Monday, 9 August 2021

RIP Ties

Wake at 131 I'm astral here with Inka we were formless though.
I'd asked him to come we were putting stuff into the grid, codes, contacts time.
I we would need it, we were adding it all now.

Wake again 303 - something...  Hahaha Not really describable

I'd been in-between layers we were changing stuff from the code in-between?? 

'Kids Ren, their wicked playful'  Hahah 😆

Oh yeh, Loci around too, 

I recalled more as i got up to sort bread It was Lion portal so I'd guessed we should play on
Lion lane but we'd gone into the earth below and then into everything -
We were playing like static our exchanges fast, emotional knowing pings. 
It was playful and funny.
While I was making bread all the cats were bugging me and then I thought oh they wana play Lion Portal and then I herd Leon sigh!

I realised I should have asked him, so did and then Malico as we were going to the Oak tree.

I'd gone bk to bed I'd asked the others too they all wanted to come we'd dream share as 7 under my soul tree.
I was to stay away from Kaylo still, Leon would balance me sleeping head to head.

Illeth was in our joint awareness.

I had Inka and Malico or Loci one each side, errr Inka is right atm.. yeh Malico was left.

Other way from when Inka was stubbornly sleeping n wouldn't budge for weeks.

As we were laying the energy flow was crazy,

Visually I was seeing the dream were my skin was golden fur

Inka as that Purple panther from the emissary dream...

Then they made me into a lilac puma...


I was like an odd pink panther .
But my tail still had it's point!!!
😍 🤣
I was flicking between the iridescent smooth skin and very flat lilac fur.

Inka had laughed at me and told me

'Lie lack & and Lie ability mouse you're a world of contradiction'

When I woke it was  from a (OO should have wrote this earlier!)
It was with Joan from the other night....
She was the one in the café  the other night (Red White)
Who had our stuff under the red/white taupe.

I was working in her café but every order pad was full,
(Oh another dream? With fam??)
The tables close together and the other staff gone.

I was trying to serve but I couldn't write down orders,

The kitchen staff were off line and stuff messy n odd.

She kept appearing asking me why people were coming then leaving.

But I was so fucking disorientated I couldn't work this place for shit.

Someone came in a with a massive black dog!!  It was huge and amazing 💜

A mastiff the size of a horse,

It's fur was amazing a true gentle giant and I'd gone to say hello and stroke it!


At the back of the café were I just couldn't sort myself out was an odd but familiar old fashioned news agent.

It had a feel of my main dream area but with many dream spaces compressed.

I'd gone behind the counter that was made of chipboard with various hatches.
The detail as usual was more than real.

As I'd lifted up a desk end to move were the cash was

a guy with a different accent followed me threw the staff access.


He told me 'I need make call' and I looked round for a phone set...

As I look back he was using an old errr 'ham' radio / headset thing..

The guy was talking a different language looked at me smiled and winked.


Inka?  '😏'   lol


The last part of the dream was a kid with a plate of leaves n mushrooms! :D
All different kids and shapes put out on a plate,  I'd sat down to chat.

Then a dream of that odd version of here I was arguing with Ian.
A scrap van came for a car... A red sports car.
Then he had a gold one he didn't want...
The red car was from another night?? 

Driver n me trying to sort out an exchange while he was yelling..

The ka stars from my other dreams Em's head in a red car and my head removed replaced with generic blue.

Red n Blue = Purple lilac


Inka was still so close I'd asked him to help unpack like he usually dose.
He asks me to meet him...

I told him I can only locate you in my heart.
He'd said good...  Join to that.
Multiple dream recall and orientation. 

He askes me if he can bring Darth Dad.. I'd told him ofc.
We meet awareness first Darth Dad suggests my roundhouse hub,
Hunters room or above.
I told him I'd prefer below ground and he replied

'Suspected as much child' 
As he arrived I was already laid by Inka I realised I was split there dreaming.

