Wednesday, 8 September 2021

What's Cooking?

First up was a big dragonfly and a torch, the flaming stick type.

Then a very long dream, but it's the end I recall a hexagonal shaped room filled with creatures and animals, tanks and cages floor to ceiling.

I was taking them out to be examined and check if they needed cleaning.
So many things, frogs, hedgehogs, rats mice and weasils  even a mole!

They were Fays.
It felt like a rescue but she didn't seem to want to let things go.
I was quite overwhelmed by the amount of stuff. 

Huge rabbits them giant breed, they were in a bad way with weeping skin.
Also way up high, I was wondering how they heck we could lift them to sort them out.

Another hugely long dream, main dream area....     

I'd arrived via a bus 'Inka bus bitch!' 
Heya.. Oh yeh!   You came back.
I'd jumped to the hunters rooom and was just sleeping n dreaming from there alone.

But Inka had arrived.. Poked me blew smoke in my face then shoved me over so he could have his preferred side of the bed!  He'd been fighting and looked like shit but at least this time he's managed to make his own way back :P

I didn't bother asking him what he'd been up to as he hardly ever answers.

In the dream I was looking for a place to rent....
I'd been shopping in a freezer place,
I had a bag of frozen food.
All odd brands again n some amazing frozen deserts! 😋

The place was full of dogs..  I'd met a brown and white spaniel.
A guy with 3 black dogs with tight curly hair...  

They were on red leads n sniffed n licked me.

The house I found for rent....
It didn't seem like my main dream space as the Sea was in the wrong place I could see it looking west.   

Meby it was Beadnell it has an odd aspect.
Anyhoo there was a room I was considering it was in an all square 80's building.

It had not been designed as a domestic dwelling and had all round windows and each floor was a single room with a stairwell to the side where the outside door lead to the beach.

The views were amazing, was set in grass with trees but with one side looking out over the beach to the sea.

There was a guy living there the space was full n messy...  We both had dogs too.
Me my black n white collie and he had a white male staffy.

He slept in a chair, and the space was divided by low almost school like bookcases.
The sort on wheels that are easy moved.


He was late on his rent... Showed me his statement from 'Tower Bank'

Oh it's 0440 Inka was sort of awake... His hands n knuckles swollen he told me...

Kraken and cold shoulder!
The spiced rum with the octopus on :P

Eh??  'Come here n dream more mouse'  I was mildly irritated he'd plonked himself at the left edge of the bed again as I know from experience it's really hard to budge him!

😈'   Hahahah  I will find away, I could always set the bed on fire?

Next I wake and it's 606 'Of course it is!'   Hahah 

I'd been back in the same dream..... Only the male that was in the square flat kept changing sometimes it was my Bro, then sometimes someone shorter n younger...
He reminded me of that something Owen the gay left wing political commentator.

I'd been doing various kinds of art, tiedye with many colours and using that plasticy glass paint that you can peal off.

we had made colourful rubbery masks with it. ... But hey felt odd and were smelly to wear.

At one point I was a diffrent female - small with strange specs dark hair n the kind of clothes I'd never ware....   Her I was watching more in 3rd person.

Then I was out in the square building hallway.

I was standing on my head doing yoga, chatting to my bro and oh..  2 cousins.
My Dad's sisters Daughters, I haven't seen them in dream for quite a long time now.

Was when Gran n Grandad were back alive but dying.

The 606 wake had been from this dream..  I'd jumped from the space to another I know.

I had a cannibal mental inpatient he had been drugged n fastened in a wheelchair..

Was a bit silence of the lambs but the setting was very diffrent.... I was trying to help them and taking them up a ramp onto the beach to see the ocean.


'Your Idea of helping a cannibal Ren, is offering them something to eat.   Come here again'    bugs 😁  waste not want not!

There was also on the beach a female DJ, she was teaching some younger male apprentices.

One of them was angry with her... Didn't want her as his teacher.

But she had stuff that she could teach him.

He showed me her forked tongue telepathically and told me, I gave her this.
Was like a snake.

Hummm the other dreams too but the dog was now a cat.


'You're sure you can do this Ren?'
He asks her while licking her tears where they mix with her blood that is already on his finger

Her reply is telepathic so long as he remains close she has little care.
The others arrive, all conversation is telepathic and she understand they need all of their colours for what they are about to do.

Illeth greets her mentally from a distance where she is with Kaylo holding him close. 
The pair look stunning her orange aura mingling with his golden.
Kaylo manages to smile at her and she clings to Inka at home but embarrassed at the strange form she appears in.

They jump as a group she's not sure of the location but she recognises the temple layout,

Not how they will get below it.

Kaylo touches her mind gently, he tells her not to be ashamed that she is playing the role of his moon and illusion.



Wtf have you got me reading now guys? 'A book?' Yeh thanks smart arse...  what is its point?


'Should it have one?'  Blughhh like that hu? 

'Sorry bitch, trust?'  Hahahah sheesh....   supposed 😂

dick...   'you can't help it hu?'
can you?

'You want a push?'  Yeh go on... why not

'Stupid mouse 🐁 🙄'


'Trusting us didn't make you anymore reverent Ren'

Lol...  I still love you all  💜   so who is Ender then??

'No spoons bitch' lol Inka, Leon might Tell?

'Unlikely Ren. You need to learn truth for yourself'

'Yeh go on Ren,  ask Darth Dad... see how far you get'  Hahaha, could be 50/50 might just drop me down another well.


'Optimistic fool'  oh... didn't know you were listening too 🤣
'You're hopeless Ren'   I'd argue im infact optimistic!  'Hopelessly so'

🤣 'Read the book KID' lol 😆


What you up to?  'Dropping clues?... but who knows Ren, you're the fool who won't back down'



'Wana argue with me or Read the book' 

Im ok arguing tbh 🙂


'Yeh,  and don't we fucking know it'


'Out of questions?'   For now.😏

'Read then mouse' 



'Ren, I am also in your house'

Heya Malico..


'And I Ren.  Will kick you as you comedown'  oh good 🤣 ty dd

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