Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Which Horns Beep?

'Breakwater Bitch?'   fuck off Inka I'm as hard as you as you in my own way.

'Don't I know it mouse'    Don't mate.....  You're not the only one who can wall.

'No mouse. You shatter into or against them, hide or stay inside behind them' 

What do you want?   I'm aware your hunting me.  

'I know Ren or it would be less fun'   I duno why though?

'Cause we can, you have enough recall to know it's what we do'   pfffff

Wake and it's 101

I'd been dreaming in a shop...
Like a garden centre, I was working there with a vet.

We were selling kids clothes n gardening equipment.

I'd been playing with a friend there liz or claire generic old school friend.
We were pretending to be on a bus! 
Zooming about the store shouting brummmmmm  brummmmm!  🤣

'What kind of bus?'   Eh?  Errr an invisible school bus? 

'Mmmmmm'   What's that supposed to mean?
'You'll see'   sheesh....  

I recall I was dreaming with Leon, I'd jumped straight to him in Inka was lurking around watching from a distance.

I next wake at 111  
Then at 131 What, why do you keep Oh.... 

Hahaha that time I woke myself up nodding 🤣 Did I just agree to fight you??
'Yeh Ren'  Hahahahah  kk and Leon is Ref!!  
'Best of 3'    😂 Ok, I realised up until that point he had kind of kept us apart.

I'd also been having an odd dream of being a waitress 3 guys at a table.
2 wanted fried egg on toast n the other scrambled, 2 cups of tea and one rainbow!!! 
There was also a tired old fashioned metal shop shelf with various cat litter trays.

I don't wake again till 515

Crazy night!!  
I'd been fighting with Inka in many layers n spaces. 

The strongest recall was I'd been manifesting and headbutting him (I usually appear moving at speed n shove him! 😆)

Only this time I was using my head, and then I was a goat.
Small at first but getting bigger then bloody Inka

Grabbed me by my left horn!

It would appear that goat hooves don't have much purchase.
The rest is jumbled as it's like we were fighting the 3 fights all at once.
In one space I'm in an old fairground

Sitting on a trailer watching a big wheel getting taken down.
In another Inka is dragging goat me into a church space.

Then another huge dream in a big hub.

Massive multi story,

Hospital and military but also art and media.
There were various art displays and I'd also been on a very modern operating table.
Whole zigzagging wells of elevators.


I realised I'd 'Been Scape Goated?' 😁 I knew it was linked to this dream in Asia!
That was odd...   'Told you I was giving you clues KID!'   Yeh...   You did...

'Cars have horn's too Ren.   Beep Beep'  lol  I got booped!  Why was I sleeping on an operating table, I could see blood dripping off it as I was also underneath it!

To be fair you did warn me!  'And you agreed!'  😆 I have fun...   What can I say!

Hummmm  So what's the connection?   'Keep asking Ren'  Hahaha  I will... stupid Inka-bus's 😂

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