Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Fighty Moon

lol I was in a really bad moon yday afternoon/evening.
Moon hormones I was spoiling for a scrap.. 
'Got one too....'  Lol yeh also tickled alot! 🤣

'Your cute when your pissed off mouse'   Few but you would ever think so.

'True Ren but we are where were at'
Fight me Inka or just squash me plx....either is fine
'We did warn you bitch?'  IK  'Just sleep Ren'  I wana  'We Know... Sleep'

Hu?  I'd just gone Anti Clockwise?  I changed flow??
'Mmmm it's ok'   Jupiter is staring at me out of the window.

'Almost 12hrs Ren'  Oh... He was I remember where it was yday morning 👀
'Yeh Bitch'  Inka can you just help me out?  

'Nop, go to the others I've got my own shit tonight' ffs..

'Try that tone once more Mouse and I'll remind you why you usually hate me' 😑Leon..

'You target Inka once more before dawn and you will regret it'   Why??
'As I, or another aspect will remind you less politely that you reminded Zak how we deal with entitled astral brats' 
Sorry.... I'm 
'We know, come here'   Zak's like me....  'OFC. Loci will jump you here'

After that they just shut me in the Library and wouldn't let me out!!
Leon tried to be patient and was.  TBH I was really foul..... 
When they refused to fight I just sulked on the sofa and ignored them all.... I was grumpy in dreams too. 

Ah..... That's why I was stuck with Leon all night
Newmoon, Sol & Mars all squashed in Virgo Trine Uranus..  (Least there was
no coronal mass ejection this time! 🤣)

UT GMT Time 
C anae to 
Onl ine horoscopes 

-- WTF, the night I found out about the Sun had actually come over Mars the night Leon raped me.... You showed me Octo Parasites!  


I saw that in a vid yesterday.. 
The octo parasites, they look like water fleas eat the jellyfish then travel inside....

Ooooo..... I'm interested now!

Anyhoo  Dreams....

The dreams were one was a stage coach race threw dark countryside, carriages n horses.
I was floating along beside it was like harvest too, the carriages without people had apples and fruit.
Piles of Hay... Farm workers but with an air of wyld hunt... The horses were being driven hard and the countryside very dark.

2 people in feathers... Deep blue, orange/gold and pink tails... They were flying and dancing as 2.   
I'd been staring and they told me to go.

A bunch of pirates all gathered round me, they tried to tickle me to cheer me up and I was just getting more pissed off!  'Moody Bitch!'  Hahah  srry 

I was a thing with no head, my joints were odd one shoulder way to high joints n bones all square. 

I'd also accidently hurt a terrier dog....  Leon had kept banging on the wardrobe in my room like he dose and waking me up!  'Keeping you from to much fall out Ren' 
I was to stubborn to write the dreams... 

Darth Dad when he arrived later just knocked me out!  I remember he hit me in the face and I hit a book case... When I woke he'd jumped me back here.  I think it's the 3rd or 4th time I've been here now.  
Second time with him.  .... Hum... Can't find them dreams now! Stupid search..

He told me I'd be examined there then Inka would take me to the room....
I needed to return to keep the bed.. Inka had arrived I'd wanted to fight with him to but he warned me like Darth Dad he wasn't in the mood and would just knock me straight out... As it was morning anyhow I didn't have a change to try that out.   

Wow...  Jole did get in a fight!! 

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