I remember thinking... Why not just use fresh eggs?   Also that we were ment to be making an oat bread.
I did see some flour mix for this.

Next recall we are outside the church again, it's like  street party, trestle tables and seats.
We are being brought foods to sample,
first I'm offered ice cream cookie bowls but the portions were huge!
I'd declined and was brought a well was like a Baked Alaska?
Or it was based on that.
But the covering was rainbow icing with sparklers,
Inside was more of a marshmallow than ice-cream....
The whole thing was unpleasantly sweet!
As I was looking inside the rainbow icing,

A woman with a blowtorch melted the inside marshmallow

I was watching it all sink into a sugary unappealing gloop.

Then we were moving again... This unusual thrown together group.
Headed across the strangest feel of black and white dead errr

Plants?  They were more like black and white huge sea anemones
(keep dreaming of these too)
They were twisted and covered with crystals.. The setting was very odd.
Like underneath yew forest - yet this was in the open,
The strange plants had been planted in lines... 

We approach the 'buss' which is more of a silver airlock tube

(Like the dream from the night b4 I didn't write up)
It's like an aluminium riveted bus tube with no paint..

Highly polished with one of them doorway membranes.

I'd met one brother of 2 male twins I'd known years ago.
He was at the door, as I'd looked back across the field more of our group were still arriving so instead of going back in I decided to keep looking around.

It was now almost like a very windswept shoreline..
Like miles of mud-flats
I could see a close harbour port.
This place was crazy too....
It was partially sunk, An ancient harbour below with much newer structures built on top.
Some of the taller old harbour buildings still remained mixed with the newer architecture.
The sea level had at some point risen several meters.
In the water were low metal ships, I could see they were loaded with steam engines  and old excavation equipment.

The closest building was made from ancient blue grey stone.. Very smooth.
It was one of the taller buildings of the original harbour it had the remains of a rusty crane.
But also a modern glass windchime, blue and green sailing boats..
Made from smooth old green n blue sea glass.

I met Roz there, she told me about something that sounded like HIV but it wasn't

It was to do with hermaphrodite and the X & Y  Chromosome.

I'd been looking at a screen or something as we were talking and that's when I'd seen the that had woken me up.  

Hu??   Help decode plx Inka?  'Come me & Darth Dad Ren' ...   My hub or yours?
'Come me, I'll take us there.... Bread first'  
kk  (Been at Inka's hub alot of late)

This was all linked to the flood dream?  Where one of you guys smashed that glass with the pufferfish.

Also the Shale and Iron Tide wall??

Oh.. first flood dreams too??

'Read all mouse, the divided mind but also the elemental divides here now please'

I jump to Inka at his hub, he's still young... We both were..

Oh, it's the Jack stuff.
Jack it up, Histe,,, First male me, Lift... Jack rabbit n Jack hammer. 

Loci had arrived too he reminded me of when he came to find Inka and me in slave labour.
He wanted to come too.. He would piggy bk in my awareness.
They tell me first they are bringing me bk up.

Feel my energy flow increasing and I'd told Inka he could take me as high as he want's
'You know how far that means we can fall Ren?' 


'KK, Hold on and don't let go for a bit mouse' 

Ooooooo!!!  'Mmm'  TY! 

Loci, Inka and Darth Dad Crazy dream dust energy and fractals.

I was seeing skin, then the earths skin... Rivers and flood plains.
Pole shifts and resets planetary and star plasma interactions.
Water movement and tectonic plates... Floods too.
It's a growth cycle... It renews!

That religious area in the brain... It had a balance in the other side.
I could feel them activating and the locations.
You told me the name for the other but I forgot.....

'Renown'  errrrrr ok 'look it up Ren'
kk will soon more bed....
'No Ren, Bread is cooked. Get up n nap later we are bringing you back up again' 


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