Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Party & Festival

24th Aug 21.
Dreams still long n deep.


First was with friends of Zak's...
And their parents but they all seemed to be in my main dream space.
It was a boys birthday party that would become a festival.

Middle-school beside roundhouse.  

The setting was a large new house, almost hotel like.

The party would be a birthday party followed by a small festival.


Lisa and Amy.. 

There are lots of people I know from home,

it was strange they were in my main dream space
Perhaps as I'm here n ungrounded. 
The festival was odd fancy-dress.

Andy & Fergus turned up too!

I was amazed they had come from London.

They were odd versions of themselves,

Missing teeth more pie-ratty


Next wake is 313.. I'd been with Leon,

I was a mouse but large like a rat.

I had rippling rainbow fur.

He was making me into something else too.
'Come here again Ren, straight to me'
Next up I'm in a strange room..

Like a tub room but it's all different strange basins,

smooth walls with a drain in the floor.


I knew Inka was about... I'd seen him, he's annoyed with me atm.

Self pity...  I was feeling low in dream space and he was angry about this the other night.


He's still hostile :P Though he did sort out my energy body earlier in the day again.


Next up I was back in the first dream.

This time it feels like I'm on the beach outside Bamburgh,

The waves are huge I'm shoreline...  In the surf.


I was with Leon and Inka close to dawn... 

Sins and Trespasses  this was S & T   the cross and snake.

That medi staff & DNA

Inka reminded me, I build structure... You hop over n under.


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