Monday, 27 September 2021

Being very Small.

404 wake.
I'd been with a guy all the night... I duno who.

Hummmm  I was dreaming from Malico's hub... 
I'd wanted Inka's company but he was busy so Leon, Loci and Malico were taking it in turns to help my recall.

The dream was long.. Symbolic and I was dreaming there too. 
The guy I was with was black and a giant. That or I was tiny! 
It was odd as I was like a parrot small enough to sit on his shoulder. 

He had been in the police force but no longer was.  
We were in the dark ruins of a castle or city
Only certain rooms remaining.
He had a bed with an alarm clock beside it and his Mama was close by too though I didn't meet her.

We had talked and I was helping him to look for something. 
As I was small he could lift or chuck me up onto roofs and walls.

I'd scramble about taking in the view and looking around before jumping back down to give directions.

It was strange as sometimes it was like a city, other times it was like I was very tiny and inside a cupboard. 

I kept waking and going back into the same dream.

In another dream I'd been driving a car somewhat reluctantly.

We were at a junction and I'd just missed a silver car as I was little and was struggling to see over the steering wheel  🤨

A town mayor and his secretary who had made there town into a business.  
It was working to the benefit of the citizens but was also illegal the mayor was now on the run.

A strange dream about people going to bargain  and petition an entity called Elel

Non of them liked it...  Just wanted what it could give.  I was observing from above.
A woman was to make him give her a small black and white train.

Last dream I was a waitress at a large café.
Lots of detail a cook in a bag rice meal I warmed for their baby.
I'd laid a massive table for a Christmas meal and places a gift at each setting.

I wasn't even sure if the kitchen was open.... I couldn't smell any food cooking.
I was aware I'd been unpaid for much work I'd done but this didn't seem to bother me at all.
I'd lit candles and a fire in the café but the family were still in an conservatory.

I'd gone to check if they would like any more drinks while waiting and I'd noticed some other people had come in.
They'd brought there own fish n chips the large glass windows there looked out over the sea.

Back inside some water was spilt... It had made mud on some ancient stone steps. 
I was clearing this up where I was finding broken children's toys.
robotic dinos that had been broken in half.

At some point I'd jumped to Darth Dad's hub, he'd told me I could hand around if I was quiet.
I must have fallen asleep as I was woken by Inka returning who looked tired.
I'd shared a dream with him... But it was just diving.

I was swimming deep straight down, looking for something that had sunk.
I wasn't human... More of a lobster or prawn!

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