Sunday, 29 August 2021

Iron Sea Wall

Last 2 nights I know Darth Dad is about... Lots of train tracks escalators and elevators.

I woke at 212

I'd been in a dark space with airlock style elevator doors again. 
In-between are Train tracks it was very dark.

Next dream was crazy detail... 
A kennel room,
It was a grey wall with various sizes cages it looked more like an art wall than a functional kennel space.
Fay and her friends were around too.
I was waiting a drop off of patients to care for. 

They are dropped off and one is an infant, but like nothing I've seen.

I was told it's ET tube had come out...    It was in a tiny plastic bag..
Like the stasis liners or baggie wombs.

All it's connective tissue was missing.
I'd been trying to clear it's air way and it was morphing in front of my eyes. 
From something that looked like a premature baby

into something that was more of an expanded living study model.

It was not human or animal a tiny heart in yellow cartilage chest

All the nerves and vessels were floating in position I could see the workings of each system.

Nerves and vessels it's indescribable.. So real detailed and like nothing I've seen before. 

I'd tried to reconnect the ET tube and comfort it...
As I'd done this it's eyeballs had got tangled on my uniform.
They came detached...

I was upset saying to Joan (From the café I worked as a kid) I've blinded it, It won't be able to see now.
I felt such love for the strange looking thing in my hands, and felt terrible it's eyeballs had come detached.

She kept telling me.  'Look at me, Look at me' 

I was still holding the small strange entity. 

When I looked back down again I was holding a small but normal baby with light brown hair.
I looked back and asked her what happened.
She told me we must have jumped.

That all had needed to trust her.

Alnwick.. A game a dark room...

Felt like an RPG or a radio broadcast.

I knew the people Alien too....

Hum... This was linked to the young guy with red hair that had adopted me... 
There were paid for schools -

People with painted faces telling a story threw song.

Aug 29th.

First long dream is a department store.. But it's a home too. 

A family run thing.

Rooms like apartment blocks, but with hairdressers, offices,

Swimming pools and bathrooms.
I was linked to the people who owned and lived there.

Pine needles that were blowing around making strange patterns.

A huge full moon

I was still at DarthDad's hub..

I was dreaming with him at one point a long and visually amazing dream.

I kept going in and out of it.

It's in main dream space I was working at the Driftwood, the Neptune was a giftshop.
The harbour is an incredible huge metal barrier!
Huge scale, part sandstone castle part steampunk hydro electric dam.

Customs area with stone gargoyles and blue tin soldiers.

It was huge, this massive Iron tide wall....    Oh


Emotion, this was more of the water/Land again but this was huge.

Someone told me it was built to keep the Shale safe??

I didn't understand this, it looks amazing and ancient.   It was discoloured with a green/white scale

Ornamented too when the Iron was cast.

North Sea Shale?  Inka?  'Stay with Darth Dad Ren, let him help you with the symbols'

I go back into the same dream... I was still at the café working I had to be back for 5.30

At one point I'd been with Em, me and her were kids in my bathroom...

We had them seahorse my little pony babies and were playing with them in the water.


I'd gone to my Grans house, it was a Dr surgery filled with people from all-over the world.

Clotting risk giving vaccine to kids...

My Dad had a growth in his chest, It reminded me of the symbiote thing alien like inside.

I'd just missed a bus and I'd asked him for a lift back to the village.

HE had a silver plumbing van.


Inka had joined Darth Dad and me.   The wall...   I was a pie, spiral. 

Inka was telling me it was another wall I was to weave threw.


I could see DNA spirals.  

An abscess on my ankle too, big... Puss and red blood swirl.

Achilles heal.. Aquarius.

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