Saturday, 21 August 2021

August 17-21

Inka.... Enders game
🤯- the bugs towers... dreams...  'wait till you get to next book mouse'


Kk...   its so odd!  I'm a bit head popped the catacombs. The bug in a box.


Dream catch-up....

17th Aug 21

Wake at 313.. INKA, lol this is huge!   Was like Guildwars and Infowars had a propaganda war that was too loud!
Just too much noise.  'Yeh, Ren'

Oh.. TY, then was back with crew they were showing me the 0-1 off on & bee & butterfly. 

Mirror was 0, can I see me or can I reflect.


Just need to 0 a bit to stop the noise??... Humm wake at  414 then at 0440  we are playing?

'Yeh Ren'

Inka was in me and I was with Leon... Malico too.

They are showing me mirror games.

Lines of symmetry.

Then an odd dream of errrr shit catcher trews!

Crew were calling me the shit they caught...   A shit that needs managing.


Next dream I could see all the tendons in my body glowing white or stretching threw skin.
(stuff I forget as later write up and crazy shit)

Angus? Tram journey and Celts?   Odd listening to afro Celt sound system as I write Celts.


Was more stuff about big shits, lil shits n plumbing!   Reminded me of being in mental hospital shit creek!


(Then got up n shit did hit fan.... crazy shit)



Dreaming here (Mia's) 

Not used to traffic...  Busy.. Was feeling out the space.

It was filled with strange people...  Females arriving here for a meeting or party.


Wake n go back, next dream was working in a posh food market or stall.  

A fairground in the distance, surreal space.

A female I know is shopping... Stuff for a party.

I'm selling her exotic veg, strange shaped bottles of a dark port.

Cooking pots for clams... She already had box's of seafood.


She had bought lots, I'm helping her move it on a trolley.

It's heading to a party venue, we meet her bro first.

Then her cousin.. I realise I'd met the cousin before.

Red hair guy with amber eyes.  He was wearing a red and pink silk dress.

Ha's boobs, facial hair and we know one and other.


Inka?? 'Mouse, stay still... Your energy body is a mess'  Thanks.

'Relax, won't take long lower centres need a tune up'


Next an odd dream of multicolored fabric softener bottles all hanging upside down.

I felt like I was being rolled in something. 

Inka was about was like different layers, light then dark like a shell or cocoon or shield?? Hu?


'Bugs Ren, soft in and hard out... Semi permeable though so DW'  Hahahah



'You are with Fam mouse ok?'  Everywhere?  'Pretty much'

I'll sleep  'I'm waiting'  101 wake, I'd been gaming with Inka.

Fun, Balance.. Loci around too. 
At one point I was hopping on stuff to make tunes and music.


Jumbled stuff...  Chaotic processing.  Woke at 828 and herd infinity to infinity



Odd night...   Primary colours... Object big... Stacked like onion layers.


One very odd experience with Loci and Leon where we were at an invisible wall that had water and sea life

We walked threw it until we were walking on the bottom of a sea  with stuff swimming round us.

Water and mud...


Then a dream of a full car, white I'd been laying on the outside... Then I took a bus.


Hummmm  should have written earlier.. But went for a run and had to think about where I was n not getting lost.

 a dream of a space outside.  Lots of people, levels and meetings

Witches, Groups... Energy.. Teams... Symbolic meeting of opposites.

- Funny dream, same people.. But also people who had lived on Lion Lane and left.

Then Claire from collage n amber from Uni.. That was with Scotland/Newcastle.

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