Sunday, 5 September 2021

On the Run & Terraformers

I woke confused as I thought I'd slept all night but it was b4 midnight.

Next wake just after 12.. I'd been working in the Driftwood again but someone told me.

'No Ren, all that's just a cover you work for me'  🙄  There had been a strange drone..

Eh? Next wake at  121 as a helicopter passed over.. Inka had told me to jump to him... But I was just very dreamy.

202 - I'd had a really long dream, it started in a house in the dark.
 A trade or deal that wasn't totally above board.   

Mia was with me...  I was to run or smuggle something.
Next bit I recall was being with Zak in black dark we were being followed I was using a hard road underfoot to find my way as we could see nothing at all.

It was a countryside road..
Then I found I'd wandered off the road and onto the driveway of a large house.
I lay on the ground there with Zak as we had been caught then I was in 2 layers at once.
A car that's dark where the guy who'd been following me was now questioning me.
He was a welsh father.
Then also on the grass outside this house at night with Zak.
The security light had come on and children's toys, bikes... Scooters n what not,

were rolling down the drive and into a very muddy hole where they sank.

Was odd as no one was ridding them...
They were just all taking themselves into this sinking mud pit.

In the car they are telling me, while questioning me what 'They' want.
We were to be re-educated in the way of the light or something...

Save your soul type thing.
We didn't want to, but as I'd been caught I had no other option.

My next recall was of a field with 8 prefab bunk houses they looked like wartime stuff but were built new.
Each contained rows of bunks.
We were all stuck there for several months.

We didn't want 'saving'just letting go.
At one point I was having a long chat with someone very like Robin Williams.
He was telling me he'd been rich on earth but was poor now.
He didn't mind.. He just wanted letting go.
I told him I understood, I was always astraly busking it too.

Ever out of credit or in debt to someone 😋

'Usually me Bitch!'  I know.  I'm good for credit though! 'Idiot' Hahah

On onside of the field had been another harbour wall, it was tall and the sea was far below.  
To far to jump, I used to like to watch the sea moving below.
I could see 2 grey seals playing and watching me.

Next up I'm a dog!
 'Bitch 😏'  Hahah Inka.
I had a plastic chewed up red bed, I know I was black n white as my fur was caught in the mangled plastic where I would chew to amuse myself.
The plastic was hard...  didn't have much give but I liked the feel.

While I was a dog I'd been learning about planetary alignments!
A mind shit sheet?? 
'Veil Mouse'  Oh... Hahha
I couldn't find Inka in any form... Was just dreaming, I could hear him.

A very long dream with family.
A country pub we had a arrived at it was a sunny afternoon..
My Mam and Sandra were there (Other potential Mam) and 2 young males that were related too.  They had been taken for a massage and a shave.
I was annoyed with my Mam over something, and was also there to clean.
My cats were around too, and I was picking up recycling,
Shaking rugs and clearing rubbish out.

Having collected a pile of rubbish I take it out the front and the dream jumps.
It's early evening and I'm on a quiet city market street.
Trading has stopped for the day, my cats are still around.
I ask a grocer clearing box's and old fruit off his stall where I'll find the bins,

He nods down the street to the left.

Bits of plastic bags are blowing around, also metal cages,

the kind used for stock delivery's are stood around.
The shop fronts need painted.
I pass a closed up Halal butchers on the corner and see the dumpy bins a little further down.
The 2 guys arrive back, they are unfamiliar yet in the dream were related.
They looked like they were from the middle east.

They were relaxed n groomed from their treatments that afternoon.
They followed me to the bins, waiting for me to put my stuff in.
Piles of empty fruit n veg cardboard crates to wade threw to get to the correct bins.
Next I'm walking with a sports coach (rowing I think)
He was talking to me of my cousin (This was an utterly different version of my cousin Ian)
In the dream he was his father and coach he'd stopped him competing in a race he would have won... It was due to a discipline and attitude issue.
I was hearing them both.

You told me something Inka b4 I'd jumped to Malicos.... 
'Star at your feet Ren and you are dreaming on a planet'
Oh.. Lol yeh Star was on me, and I was a mouse laying on you

'Mm Go and dream with Malico & the others, I'll find you closer to dawn'

He told me to jump to Malico's and I was more cohesive there, I'd wanted them to come with me to my main dream space instead and they all agreed.
I jump bk with Loci, Leon, Malico and Darth Dad who'd all agreed to dream share.

We used the hunters room and I was instantly in a
I realise that Malico is linked to Ian some how.... 
My dream dust was crazy!

I was seeing the Celtic n Religious knot work but it was alive and 3d...
Weaving, it was like amazing sculpture that adorns churches.
The creatures were alive and moving.

While watching this Darth Dad had told me something....Err  Brawn or Bribe?
I don't know the context? 

Oh I'd also tried to find Inka too.... But instead I was looking at a large wide mountain side.
It unzipped to let me in and I entered formless and flowing and then became a err

Sedimentary layer!
The mountain formed again and I was compressed within... A layer in time.

'Come back Ren, showing stuff'


505 I turned inside out... I'd gone into my heart and then was like a pill bug then a tube worm again and I turned myself inside out.

I feel odd now! 
'Come here again Ren'  You guys told me to follow the feeling at heart and I just flipped round again!

-- WOW!   Them machines!!   What a dream :D
Huge terraformers.
Like fucking massive and slightly terrifying!
'You didn't freak'  lol well a little inside... Was epic though! What a place.

The dream had started with me explain to the other dreamers how I fly

We were above a desert at that point and I was explaing to other dream characters how to fly.
Match the air n push against the flow in any specific direction...   Push the hearts magnetic flow for up!

Then we are walking up a pass the sand has snow..
We enter a strange ancient market town bustling with dreamers.
It's a massive hub... But with the most bonkers massive machines.

They take the whole street...  Move controlled by there own onboard AI so they fit.
We had followed one into a hanger and it was compacting as it moved...
I have no words 😆
Was epic as fuck!!
Scary too....  I was really shit scared of stuff like this as a kid. 
Marie/Middle me was with me.
The gangway we are on had the terraformer compacting cm's from us...
I was shrinking back and Marie had laughed and told me at least it's not a logger to that would really shit you out.
There were a flow of programmers heading out too. 
We follow them.

Heading down the street again we had to climb over a massive older engine
This one is black with oil, deasil n dirt.  
The scale was amazing...  Many other people were clambering over it too as it slowly shifts to park up.
Suppose it was a little like howls moving castle but more modern.
It was easy for me to move over, I could have flown instead I just hover n clamber.

At the bottom I was running over sand again... But sharp bits of metal were sticking up like art.
I was barefoot so slowed down to weave threw it....
As I did a woman at a table drinking tea asks me...
'Have you used a mouse Andrea'   I told her yeh a bit, there kinda squeaky!


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