Sunday, 1 August 2021

Growing Up!

Mouse wants home... Or a dada.. 'Sorry Ren we didn't mean to rebirth you come to me first' 

You lot being nice is fucking odd....  'We need to fix your recall' 

Mmmm  lol only now? 'Come bitch, I can be nice n still chew you out'   Plx do...  I'd not pass up a fight with you now 



I'm sorry...  'We know Ren.  Us too Jump to Inka'  This is all my fault?  System fault? 'Debug with Leon and crew Ren... Just come to us fast ok'    Why??


'We broke you mouse, need to put you right'  I don't feel broke?  'Yeh Bitch... You are always fine, we need to sort your protection to outside'   ???  HU?  Why??
'Cause you need help with it here please'  

Good tunes!! :D  'Inka is coming for you Ren'   kk


Duno where I landed... First dream is an 80's VW camper van,


A trail of blood
Washing hands...  
Track in sand...    Gangs...  Blood on hands.

I'd woke at 454 then next at 545

I was with Darth Dad mainly but Inka was close.
I'd been trained as an assassin...

I was commenting I don't need to kill..

They laughed holding me saying 'you already did' 
I see the dream of getting Inka out of Asia before the virus..

🤣 Why is nothing in order 😂

I'd had another dream with Zak.. Him and a friend I'd never seen before.
Another mama had dropped him off. 
We were in a terrace of houses in the dark,

The 2 boys were 4 or 5 and were playing in the bath.

In one space I had wheels on my feet then a big blue scooter :D
I was playing in a massive skate park.

Then Inka and Darth Dad were treating me like a kid!
Darth Dad...teaching then yelling at me

Inka telling me stories 🙄 
lol like some bonkers fucked up astral family!

In another dream I'd been sent to sleep and dream in a bed of strangers.
It was making me uncomfortable as I felt like a child there.

'It's why we need to level you up fast again mouse'   lol

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