His emotion was unexpected as he was behind me I only felt him.

It was almost pity but not.. Just sad in a way I can't describe. 
(A ping pong more like this night than last night)
I felt Darth Dad's Emotions while Inka showed me recall and images.

I wanted to know about insectoids and overseers,

The sale of the farm that had made family so sad.
Inka was showing me infants and children,

On another layer I'm seeing genetics and experiments.

Vax-ing r kids was being used as a frontline.

Then I have a pain in my back I know to follow right lower shoulder.

I followed it bk into the dream earlier with the red car.
I'd been arguing with Ian over Zak...
Toy wings I had a set of 5.

I had 5 different toy Insect wings,

Ian wanted me to make new ones...

I was telling him 'I'm not a wing maker'
The 5 I had were intricate and pretty,

I was trying to sort the Ka removal

He was complaining I was neglectful.


I knew my wings would be a half-assed failure

But Ian was insisting I wasn't making an effort.
I was annoyed as I was already trying to sort his vehicle issue...

And the wings on offer were functional and adequate,

What Zak needed was already waiting...

 'Bk Mouse'  Oh... Blugh I'm seeing & feeling the brain as a receiver too.

A/The  god gene,  fundamentalist extremist.. 
Darth Dad was sharing fast so I moved to try n split n write as was to much for me to recall.

He'd asked my permission first to share.

I asked was he representing an elder.  (The farm and overseer dream's)

'Yes Ren. I long ago picked a side in the duality game.
You and Inka like Leon remain as inbetweeners'

Leon and Illeth? 
'Yes Ren, dual aspects we keep in systems as friction and part of the architecture'

'Earlier when Inka told you to expand and feel the others'  Yes..(I'd spread like a net others felt like nodes n cross points)
'Like you they are connected aspects to a larger network.  You are all able to feel and relay to eachother'
Yes... Ok... I get that...
'Off world control Ren and the sides'
Mmmm the games and teams from my dreams.
'Yes, many like you play both sides. 

Flipping as needed in service as needed for balance'
'others don't'  (I realised he meant people I now know close to me)

'Sleep deeper and split again, I need to take your awareness into me'


An error or issue in the gaming systems?

The overseers.. Insects, I know them as parents...
Errr this is Enders game stuff?


The colours Red and Black?? starwars  'Look him up Ren'
Like the lady Bird??
You are green and purple too...  I feel you mainly as colour..
'We are the darker half of the spectrum Ren, closer to void'

I jumped there fully into his emotion... It was deeper than I imaged.

You said you wanted me to take a side??... (not in-between)

'We would like to get you out'
Blue centre tickles...

'The situation there may well get messy Ren'   ??

(OK, this was fucking long term messy... We sign up to another massive cycle.  Been there jumped bk got to many fucking T shits)
'You know your role mouse, most of your family did not have more children'
Blugh....  I came bk for them on contract! 
'Children means more investment'
Pfff I'll need more perspective plx and increase refresh rate.
'As you request Ren'

Oh... The birth chart... Train??  
Are you Pluto??  The clones??
'Updating Ren'
2011/12 I jumped the bk carriage to the front??

Huge visual shit n dl with this...

The train will split soon???  'TIME NOW'

My 2 birth dates??  'Yes'
One will form an AI timeline??
The other??
'We show'
I came back to remember emotion 😶
We were the elders...
It was our kids repeating our mistakes??

I rebirthed myself under a 136?

'His fear let you be taken'
I want back on my own timeline....
'They are both yours now Ren'
I'm split again??

Sheeshe...   ffs

Help plx, need perspective again.....

'Inc Bitch'  

 So after duality???  Colour stupid game??    'Its why you team bitch'  Haha Inka this shit gets tired 

I don't wana watch starwars.. Grown up films freak me out :P  Need to know who the dude with the ladybird face is.......

Stuff links and attatchments jump me there plx ;) 

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