Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Poles, Kirks's n Walls

😏  Crazy syncronisity with Mia

O https://forums_ybw.com index.php?threads whets-the-point-of-a-whisker-pole.226020 
What's the point of a whisker pole? I Y BW Forum 
Whisker poles barber haulkers and all. As I see it a whisker pole is used mainly to get the jib to 
sit steady when wind is behind you. The length is optional d long pole will hold the jib out very 
flat and almost at right angles to the Cll. To do this will need a lot of strength in the pole.


Dreams I'd taken the wrong pad to Mia's so was no space to write down... 

Patterns though!   Syncronisistys of the scale! 

The dream I had was the at the small grocers shop in my main dream

space only it was a little butcher shop instead... But it was selling only cake.

I was behind the counter and I had with me cats on leads!
On the floor was an injured bird.
I'd picked it up out of the way of the cats and I was going to lift it and chuck it into the sky and out as I'd checked it's wings for flight.

Only the bird speaks to me and says 'Help me mama'  !! 

It wasn't a species of bird I've seen before.  
Pidgeon or Magpie side but it's feathers were a soft mottled brown and cream.
I realised it was reluctant to be set free so I'd sat it on my shoulder. 

(Like the other night when I was someone else's parrot!)

I remember thinking it wasn't idea having cats on leads and a bird on my shoulder...
But I got my slice of choc cake and said good night to the guys as the shop was closing up.
Hum... black white tiled checked floor... 

??  I was wlcome there the staff knew me it was ok to help myself.

It's the same place I had before another shop there was closing down.

Oh I need to call my Dad...  Kk

The  other dream had been of my Mama's

Hummm Dad convo..Scotland and Kelpies & Falkirk

So other dream was putting Whisky into my mothers wardrobe.. 

Inka??  HU?? 

Lorna all afternoon telling me about Kirchbr



What is Kirk??   'A mouse hole?'  Hahhaah 




So it is???

So what is Falk

Oh... That again......  SHIT!!


'Front lines in the mind mouse??   Walls n holes?'


'You're on Ren, just keep watching and listening'  Hahah


These poles... (Last Friday)

That night..

Then another pole upgrade outside that house.

Oh... there is Electric ours is Communication.  

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